MDMA (Ecstasy) Prepared by: Shaina Horton ICC Student Prepared for: Duke Walker ICC Professor


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Page 1: Mdma


Prepared by: Shaina Horton

ICC Student

Prepared for: Duke Walker

ICC Professor

Page 2: Mdma

What is MDMA?• MDMA is 3,4-


• It is also known as Ecstasy.

• MDMA is derived from the oils of plants such as nutmeg, sassafras, saffron, dill, parsley seed, crocus, vanilla beans, and calamus.

• MDMA is an amphetamine derivative that is related chemically to both amphetamines and hallucinogens.

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The Synthesis Process of MDMA

• The synthesis of MDMA has four processes:– 1. extraction of safrole from sassafras oil, or

other sources (piperonal),

– 2. Isomerization of safrole into isosafrole by heating with NaOH or KOH,

– 3. Oxidizing isosafrole into MDP-2-P

– 4. Using the Leukart Reaction add N-methyl-N-forumyl-MDA to MDP-2-P resulting in MDMA

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Different Types Of Ecstasy

There are over 900 different types of ecstasy pills.

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What are the Physical Effects of MDMA use?

• The physiological effects that (MDMA) produce can vary immensely for each individual.

• The physiological effects of MDMA can begin to occur within 30 to 45 minutes after ingestion.

• MDMA effects every inch of the human body.

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MDMA’s Mechanism of Action.

• MDMA’s facilitation of synaptic release– a release of

dopamine– a blockage of

dopamine reuptake transporters.

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The short term effects of MDMA are:– Headache

– High blood pressure

– Nausea

– Vomiting

– rapid heart beat

– Trisma (clenching of the jaw)

– sweating

– Tremors

– Blurred vision

– muscle spasms

– backache

– tongue and cheek chewing

– bruxia (teeth grinding)

– dizziness

– dryness of mouth

– profound physical relaxation

– nystagmus (eye wiggles)

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More Physical Effects• The blockage of Dopamine

reuptake transporters can also lead to a total loss of the reuptake sites.

• MDMA acts as a Serotonin agonist and these agonist effects cause the damage to Serotonin nerve terminals and the loss of reuptake sites.

• MDMA can be quite damaging to the circulatory system, due to elevated blood pressure and heart rate for long periods of time.

• Kidney failure can occur as well as the death of large amounts of muscle tissue which can stop circulation, known as cardiovascular collapse.

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Long-term physiological effects from MDMA

• Heart/Circulatory Disease:– MDMA use puts stress on the heart, which in

the future can bring on heart attacks or stroke.

• Liver Disease: – For some people, usually those with pre-

existing liver problems, MDMA can prove to be hepatoxic.

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MDMA and Heat Stroke

• The greatest risk to have heat stroke is within a person who has a fairly low level of the enzyme in the liver that breaks down MDMA. People with a high level of enzyme on the other hand suffer a greater risk of brain damage.

• This is the result of a physiological responses going unnoticed.

• Heat stroke is very common while under the influence of MDMA.

• The body's temperature is regulated by the serotonine system.

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MDMA and the Serotonin System• The disturbances of the serotonin system that MDMA

causes may lead to the regulation going haywire.

• This may lead to a traumatic effect on the body's muscle tissue. – The muscle is dissolved and floats into the blood stream.

– Patients being hit with this response find it for example, hard to walk, because the muscles no longer are whole and strong enough.

– Via the blood stream muscle fibers enter the kidneys and thus there is also a risk that those will be Damaged as well.

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MDMA and Water.

• Another cause of possible death is a result from an exaggerated consumption of water.

• A common place of recreational MDMA use is at 'raves'. Or underground all night dance parties. – A person experiencing the effects of MDMA will dance for lengthy

periods of time at which point they will no longer pay attention to there body's need of replenishing itself.

– The person will then drink extraordinary amounts of water to "make up" for dancing for so long and being so hot. This is extremely dangerous.

– An excess of water can lead to water intoxication. This is a case in which water floods the body's cells causing cells to swell and then burst. This can end in death.

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MDMA, Pain, and the Immune System.

• MDMA users may experience a decreased resistance to disease. Scientists do not know whether this is from the pharmacological "body load" of MDMA, or the heightened activities that are involved with MDMA such as dancing and close contact with other people.

• MDMA's lessens the awareness of pain.– The person will not

notice the pain their body is in if they are sustaining blisters, bruises, cuts, etc.

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Behavioral Effects of MDMA

• When MDMA was first developed it was used in marriage counseling.

• MDMA is nicknamed the love drug.– This is because of the need for intimacy many

users feel while under the influence of this drug.

– Out of a group of twenty MDMA users 80% reported a decrease in defensiveness.

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Short Term Behavioral Effects

• Many people have reported being more “open” with people when using this drug.

• Assuming one doesn’t feel the negative effect of this drug, people under the influence of this drug will appear:

– Happy

– Playful

– Energetic

– Excited

– Cuddly

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Adverse Behavioral Effects.

• The behavioral effect which is perhaps most common among users of MDMA is a severe mood depression following use of Ecstasy.

• Persistent insomnia

• agitation

• depression

• psychosis

• hallucinations

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MDMA and Time

• Many users describe feeling an altered perception of time.

• Time was:– “compressed”

– “dilated”

– “expanded”

– “slowed down”

– “sped up”

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MDMA and Vision

• A little over half of MDMA users reported any change in visual perception.

• They report to be as if they are being absorbed by color and light. – That is why many raves

contain bright colors, strobe lights, or black lights.

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Raves• Raves are huge

underground dance parties.

• These types of parties are usually large, loud, and full of people under the influence of illegal drugs.

• Despite the size of the party, and the number of people involved in them, raves rarely end in any violence.

• This is because of the effect that MDMA has on mood and aggressiveness.

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Raves• Those who attend raves

generally are scantily dressed or wear bright colors with different textures.

• They often have pacifiers or something else to suck on.

• Light shows are also very common. Light shows are a dance using glow sticks or micro lights usually performed at a rave or dance clubs.

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