+ Media Literacy & Media Mindfulness Evangelization Encounter 2013 St. Thecla’s Retreat House Sr. Rose Pacatte. FSP © Daughters of St. Paul

Media literacy and media mindfulness in the context of evangelization

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This is a media literacy/media mindfulness refresher presentation for those working in faith formation, catechesis, and religious education as well as Catholic Christian parents and teachers and anyone interested in integrating media literacy within the context of culture, education and faith formation

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  • 1. + Media Literacy & Media Mindfulness Evangelization Encounter 2013 St. Theclas Retreat House Sr. Rose Pacatte. FSP Daughters of St. Paul

2. + What is media mindfulness/media literacy to you? 3. + The media: love them or hate them they are not going away 4. + 5. + 6. + From the Constitutions (Rule) of the Daughters of St. Paul 25. There are two main types of media formation and education projects important to the Daughters of St. Paul. One is the formation of professional and religious communicators and apostolic opinion leaders to use media for the work of evangelization. The second is the education and formation of the audience to critically discern the messages communicated through traditional mass media and emerging forms of social communication. (1984) 7. + What is media literacy? What is media mindfulness? Media literacy education provides a framework and pedagogy for the new literacy needed for living, working, and citizenship for the 21st century. 8. + Life skills Media literacy education paves the way to mastering the skills required for lifelong learning in a constantly changing world E. Thoman and T. Jolls, 2004 9. + Media Literacy Means teaching and learning about media. Values, and the critical skills necessary for living in the 21st century. 10. + 11. + Quest for meaning Media education is a quest for meaning. Much of the value of a quest lies in the search itself as in the achievement of the goal. Chris Worsnop in Screening Images 12. + Media Mindfulness Media Mindfulness is media literacy education in the context of faith formation. 13. + Media Mindfulness Media mindfulness expands media literacy education to include teaching, learning, and forming those with whom we share faith. 14. + Media Mindfulness Media and popular culture are considered within the context of Gospel or biblical and community values in addition to the human and democratic values that characterize media literacy. 15. + Media Mindfulness Media Mindfulness develops an understanding of the power of media and how they influence our lives and faith. 16. + 1. Become media literate 2. Make media the subject of catechesis 3. Advocate for pro-social media 4. Make media 5. Use media in catechesis 17. + What Media Literacy is NOT Media 'bashing' is NOT media literacy, however media literacy sometimes involves criticizing the media. Merely producing media is NOT media literacy, although media literacy should include media production. Just teaching with videos or other mediated content is NOT media literacy; one must also teach about media. Only looking for good messages or bad messages; media literacy is about understanding and making meaning 18. + What Media Literacy is not, cont. Simply looking for political agendas, stereotypes or misrepresentations is NOT media literacy; there should also be an exploration of the systems making those representations appear "normal. Looking at a media message or a mediated experience from just one perspective is NOT media literacy because media should be examined from multiple positions. Media Literacy does NOT mean "don't watch;" it means "watch carefully, think critically." With thanks to Renee Hobbs, Chris Worsnop, Neil Andersen, Jeff Share and Scott Sullivan 19. + 20. + Strategy: Inquiry, i.e. asking questions Theological reflection: Listen Reflect Dialogue Act Media Literacy: Access Analyze Evaluate Communicate/Create 21. + 22. + Ways to Help Young Children Mind the Media Pre-K through 2nd Grade 23. + Whats your current strategy for helping young children mind the media? Not in my house you dont?! Turn it off! ? 24. + What is your attitude toward the media? The Churchs attitude: The media are gifts of God What does this mean in practical terms? The media are a garden and a mine field so 25. + Media Mindfulness Media mindfulness is a strategy based in media literacy that uses inquiry (asking questions) to Become aware Establish communication Talk about what matters: values Involve the childs moral imagination 26. + Media Smart Family 1. Talk to your children from the day you bring them home from the hospital so they will know that communication in your family is normal. As a family therapist once said, Talking about unimportant things at home opens up the possibility to then talk about important things. 27. + Media Smart Family 2. Articulate your human and Gospel values, those ideas, and ideals that guide your life, such as honesty, community, fidelity, and, faith and love. 28. + Media Smart Family 3. Talk about your values as you watch television with your children, the same way you would as if you are reading a book with them. Ask questions: do you think that was a good thing for that character to do? What would you have done? What was the right thing to do? 29. + Media Smart Family 4. Place the television and computer in a central place in the home, not I bedrooms. 30. + Media Smart Family 5. Make a contract with your children and teens about television, the Internet, cell phones, and other devices. Visit www.safekids.com for ideas. Remember, you have to sign the contract, too. (The Media Smart Family (English & Spanish and Portuguese) is from Our Media World: Teaching Kids K-8 about Faith and Media 31. + The Mommy Bar The ticker crawl or bar running during daytime cartoons for young children on the Cartoon Network for mothers watching TV with their kids A researcher in New York wondered if this could be harnessed to promote the educational value of television (The Mommy Bar slides are from Shalom Fisch, PhD; Media Kids Research and Consulting; Teaneck, NJ) 32. + The Mommy Bar From recipes, jokes and ads to the kinds of questions and comments that parents use when reading a book to a child 33. + The Enhanced Mommy Bar Infer emotions: He looks surprised! How do you think he feels? Encourage child to participate (counting, spelling) Evaluate characters actions and on screen events: was that a good thing to do? What do you think he should do? If that were you, what would you do? Comment: Hmm. See what happens when he cleans his room? Suggest specific comments or behaviors Label: thats a dog Ask the child to retell the story Relate life to stories; connect to life; tying to kids lives: thats like when we went to grandmas house and had ice cream on the way 34. + Before you choose & after you watch 35. + The Bible: Its all true and come of it actually happened Age (concrete/abstract thinkers) 36. + 37. + 38. + 39. + 40. + 41. + Vademecum List 3 ideas you can take away with you as ways to help young kids mind the media 1. 2. 3.