Method : Approach, Design, and Procedure By Mahdi Hasanpour Khatam University of Tehran 2013

Method: Approach, Design, Procedure

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Page 1: Method: Approach, Design, Procedure

Method :

Approach, Design, and Procedure

By Mahdi HasanpourKhatam University of Tehran 2013

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• Approach

• Method

• Technique

Edward Antony’s original proposal (1963)

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The level at which assumptions and beliefs about language and language learning are specified.Approach is axiomatic .

Method :

The level at which the theory is put into practice. It’s an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material that is based upon the selected approach.Method is procedural.

Technique :

The level at which classroom procedures are described.Technique is implementational.

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Audio-lingual & Situational Methods

Structural Linguistics and Behavioristic Psychology

Cognitive Code Learning

Cognitive Psychology & Generative Transformational Linguistics

Direct Method

Assumption is very weak

Grammar-Translation Method

Theory less

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Audio-Lingual Method:

Uses dialogues and drills that are carefully graded.Principles of Structural Descriptive Linguistics


Audio-Lingual Method:

Uses pattern practice as one of its techniques.Principles of Behaviorism

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According to Antony :

This model is a useful way of distinguishing between different degrees of

Abstraction and Specificity found in different language teaching proposals.


This has the advantage of simplicity and comprehensiveness and serves as a way of finding the relationship between underlying theoretical principles and the practices derived from the method.

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Edward Antony fails to give sufficient attention to the Nature of a Method itself.

His proposal fails to account for:

How an approach may be realized into a method

How method and technique are related

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Approach Design Procedure

Jack C . Richards & Ted Rodgers Model (1986)

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Approach :

It defines assumptions, beliefs, and theories about the nature of language and language learning.

Design :

It specifies the relationship of these theories to classroom materials and activities.

Procedure :

These are the techniques and practices that are derived from one’s approach and design.

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Two main streams of thought in language teaching methods :


They rely on forms, deductive form of teaching, artificial exercises, written language,…


They rely on acts, inductive form of teaching, natural communicative exercises, speaking,…

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Different Views on Methods & Approaches derived from:

The nature of language

The nature of language learning

Goals and objectives in teaching

The type of syllabus to use

The role of teachers , learners, and instructional materials

The techniques and procedures to use


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Theoretical Views of language & the nature of language:

Structural view

Language is a system of structurally related elements for the coding of meaning.

Phonological units ( Phonemes)Grammatical units ( Clauses, Phrases,...)Grammatical Operations (Adding, Shifting, Joining,…)Lexical Items (Function words and Content words)

Functional view

Language is a vehicle for the expression of functional meaning.

Wilkins’s Notional/ Functional SyllabusesEnglish for Specific Purposes (ESP)

Interactional view

Language is a vehicle for the realization of interpersonal relations and for the performance of social transactions between individuals.

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Theory of Language Learning

Process-Oriented Theories:

It builds on learning processes, such as habit formation, induction, inferencing, hypothesis testing and generalization.

Condition-Oriented Theories:

It emphasizes the nature of the human and physical context in which language learning takes place.

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Stephen Krashen’s Monitor Model

At the level of the process: He distinguishes between acquisition and learning. •Acquisition : The natural assimilation of language rules through using language for communication.

•Learning: The formal study of language rules and it’s a conscious process.Learning is available as a monitor.

At the level of the condition: He addresses the conditions necessary for the process of acquisition to take place.He describes it as a type of “ Input”.

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A Specification of the role of Learners

The types of learning tasks set for learners The degree of control learners have over the content of learning The patterns of learner groupings which are recommended or implied The degree to which learners influence the learning of others The view of the learner as a processor , performer, initiator, problem solver

A Specification of the role of Teachers

The type of functions teachers fulfill The degree of control or teacher influence over learning The degree to which the teacher determines linguistic content The types of interaction between teachers and learners

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A Specification of the role of Materials

The primary goal of materials

The form materials take ( e.g., textbook, audiovisual format, etc.)

The relation materials have to other source of input

The assumptions the materials make about teachers and learners

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