Meeting n°1 Meeting n°1 Methodology Methodology Oct 2010 Oct 2010 Run by Run by Mrs. Faiza YOUSFI-Tipaza-Algeria – Mrs. Faiza YOUSFI-Tipaza-Algeria – [email protected] [email protected]


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Page 1: Methodology

Meeting n°1Meeting n°1


Oct 2010Oct 2010

Run byRun by

Mrs. Faiza YOUSFI-Tipaza-Algeria –Mrs. Faiza YOUSFI-Tipaza-Algeria –[email protected]@hotmail.fr

Page 2: Methodology

The mediocre teacher The mediocre teacher tellstellsThe good teacher The good teacher explains explains The superior teacher The superior teacher demonstratesdemonstrates The great teacher The great teacher inspiresinspires William Arthur WardWilliam Arthur Ward

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Choose one of the following topics:Choose one of the following topics:Speak about your first meeting with your Speak about your first meeting with your

pupils.pupils.How do you react to pupils misbehaviour?How do you react to pupils misbehaviour?How did you prepare your first lesson?How did you prepare your first lesson?Speak about something special that Speak about something special that

happened to you in class.happened to you in class.What do you expect from supervisors What do you expect from supervisors

(inspectors)? (inspectors)?

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AgendaAgendaMethodology Methodology Learning StylesLearning StylesLearning Strategies Learning Strategies

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MethodologyMethodologyGlossary Glossary Language Learning Theories Vs Language Learning Theories Vs

Language Teaching MethodologyLanguage Teaching MethodologyLanguage Learning TheoriesLanguage Learning TheoriesLanguage Teaching Language Teaching

MethodologyMethodologyCompetency –Based ApproachCompetency –Based Approach

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GlossaryGlossary Define the following terms:Define the following terms:

Learning Learning Acquisition Acquisition ApproachApproachMethodMethodProcedureProcedure

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LearningLearningLearning is the conscious Learning is the conscious

focusing in on the construction of focusing in on the construction of language.language.

Learning occurs through formal teaching, Learning occurs through formal teaching, it is based on accuracy, drilling and it is based on accuracy, drilling and correcting errors. correcting errors.

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Acquisit ionAcquisit ionLanguage acquisition refers to an Language acquisition refers to an

unconscious process that involves the unconscious process that involves the naturalistic development of language naturalistic development of language proficiency through understanding proficiency through understanding language and through using language for language and through using language for meaningful communication.meaningful communication.

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Approaches refer to theories about Approaches refer to theories about the nature of language and language the nature of language and language learning which are the source of the learning which are the source of the way things are done in the classroomway things are done in the classroom

They represent language teaching They represent language teaching philosophies that can be interpreted philosophies that can be interpreted and be applied in a variety of ways in and be applied in a variety of ways in the classroom.the classroom.

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MethodMethodA method is the particular A method is the particular

realization of an approach.realization of an approach.Methods are held to be fixed Methods are held to be fixed

teaching systems with described teaching systems with described techniques and practices.techniques and practices.

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ProcedureProcedureA procedure is an ordered A procedure is an ordered

sequence of techniques.sequence of techniques.

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Language Learning Language Learning TheoriesTheories

1.1. Behaviourism:Behaviourism: learning as habit formation learning as habit formation 2.2. Mentalism:Mentalism: The mind is regarded as a rule The mind is regarded as a rule

seeker.seeker. 3.3. Cognit ive CodeCognit ive Code : : Learners as thinking beings. Learners as thinking beings. 4.4. The Affective Factor:The Affective Factor: Learners as emotional Learners as emotional

beings.beings.5.5. Learning and Acquisit ion:Learning and Acquisit ion: TheThe acquisit ion / acquisit ion /

learning Hypothesis claims that there are two learning Hypothesis claims that there are two dist inct ive ways of developing competence in a dist inct ive ways of developing competence in a second or foreign language.second or foreign language.

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Language Teaching MethodologyLanguage Teaching MethodologySituational Language TeachingSituational Language Teaching Audio-lingualismAudio-lingualismTotal Physical ResponseTotal Physical ResponseThe Silent WayThe Silent WayCommunity Language LearningCommunity Language LearningThe Natural Approach SuggestopediaThe Natural Approach SuggestopediaCommunicative Language TeachingCommunicative Language Teaching

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Competency-Based Approach Competency-Based Approach The competency-based approach is based on

l inking learning carried out at school to varied and relevant contexts-of-use in order to make the learning useful and durable.The aim is for students to develop intellectual, linguistic and problem-solving capacities in school that will enable them to tackle cognitively and pragmatically challenging situations both in and out of school . Students will thus see learning as being worthwhile and having relevance both for their studies and their future.

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Learning StylesLearning Styles

How do you learn How do you learn best?best?

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What’s a perceptual style?What’s a perceptual style? The way a person learns, remembers and understands bestThe way a person learns, remembers and understands best The way a person gets information best.The way a person gets information best.

There are four perceptual styles:There are four perceptual styles:1.1. VisualVisual : learners who get information best by seeing it.: learners who get information best by seeing it.

Visual verbal learners like to see information in the form of Visual verbal learners like to see information in the form of words or written language.words or written language.

Visual non-verbal learners like to see information in graphic Visual non-verbal learners like to see information in graphic form (charts, tables, graphs, pictures, symbols or graphic form (charts, tables, graphs, pictures, symbols or graphic organizers.organizers.

1.1. AuditoryAuditory : learners who get new information best by hearing : learners who get new information best by hearing student.student.

2.2. KinestheticKinesthetic : learners who get new information best by doing : learners who get new information best by doing or moving.or moving.

3.3. Tacti leTacti le : learners who get new information best by touching or : learners who get new information best by touching or holding it.holding it.

NB: Some psychologist group kinesthetic and tactile styles NB: Some psychologist group kinesthetic and tactile styles together and call them together and call them haptichaptic

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Learning styles

Visual Auditory Kinesthetic

To learn by seeing things To learn by

l istening to thingsTo learn bydoing things

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How can I identify different perceptual styles?How can I identify different perceptual styles? Watch the students:Watch the students: Visual learnersVisual learners are happy when the teacher are happy when the teacher

writeswrites words or instructions on the board, and words or instructions on the board, and wants to know how things are wants to know how things are spelledspelled. They have . They have difficulty understanding spoken instructions.difficulty understanding spoken instructions.

Auditory learnersAuditory learners often often repeatrepeat words to words to themselves. They may move their lips while themselves. They may move their lips while reading.reading.

KinestheticKinesthetic learners are always learners are always movingmoving. They . They can’t sit still and are always tapping their feet or can’t sit still and are always tapping their feet or rocking.rocking.

Tacti le learnersTacti le learners want to want to holdhold something or something or touchtouch something.something.

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What teaching activit ies are good for different What teaching activit ies are good for different perceptual styles?perceptual styles?

VisualVisual Visual verbalVisual verbal: reading or writing texts, writing instructions, : reading or writing texts, writing instructions,

questions or answers on the board.questions or answers on the board. Visual non verbalVisual non verbal: Reading or making graphic organizers or : Reading or making graphic organizers or

pictures, using different colors to organize information.pictures, using different colors to organize information.Auditory:Auditory: listening to stories, listening to or making dialogs, listening to stories, listening to or making dialogs,

repeating new words, learning songs or jazz chants, lectures.repeating new words, learning songs or jazz chants, lectures.Kinesthetic:Kinesthetic: role plays, group work, students write answer on role plays, group work, students write answer on

the blackboard, running dictation.the blackboard, running dictation.Tacti le:Tacti le: holding objects, cards or pictures holding objects, cards or picturesN.B: Some activities are good for more than one perceptual style: N.B: Some activities are good for more than one perceptual style:

flash cards are both visual and tactile. If students repeat the flash cards are both visual and tactile. If students repeat the words while reading it is both auditory and kinesthetic. words while reading it is both auditory and kinesthetic.

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Learning StrategiesLearning Strategies

What’s a learning What’s a learning strategy?strategy?

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What’s a learning strategy?What’s a learning strategy? A learning strategy is an action or A learning strategy is an action or

technique that learners use to improve technique that learners use to improve their ability to learn and remember new their ability to learn and remember new information.information.

The selection of learning strategies The selection of learning strategies depends on the task and the student’s depends on the task and the student’s learning preferences.learning preferences.

Teachers should provide learning Teachers should provide learning strategy instruction and practice as part strategy instruction and practice as part of regular classroom instruction.of regular classroom instruction.