Midterm Report Opokuware Girls Academy @Esreso, A/R ICT Instructor 252 Misako Uehara

Midtermreport uehara

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The midterm report of my 2 years volunteer work at Ghana.

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Midterm  ReportOpokuware  Girlsʼ’  Academy@Esreso,  A/RICT  Instructor

25-‐‑‒2Misako  Uehara

Page 2: Midtermreport uehara

•  School  Overview•  General  info•  ICT  education

•  Activity  Review•  Lessons  and  Exams•  Introduce  40  donated  PCs

•  Future  Plan


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School  Overview  -‐‑‒General  info-‐‑‒  •  Located  in  Esreso,  near  Kumasi•  Vocational  school  for  girls  students  having  a  junior  high  school  degree

•  3  courses  (Fashion,  Catering  ,Hair  Dressing)•  Almost  120  students  in  total  (in  July  2014)

•  Private  school  founded  in  1965•  The  founder  is  the  mother  of  the  principal  who  lived  in  England  for  20  years

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School  Overview  -‐‑‒ICT  education-‐‑‒  •  Almost  all  of  students  havenʼ’t  got  used  to  computers

•  Weak  ICT  facility  (only  2  desktops  are  usable)•  No  ICT  instructor  except  me

•  High  expectation  from  both  students  and  their  parents  


Good  Class Bad  Class Most  of  students  cannot  use  PCs 3students  

 for  1  PC

Helping  each  other

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Activity  Review  -‐‑‒Lessons  and  exams-‐‑‒  •  1st  term  (2013/11〜~2014/2)•  Finger  Position•  Typing  exercise  using  Typing  software

•  2nd  term  (2014/6〜~2014/7)•  Mouse  operation  exercise  using  paint  application


K L ;

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Activity  Review  -‐‑‒Lessons  and  exams-‐‑‒  •  1st  term  (2013/11〜~2014/2)Typing  exercise  using  Typing  software


Exam  Result Number  of  StudentsSpeed  (wpm)

Accuracy  (%)

Average  (wpm)

Exam  taker Total Attendance(%)(※)

Form1 8.6   94.2   8.1   21   49   42.9  TVET2 10.9   95.3   10.4   12   14   85.7  2AC 6.6   89.8   5.9   17   26   65.4  2AG 9.0   97.7   8.8   3   23   13.0  TVET3 10.7   96.1   10.3   23   29   79.3  3AC 12.8   95.0   12.2   9   21   42.9  3AG 7.6   85.7   6.5   11   12   91.7  3BC/3BG 7.5   96.0   7.2   2   11   18.2  

(※)  ABendance  means  the  raDo  of  the  number  of  students  who  took  exams  to  total  number  of  students

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Activity  Review  -‐‑‒Lessons  and  exams-‐‑‒  •  2nd  term  (2014/6〜~2014/7)Mouse  operation  exercise  using  Paint  applicationWriting  exam  about  the  use  of  keyboard


Exam  Result Number  of  StudentsAttendance(20%)(※1)

Writing  Exam(30%)

Practical  Exam(50%)


Exam  taker(Writing)

Exam  taker(Practical)Total

Attendance(Writing)(%)  (※2)

Attendance(Practical)(%)  (※2)

1C 10.3   8.4   8.3   27.1   21   18   27   77.8   66.7  1F 4.2   13.8   10.5   28.5   15   11   15   100.0   73.3  1H 3.3   7.7   3.3   14.3   3   3   3   100.0   100.0  TVET2 9.4   16.9   29.1   42.2   14   11   16   87.5   68.8  3BC/G 8.5   10.3   5.0   16.0   8   6   10   80.0   60.0  (※1)  Attendance  means  the  average  attendance  rate  of  the  regular  classes(※2)  Attendance  means  the  ratio  of  the  number  of  students  who  took  exams  to  total  number  of  students


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Activity  Review  -‐‑‒Introduce  40  Donated  PCs-‐‑‒  •  37  donated  PCs  havenʼ’t  been  received  yet

•  School  has  already  paid  167,700  yen  •  Tax  for  PCs  said  to  be  15,000  GHS  (≒404,602  yen)

•  4months  of  delay  for  my  plan

How  batteries  carried  by  my  friend  are  taken  at  the  airport    

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Suggestion  -‐‑‒Introduce  40  Donated  PCs-‐‑‒  •  Recipient  should  be  JICA  volunteer  not  schoolOtherwise  JICA  cannot  issue  the  letter

•  The  letter  from  MOE  and  MOF  is  important

•  If  you  ask  someone  to  carry  the  item,  ask  them  to  carry  it  in  the  suitcase

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Future  Plan•  Regular  assigned  work•  ICT  lessons  for  all  students  1  lesson/week•  ICT  examination  for  assessment

•  For  future  ICT  education•  Cultivate  permanent  Ghanaian  ICT  Instructor•  Continuing  effort  to  improve  ICT  facility

•  Special  ICT  education•  Skype  communication  w/  Japanese  Students•  Introducing  the  educational  use  of  internet    

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