MoodlePosium 2010 Mashing up social media with Moodle Lubna Alam Faculty of Information Sciences & Engineering [email protected] / @lubnaalam Blog: Lubnaalam.Wordpress.com Presentation slides:

Moodleposium 2010 v1

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Presentation slides of Moodleposium 2010. I talked about how I integrated Social medial tools like blogs, wiki, Twitter to develop digital citizenship skills among students.

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MoodlePosium 2010 Mashing up social media with Moodle

Lubna AlamFaculty of Information Sciences & [email protected]/ @lubnaalamBlog: Lubnaalam.Wordpress.comPresentation slides:

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What is this talk about?

• Developing a platform of learning and communication to facilitate digital citizenship

• Two things:– integrating social tools using

pedagogy 2.0 principles in Moodle.

– Scenarios of teaching students the digital skills to participate in civic engagement.

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MotivationsParticipatory & responsible



Media tool

s e.g. Web


Citizen 2.0

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tools e.g. Web 2.0

Learner driven



paradigm (aka Pedagogy 2.0)



ip Skills

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Social Informatics

• third year elective for both UG & PG IT students at UC.

• Learning outcomes:1. To analyse and evaluate the impacts of the

design choices made by information professionals and various technologies on people, organisations and society.

2. Deploy theoretical frameworks to analyse the complex relationships among information technology, people, and institutions in any social setting

3. Use digital tools to participate in civic engagement

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The four dimensions of social and citizenship competence in teaching & learning

Source: Alam & McLoughlin (2010) (Adapted from Lara & Naval, 2009 & Bennett et al, 2008)

Social and citizenship competence

Conceptual (knowledge & understanding)- Knowledge and comprehension

- Critical reflection-Receiving & producing information

Procedural (skills):- technical skills improvement

Communicating- Accepting and practicing social rules

-widening social networks

Attitudinal (values & dispositions):- Considering of a set of values

- Respectful behaviour with the environment, -cultural and natural patrimony and the

sustainable-Development of a new course of action

Instructional Strategies

Project management Peer teachingCase solving

peer-2-peer learningWebQuest

Work-integrated learning Collaborative learning Collective Intelligence

Learner-centred instruction student generated Content

Blending learningginformal learningMobile learningPersonalisation

Community of learningSelf-regulated learning

distributed intelligence Experiential learning

Four Dimensions

Web 2.0 ApplicationsBlogs Wikis RSS/Content aggregators Microblogs

Social bookmarking Social Networks Documents sharing Multimedia sharing

Idea generation & voting Professional networking

Civic learning stylesinteractive project-based

peer-to-peer networked information sharingparticipatory media creation

preference for democratic environmentscontent creation

Assess credibility/peer assessment

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A blended learning approachThe design of the learning environment incorporates multiple participatory digital social tools where students can share ideas and co-create content to enable them to engage fully in the knowledge society

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The Moodle Mash up

Blog RSS


Twitter Search Widget

Delicious Bookmarks

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Assessment item (including exams held in the exam


Due date of assignments

Weighting Addresses Learning outcomes

Addresses Generic Skills

Group (2-3 students) Assessment

Review of Professional Information Sources

Tutorials in week 6 & 7

20% 2 1, 3, 5, 7

Individual Assessment:

Weekly participation tutorials/online 20% 1-3 1,4,5, 9

Issues paper Tutorials in weeks 5, 9, 12 & 13

40% 1-3 1, 3, 4, 8

Examination Exam period 20% 1-3 1, 4

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Tutorial & participation

• Participation– Participation during class discussion– Participation using social media• Wiki contribution• Blog contribution• Twitter contribution• Delicious bookmark contribution

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Digital Citizenship Skills development scenarios

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Idea generation & Online voting

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Wiki & reading brick

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Twitter Model

• A hastag: socInfo to share content

• Tweetchat for following a conversation in real-time

• Visibletweets in lecture

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Follow a conversation,

topic of interest e.g.

#election 2010,


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Reflections – first 7 weeks

• Tool perspectives– Usual hiccups e.g. with

blogpress installation. Ended up using external blog site. GO Moodle 2.0!!

– Twitter widget: acting strange. Needed to archive it. Is twitter the best tool for micro-content sharing?

– Wiki contribution is slow, need more scaffolding

• Participation perspectives– Myth busted yet again!

Students do need training– General excitement is there,

however students finding it hard to see the benefits of these social tools

– Need to have the carrot (or marks assigned to activities)

– Assignments can be re-written to integrate these tools for sharing widely

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• TLC– Leonard-Low– Alan Arnold– Arshad Husannee

• Jason Weber from ISE• Catherine McLoughlin, ACU

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References• Bennett, W.L., Wells, C. & Rank, A. (2008) Young citizens and civic learning: two paradigms of

citizenship in the digital age. Report from the Civic learning online project • Lara, S. & Naval, C. (2009) Educative proposal of web 2.0 for the encouragement of social and

citizenship competence. In G. Siemens & C. Fulford (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2009 (pp. 47-52). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

• McLoughlin, C. & Lee, M. J. W. (2007). Social software and participatory learning: Pedagogical choices with technology affordances in the Web 2.0 era. In ICT: Providing choices forlearners and learning. Proceedings ascilite Singapore 2007. http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/singapore07/procs/mcloughlin.pdf

• O'Brien, J. (2008). Are we preparing young people for 21st-century citizenship with 20th century thinking? A case for a virtual laboratory of democracy. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher

• Richards, R. (2010) Digital citizenship and web 2.0 tools. MERLOT Journal of online learning and teaching. Vol6(2), June 2010

• Westheimer, J. & Kahne, J. (2004). What Kind of Citizen? The Politics of Educating for Democracy. American Educational Research Journal. Summer 2004,41(2)

• Alam, SL & McLoughlin, C (2010, forthcoming). Using digital tools to connect learners: present and future scenarios for citizenship 2.0. In C. Steel, M.J. Keppell & P. Gerbic, Curriculum, technology & transformation for an unknown future. Proceedings Ascilite Sydney 2010.

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Image References• Social http://www.inf.usi.ch/postdoc/lelli/imgIndexArticle/social_network.jpg • Informal Education http://www.infed.org/images/illustrations/artists_models.jpg • Social Media http://www.penn-olson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/social-media2.png • Question

http://www.curvedetroit.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/question-mark1.jpg • Participation


• Computer lab image: http://radhakrishaninstitute.com/Prateek/ComputerLab.jpg

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Any Questions?

Please participate!

Unit Moodle:http://learnonline.canberra.edu.au/course/view.php?id=4791

Unit blog:http://ise.canberra.edu.au/socialinformatics/

Unit Wiki:http://ucspace.canberra.edu.au/display/SocInfo/Home

Twitter hashtag: #socInfo