Motion Structures: opacity and translation Everardo Reyes Université Paris 8 / Lab. Paragraphe

Motion Structures: opacity and translation

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Page 1: Motion Structures: opacity and translation

Motion Structures: opacity and translation

Everardo Reyes

Université Paris 8 / Lab. Paragraphe

Page 2: Motion Structures: opacity and translation

Motion Structure of Bill Viola’s Intimate Work (2008)

1.2 K images

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Image sequence ImageJ






Page 4: Motion Structures: opacity and translation

Google home page, from 1998 to 2015

200+ images

Page 5: Motion Structures: opacity and translation

Google home page, from 1998 to 2015

Orthoslice view and Surface View

Page 6: Motion Structures: opacity and translation

// motionStructure-v2// this version replaces and extends the latest imageToObject 0.1

// Script written in ImageJ Macro Language (IJM)

// Description:// This macro makes a digital 3D object out of an image sequence// It asks for a directory path, then impots all images, converts them to 8-bit, substracts background, applies a smooth filter and runs the 3D viewer with some predefined parameters

// To run the macro: open ImageJ, from the top menu Plugin, select Macros then Run… choose the file from your local disk.

// For information on how to use imageJ, see// http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/

// Last modification: November 3, 2015, in Paris.// By: Everardo Reyes Garcia// http://ereyes.net

dir = getDirectory("Choose image sequence");list = getFileList(dir);

print("directory contains " + list.length + " files");

run("Image Sequence...", dir);

name = getTitle; print(name);

run("8-bit");run("Subtract Background...", "rolling=50 stack");run("Smooth", "stack");

// Display as Volume (last parameter in 0). Goes faster if no immediate need to export as OBJrun("3D Viewer");call("ij3d.ImageJ3DViewer.add", name, "None", name, "0", "true", "true", "true", "2", "0");selectWindow(name);

Source code of motionStructure.ijm

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Flowchart of motionStructure.ijm

Page 8: Motion Structures: opacity and translation

Under the hood of 3D Viewer

Page 9: Motion Structures: opacity and translation

Under the hood of Marching cubes algorithm,

W. Lorensen & H. Cline, 1987

Page 10: Motion Structures: opacity and translation

Can we translate from

one domain to another ?

scientific images digital humanities

Page 11: Motion Structures: opacity and translation

L. Manovich

Art and Electronic Media

Software Takes Command

E. Shanken

El Software Toma el Mando (2013)

Inventar el Futuro (2012)

3K readers

300+ readers

My own translation experiences

Page 12: Motion Structures: opacity and translation



Alter-culture Ego-cultureSame Ego-culture as receiver



to target to source


to target to source

A double act of communication


Transforms the artefact into an object of his/her own experience

Can be a member of the same culture as the sender or as the receiver

[ Schema adapted from: Sonesson, 2011 ]

Page 13: Motion Structures: opacity and translation

Translation != encoding, transference, transportation, transposition

Translation == communication

• Receiver and sender are active

• Different cultures of sender and receiver

• They have to retrieve resources from of each other


• Presenting an artefact to another subject

• Assigning him/her the task of transforming it by means of

concretization into a percept

• Creating the artifact is a social act: it is determined by a set of

norms (aesthetic, social political, psychological or of any kind)

Page 14: Motion Structures: opacity and translation

Intra-linguistic: changing one word/phrase of the same language for another

Inter-linguistic: from one verbal language to another

Intra-pictorial: exchanging one drawing for another

Inter-pictorial: substituting a photograph for a drawing

Intra-interfacial: substituting a “bouton” for another of a different kind

Inter-interfacial: exchanging a “bouton” for a slider

Inter-semiotic translation: transference of the content from one kind of

semiotic medium to another (e.g. novel ➜ film)

We are dealing with inter-semiotic translation

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It is a transposition of elements from the whole culture

Sometimes happen implicit intersemiosis

Challenge of deformations

• Receiving culture has to create its own version of foreign elements

• Are there domains more oriented towards Receiver than Sender?

From Digital ➜ Humanities

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Thank you for your attention

Everardo REYES

Université Paris 8 / Lab. Paragraphe