Miss Fiona Stewart

Mrs Stewart P3

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Page 1: Mrs Stewart P3

Miss Fiona Stewart

Page 2: Mrs Stewart P3

Other Adults in P3


PE – Miss Power

Music- Mrs Tracey Brockie

Support for Learning Teacher – Mrs Margaret Noble

Support for Learning Assistants –

Mrs Lagan

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Class Routines

Know ‘n’ Grow –

settling in, time to talk to children, opportunities for learning,

Signposting, feelings, GIRFEC

Morning organisation -

Homework Diaries – notes/forms

Dinners – bands, packed lunches

Lunch Time –

self organisation, handwashing, toilets, no return during lunch

Home Time -

bag packing, remembering items!


Lolly sticks, thumbs and traffic lights

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School/Parent communication

Homework diary

If you need to speak to

someone in school –

phone/write/make an

appointment to come in

Mornings & end of day –

quick questions

Homework Diary

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Class Organisation

Learning Organisation

Whole class activities

Group Task

Following directed activities


Children have a different learning partner each week.

These change on a Monday using lolly sticks.

Children’s trays – own items

Class Responsibilities – library, jackets, packed lunches


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Behaviour, Responsibilities & Rewards Living Our Values – whole school

Respect, Trust, Courage, Tolerance, Justice, Happiness,

Caring, Hope, Love & Peace

Star of The Week

one pupil each week with specific reason given

focus on values and effort.

Contracts – class rules

Traffic Lights

Our Partnership: How can you help?

signing/responding to comments

talking to your child

Restorative Practice - ‘justice for all’

RESPECT – for everybody by listening to opinions of others

RESPONSIBILITY – for your own actions

REPAIR - identifying what went wrong and ensuring it won’t happen


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Restorative Practices Its about ‘justice for all’

Whole school approach by all staff and pupils

RESPECT – for everybody by listening to opinions of others

RESPONSIBILITY – for your own actions

REPAIR – identifying what went wrong and ensuring it won’t

happen again

What happened?

Who has been affected?

How can we find a way forward?

How can we do things differently in the future?

• Takes time but it’s worth it!

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Forth Avon Carron Tay Identity

Class points

House badges

House events

Monday Meetings (every second week)

Rewards – termly and end-of-year


Inter house activities – talent shows, quizzes, sports

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Uniform & Kits Children looking great!

Labelling PLEASE

Full PE kit ( Wednesdays and Fridays)


T shirt/polo shirt

gym shoes

no earrings (tape if unavoidable)

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Food & Drink for SchoolBreakfast & Breakfast Club

Essential! Impacts greatly on your child’s learning.

Water in class

Clean and refreshed water bottle daily – only water in

the bottle –NO JUICE or FLAVOURED water as this is

not good for teeth

Healthy Play pieces

Small healthy snack at playtime – fruit/veg,

biscuit, small packet of crisps, small piece of chocolate

and water/ milk, NO fizzy juice

School Lunches. Free for P1-3

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A Curriculum for Excellence working within first Level (P2-P4)

Clear Learning Intentions and Success Criteria shared with children

consultation with pupils at planning stage

- child-led learning

Varied Approaches:

Active Learning,

Outdoor Learning,

Cooperative Learning,


Formative Assessment (self & peer assessment)


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vocabulary of books


tools: sight vocabulary, picture clues, context, decoding skills (1st

letter, rhyme, syllables)

Questioning, predicting, sequencing


Answering questions


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North Lanarkshire Active Literacy Programme

active approach

aim for one new sound per week

Lesson: letter name & sound, story Power Point, quiz,

saying, making, blending and reading

Activities: jotter activity – find the new sound in the

sound story, writing words in sentences, partner

dictation, rainbow writing, magnetic letters, drawing


Spelling Three or four common words per week

Partner Spelling

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Literacy Writing –

Personal Writing – At the Weekend

Handwriting - weekly


Grammatical Knowledge

Report writing

Big Writing (VCOP)

Talking & Listening Talking Partners – “knee-to-knee”

Show ‘n’ Tell – topic related

Talking Homework

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Numeracy & Maths Counting

Number recognition (for some children)

Number bingo

white boards with partners

1,2,3…show me!

• Games

Concrete materials

Pattern Recognition

• Areas: Number, Shape, Position & Movement,

Information Handling, Money, Problem Solving

• Addition and Subtraction

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P3 Homework5 elements:

common words

Sound of the week - words


number & maths

General knowledge

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Attendance Time keeping is very good

If your child is unwell or off as a result of an injury –

phone the school and let us know but also provide a

note, for our records, when your child returns to


For appointments such as dentist/doctor you should

let us know the date and time in advance and it is

your duty to bring your child back to school

afterwards if possible

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Family time

Come along and join in with class activities.

There will be a different theme each month.

One Friday each month from 2.15pm till 2.45pm

Please enter and exit the building by the front

door and make sure you sign in and out (Health

& Safety)

Your child will be happy to see you!

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Snap Shot Week Children will complete all work in the snap shot jotter

over the course of the week.

It will then be sent home for parents to see how their children are progressing.

Parents to sign the jotter and send it back to school so that it can be used in the next snap shot week.

Allows you to see how children are progressing and some of the work that they are covering in class.

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phonics – another name for the learning of “sounds”

phoneme – a single unit of sound, e.g. ‘c’ in cat.

letter/phoneme sound – the sound the letter makes, e.g. ‘a’ as in ant

letter name – its alphabet name, e.g. a as in ape

grapheme – the written letter

the ‘write hand’ – the method of saying the word, breaking the word into

its phonemes, making the word using magnetic letters, blending the letters

together then reading quickly as a single word before writing the word


blending – stretching out each individual sound so that it almost runs into

the next, e.g. c-a-t = cat.

number bond - two numbers that go together to make another number,

e.g. 6+4=10 (this is called a ‘number bond of 10’)

Glossary of Useful Terms for P3

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Any questions?

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And finally …

Please leave some feedback on a post-it.

Evaluation forms will be emailed and a link will be

posted on twitter and leave it in the tray outside the


Your feedback and suggestions are important to us

and help us get it right for you and your child.

Many thanks!