Mutation Khambhati khushal N 18 FY.BSC. BIOTECH Gov. Science college


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Page 1: Mutation

Mutation Khambhati khushal N


BIOTECHGov. Science college

Page 2: Mutation

•Change in nucleotide sequence of DNA is called mutation

What is mutation...

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• Sometimes Mutation is referd as genetic disorder• Mutations may or may not produce changes in the observable characteristics of an organism• Mutation results in change in proteins products and some do not• Mutagenic agents are responsible to mutation• Mutation is inherited but not in all the case

Introduction to mutation

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• There are many different ways that DNA can be changed, resulting in different types of mutation. Some of them are as follows..

Gene mutation-it is a change in nuclotide sequance of a gene

Chromosomal mutation-it alters the number or position of existing genes

Types of mutations

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• Tautomerism- the changing in pairing qualities of the base• Substution- a gene mutation in which one or more nitrognous base

pair are changed with other TransitionTransversionFrame shift mutation

Gene mutation

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• Replacement of purine to purine or pyrimidine to other pyrimidine is transition

• Replacment of purine to pyrimidine or vice versa is transversion• If there is addition or deletion single nitrogenous base take

place is frame shift mutation TAT CAT TAG 1)TAA TCA TTA G (Insertion) 2)TAC ATT AG (delation)


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• Sometime a segment of chromosome break off and get lost is delation

• if there is addition of the chromosomal segment than duplication

• 180° rotation of a piece of DNA is inverson

Chromosomal mutation

a b c d e a b c e

a b c d e a b c d ed

a b c d e abc d e

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• Exchange of chromosome segments between non homologus chromosomes is translocation

a b c d e f g h i j

a bc d ef g h i j

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This was all aboutTypes of mutation

Now its effects

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Cri-du-chat syndromDelation of chromosome no.5 during meiosis

Harmful effects

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Arthropods–mammals Bt–cotten

Useful aspects

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introduction Types

Gene mutation




Harmful Useful

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Thank you