. Written by Tara Teresa Heta Norman . Written by Tara Teresa Heta Norman

My Awesome Poems

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.Written by Tara Teresa Heta Norman .Written by Tara Teresa Heta Norman

. . . : .WA L T write an Acrostic Poem

Figuring out 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, from

Re lating to the numbe rs

And div iding the numbe rs

Can ge t you a whole numbe r or

The whole numbe r with le ft ov e r's

In the re sult’s

One half, one third, one quarte r writte n as

Nume rator on top and de nominator on bottom

S hows you how to write fractions .

. . . : WA L T write a cinquain poem

Main Ide a

Re lating , Outcome

Compre he nding , Colle cting , Conce ntrating

Ge tting the big ide a


Poe try

Emotional, Quality

Focus ing , Frus trating , Finishe d

Coming out e xpre ss ing s lowly


W.A.L.T: write a lime rick poe m.The re was a g irl calle d Brooke

Who couldn't use a hookS he had a lot of dolls

That lov e d doing forward rollsThe n ran to te ll Captain Cook.

The re was a man name d Ky leWho can walk a mileHe we nt to the parkTo ge t some barkThe n came home with some tile s .

. . . : .WA L T write a parallel poem


Blue is the shadowing highlighte d g low

Blue is the c louds s traight whe n you blow

Blue is the far away , se e king wave s

Blue is sky light in the cave s .


Ye llow is the smashing powe r

Ye llow is the rain bowe d flowe r

Ye llow is the bright light

Ye llow will ne ve r make me fight.