“My English Teacher.” In the course of our life, we come across different people. Some of them come into our life and then just leave without influencing us, while others leave an indelible imprint in our memories and determine our future life. My English teacher at high school has been one of the most influential people in my life. Not only did he teach me a lot of useful skills that I will definitely need in my academic life and future career, but he also nurtured the most positive features in me. When I was a teenager, I was not that confident and outgoing; I was not talented either. I was shy and reserved. I was just an average schoolgirl who enjoyed reading and lived in the world of her own. I did not like my English lessons, since my teacher always looked down on all of us and disrespected most of the students in the class. Every lesson was torture for me because I felt miserable. Thus, when she resigned, I did not feel sorry for that. When a new school year started, we had a new English teacher. I did not expect any change in my attitude to the subject, but I was wrong. Our new teacher was a stocky man of medium height in his late thirties with pepper-and-salt hair and always dressed spic and span. His vivid dark brown eyes and radiant friendly smile enchanted everybody at once. He had a

My english teacher

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Page 1: My english teacher

“My English Teacher.”In the course of our life, we come across different people. Some of them come into our life and then just leave without influencing us, while others leave an indelible imprint in our memories and determine our future life. My English teacher at high school has been one of the most influential people in my life. Not only did he teach me a lot of useful skills that I will definitely need in my academic life and future career, but he also nurtured the most positive features in me.When I was a teenager, I was not that confident and outgoing; I was not talented either. I was shy and reserved. I was just an average schoolgirl who enjoyed reading and lived in the world of her own. I did not like my English lessons, since my teacher always looked down on all of us and disrespected most of the students in the class. Every lesson was torture for me because I felt miserable. Thus, when she resigned, I did not feel sorry for that. When a new school year started, we had a new English teacher. I did not expect any change in my attitude to the subject, but I was wrong. Our new teacher was a stocky man of medium height in his late thirties with pepper-and-salt hair and always dressed spic and span. His vivid dark brown eyes and radiant friendly smile enchanted everybody at once. He had a deep knowledge and understanding of the subject and could explain to us the most complicated issues. He encouraged us to think critically and look at any piece of literature from different angles. He taught us to form our own opinions and feel confident about expressing them.Perhaps, one of the brightest memories about my teacher is the task he gave us once. It was another gloomy rainy day at the end of the winter and all of us felt exhausted and worried after a difficult math test. Our teacher asked us to advertise some unreal products like a musical mousetrap or nail polish for teeth. We had to prove that our product was the best and the most useful.

My teacher 2

Page 2: My english teacher

I am a student of Tagore International School, New Delhi. There are 100 teachers in my school. My class-teacher is Mrs. Gupta. She teaches us English. She is a young lady of twenty five. She mostly wears suits and saris. Her voice is very sweet and clear.

She is a lady of discipline. No one can misbehave in her class. She is strict but never beats anyone. She is always cheerful. She is a lady of good habits. She has a good command over English. She is an M.A. in English. She has knowledge of other subjects. Her method of teaching is very good. She comes to school in time. All the students like her very much.

She always takes keen interest in games and extracurricular activities. She is an ideal teacher for me.

 (In the 12th grade, my English teacher was a unique person for me. I loved him so much. He had an amazing ability to communicate with students. It might be because of his young age, so he )

my english teacher 3

When I see the words "Educator of the Year," I think immediately of the woman who has been there for me as an educator and as a friend, my English teacher. Ms. Gaines is the most amazing teacher I've ever had and she's helped me through everything from being sexually assaulted to friend problems to needing a new book to read. One time, she sang us a song so we'd understand the lesson! She isn't like any other teacher I've had, she's helped me through everything, and she's been there for me when I really needed someone. I know she is so much more than the educator of the year, because she's the educator of the century, of all time. I really don't know what I'll do next year when I have a bad day and I won't be able to eat lunch in her room, or ask her for advice in editing my book. Just the little things have helped me make it through all my problems. Ms. Gaines is a smart, beautiful woman who is my best friend and my favorite teacher, and I see her as the most amazing educator of the year.

Page 3: My english teacher

My English Teacher

English has always been my favorite subject, I love to read and writing poetry is my hobby. I never knew it was possible for someone my age to actually have their own work published that is until I met Mrs. Bell my sophomore year. 

When Mrs. Bell told us at the beginning of the year that we would have to do at least one publication every six weeks I was excited! My work can actually be seen, so I got right on the first one. I went through my poems and picked one out, and asked Mrs. Bell to help me edit it. Two weeks later I got a later stating that my poem had been chosen to be published! If it wasn’t for Mrs. Bell, this would’ve never happened.

Mrs. Bell is the type of teacher that pushes you to your fullest, and is there for you every step of the way. She’s very loving and caring and has a tender heart. I had never seen her get mad at us. How can someone be so tough yet so sweet at the same time? I don’t understand but I don’t really care, I love this teacher so much.

I was sad to leave her class sophomore year, but I felt confident, I had learned so much that year. Everything she taught me I carried on to my junior year and ended up being published again! I loved English more than ever before. Now that junior year was over, I could only hope that I would have Mrs. Bell again for Senior English.

First day of my senior year, at the top of my schedule was Mrs. Bell, English AP. I was so excited; I knew she would be the perfect teacher to help prepare me for college. It hasn’t been anything but great this year; she has helped us so much on so many different levels in preparing us for college. Now I know for a fact I am college bound, and all I can do now is say Thank You Mrs. Bell, I owe you everything. I would’ve never gotten this far in my work without you Mrs. Bell. I hope everyone’s English teacher is as amazing as mine is, and they get the same opportunity to experience all the amazing things I have experienced in High School English!

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