Ever since she was little she has wanted to storm the stage and now 10 years later she cannot be stopped. So as guessed when she walked in for chat with us that was it for another 2 hours. As we sat down with Phoenix Strong to talk about the media, life before fame and what is next for this budding starlight, there was a lot she had to say. ‘The main thing I want to clear up in this interview is all the lies that are written about me every day. I don’t go out getting drunk and doing drugs every weekend, I spend my time in the studio working, perfecting my craft where I belong, so the media can stick it’ We could tell straight away when Phoenix hated rumours and gossip so what Social Casualty’s mission was to show the true person behind the tabloids ‘Ever since I was small maybe 2 or 3 I remember watching people, singers on telly and thinking yeah I could do that. Never ever did I think I would be one of them? I know sometimes it may seem like I really don’t want it but I every step of the way I am so appreciative it’s just something’s get in my way. We disagree Phoenix nothing seems to be stopping you,going from playing V festival to being nominated for her first Brit award. Her Brit award is steamed from her 2 nd amazing album ‘Takeover’. Collabing with some of our good friend ‘Demi Lovato’ and Ed Sheeran. Having listening to the album we all agree that there are some Grammy deserving songs on there. If you haven’t listened to it then…. Why not?! Have you been living around a rock! In stores and on ITunes now this isn’t a choice you must go and listen to it. ‘Aw that is so sweet of you to say, I worked really hard to make the best music I could, Collabing with artists such as Demi and Ed was such an amazing honour, I never thought I would be able to do that and yeah I stick my finger in the air to whoever said I couldn’t. Although this album is probably one of the best to come out of 2014, there are some people who want to try and tear it down but who could tear someone down when they are on top of the world. ‘Of course there are going to be doubters, every artist has them and it normally doesn’t faze me, until you insult my music, insult me all you want but never challenge my music. I have a funny story; about people who used to pick on me in school, a couple of months ago they asked me to be in a music video, you can guess what I said ‘Do one’. All I really have to say about people like that is look I just performed with Demi Lovato at the 02 and you are sitting at home watching strictly… so who is the winner you morons!’ All lot of readers were anticipating the arrival of this interview and had burning questions to ask Phoenix about her new fragrance ‘Powerful’

My Feature Article

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Ever since she was little she has wanted to storm the stage and now 10 years later she cannot be stopped. So as guessed when she walked in for chat with us that was it for another 2 hours. As we sat down with Phoenix Strong to talk about the media, life before fame and what is next for this budding starlight, there was a lot she had to say. ‘The main thing I want to clear up in this interview is all the lies that are written about me every day. I don’t go out getting drunk and doing drugs every weekend, I spend my time in the studio working, perfecting my craft where I belong, so the media can stick it’ We could tell straight away when Phoenix hated rumours and gossip so what Social Casualty’s mission was to show the true person behind the tabloids ‘Ever since I was small maybe 2 or 3 I remember watching people, singers on telly and thinking yeah I could do that. Never ever did I think I would be one of them? I know sometimes it may seem like I really don’t want it but I every step of the way I am so appreciative it’s just something’s get in my way. We disagree Phoenix nothing seems to be stopping you,going from playing V festival to being nominated for her first Brit award. Her Brit award is steamed from her 2nd amazing album ‘Takeover’. Collabing with some of our good friend ‘Demi Lovato’ and Ed Sheeran. Having listening to the album we all agree that there are some Grammy deserving songs on there. If you haven’t listened to it then…. Why not?! Have you been living around a rock! In stores and on ITunes now this isn’t a choice you must go and listen to it. ‘Aw that is so sweet of you to say, I worked really hard to make the best music I could, Collabing with artists such as Demi and Ed was such an amazing honour, I never thought I would be able to do that and yeah I stick my finger in the air to whoever said I couldn’t. Although this album is probably one of the best to come out of 2014, there are some people who want to try and tear it down but who could tear someone down when they are on top of the world. ‘Of course there are going to be doubters, every artist has them and it normally doesn’t faze me, until you insult my music, insult me all you want but never challenge my music. I have a funny story; about people who used to pick on me in school, a couple of months ago they asked me to be in a music video, you can guess what I said ‘Do one’. All I really have to say about people like that is look I just performed with Demi Lovato at the 02 and you are sitting at home watching strictly… so who is the winner you morons!’ All lot of readers were anticipating the arrival of this interview and had burning questions to ask Phoenix about her new fragrance ‘Powerful’ so let’s get a whiff of what she had to say ‘It’s always been something I have loved, that may sound stupid but ever since I was small, I used to sneak into my mum’s room and try on every perfume so when the opportunity came along for me to create my own, something that people could put on and be like wow I smell like Phoenix Strong so of course I jumped at the chance. I just hope it doesn’t smell like s**t when it comes out’ Speaking of the future, what is next for Phoenix, so young yet done so much? ‘Wow, I don’t know, I’m 19 and it’s all happened so quick, maybe I should just quit while I’m ahead ha-ha, I’m only kidding, but honestly I think I really need to get my head in the game, there is something bigger, better, brighter waiting just round the corner to kick my off the scene and I need to be ready to fight back to continue to do what I love’. Phoenix- there is nothing to worry about no one is bigger and brighter than you. ‘God you guys are sweet, but yeah I really just want to focus on my music and make music that will be timeless and keep making the fans happy, they are why I am here and I will never forget it even though it may look like I do sometimes’ Let’s talk about your fans. You have been one of the most requested people to have on our magazine this year so we thought it was only fair if we allow some of your fans to ask you questions. @remixguy asked: ‘if there was one thing on your bucket list, non-famous related what it would be?’

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That is such a good question, I do have a bucket list that I created before I became a celebrity- god I hate that word. Anyway yeah, I think my main one would be scuba-dive in Australia, it’s such a beautiful place, so watch out Australia I’m coming for you.’ Next questions come from @rosepetal97: Do you have a big impact in everything that goes on with you or is it mostly you’re management team? This is something I’ve always wanted to clear up since my first single or even my first appearance is that nothing happens without approval from me that is crucial. It is my career at the end of the day I have to live with my career for the rest of my life and I take full control of what happens in it. This is a question that we are dying to know as well and it comes from @triadanderror: We all know that you and Ed (Sheeran) are dueting but it is there anything more going on there ;)’ I know it looks like something is going on there and I know we have been papped together and of course the paparazzi never lie… but he is like a brother to me, he’s very cute but no, I just couldn’t haha!’ The final question comes from your really good friend @ddlovato: so when are you coming back to tour with me ;)’ OMG haha, Hi Dems, I will be back very soon to see you :P’ We can’t believe how far Phoenix has come since she was singing in pubs and clubs. There are something’s that play a massive part in her success, we wanted to know what she thinks is the main thing. ‘I think the biggest thing for me is the fans… without them I would have nothing, they were there when no one would listen to me and I will never be able to thank them for that, I just really hope that there are there until the end because I am there for them, just stick on my music and there I am’ The award season is coming up and we have no doubt that Phoenix will be picking up many. We got to find out about what it would mean to her. ‘Awards for me, a big deal because it’s not just fan voted, people, important people like my music as well. Even if I don’t get one award, I know I make good music and I know that not to sound big headed or anything’ Doesn’t sound big headed at all. Talking about big things. Everyone wants to know what to expect for the new video and the new book as well. ‘I know people will be saying, god it’s so early in her career, just because she is famous doesn’t mean she gets to write a crappy book. Well I do have something to say but the nicest word I can think of isn’t something that is acceptable for this magazine. My book isn’t an annual or a biography but my tips on how to be happy, I have had a privilege of being happy most of my life and I just want people to be able to be happy also. So if you think my book is a load of crap you can bore off, sorry but I hate being criticised for everything I do, it gets tiring if I’m honest’I bet it does and what about the music video I guess that’s something to look forward to.’ OMG yes I completely forgot about that, I was able to direct it myself and I really love the concept and the video itself but I don’t want to give too much away because why spoil a piece of art before it is complete’ Very true. Right now it’s time for the most important part of the interview… the random question challenge. We gave Phoenix a list of random questions and wanted to hear what her answers were.