My target audience My target audience will be identified through a range of ways. I will focus on a number of demographics and psychographics to clarify who my product will appeal to. This will help me when promoting my film, in addition I know what things to add to my products to sell it to a specific target audience. At the end of the day, the filming industry is a business, and they want to make money. So appealing to a target audience is what make them rich, as they can appeal to consumers who demand.

My target audience

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My target audience

My target audience will be identified through a range of ways. I will focus on a number of demographics and psychographics to clarify who my product will appeal to. This will help me when

promoting my film, in addition I know what things to add to my products to sell it to a specific target audience. At the end of the

day, the filming industry is a business, and they want to make money. So appealing to a target audience is what make them

rich, as they can appeal to consumers who demand.

Age (demographics)• The primary target audience for my production will be young people aged

16 to 35.

• The secondary target audience will be people aged 35-50.

I believe that my primary target audience should be a young age. As many horror movies contain young characters, and sometimes the plot can make the young people relate to it. I researched that film companies focus on attracting a younger audience, prior to the fact many locations and stock plot situations correlate to younger people e.g. high school is prime location.

Gender (demographics)• The primary gender I will aim my production to will be male. The reason

being is because horror movies commonly do not appeal to female audiences as they do to male ones.

• Horror movies contain stock characters of both genders, although the protagonist (killer) is always a male. Women are not stereotypically related to blood, violence and death. As most horror movies appeal to men, I will follow this common convention, although my film can also appeal to women. This is through the use of female characters, and situations which women can relate to.

Race/Ethnicity (demographics)

• My product will aim to all races and ethnic groups. Everybody in the world gets scared of something, so they will all be intrigued into watching a horror movie.

• In addition, I do not want to discriminate certain ethnic groups, so I will ensure that my product appeals to everyone. There are hardly any horror movies in the world if any, that relate to only a minority ethnic group.

Socio-economic grouping (demographics)

• Socio-economic grouping is simply the division of people in terms of job/status. This is used to promote certain things to people of certain economic groups.

• According to the socio-economic grouping table below, my product will be aimed primarily people in the E category. Students is within this category, and because young people are my main audience, E interlinks.

• My secondary target will be for people from any other group. This is because everybody can afford to watch a film, as technology advances hasenabled us to watch on the go,at home through DVD’s etc.So in conclusion, everybody canwatch a horror movie whetherthey are unemployed or a brain surgeon.

Interests (psychographics)

This mood board above are potential interests for my target audience.

Clothing (psychographics)

• In terms of clothing, my target audience are people who are updated with latest clothing, and follow trends.

• My audience will be intrigued by many celebrities and famous people wearing designer branded clothing.

• They wear designer brands, as well as things which are in trend. For instance, the shopaholics of the world may be intrigued to my product.

Hobbies/interests (psychographics)

• In terms of interests, my target audience will love social media, and use it regularly. New phones, games consoles, computers and other new technology will appeal to my target audience.

• Hobbies will include, playing sports, socializing with friends very occasionally, and also going out. My target audience will be interested in films and music, so they will appeal to my horror movie trailer.

Type of person Definition

THE EXPLORER These people are driven by a need for discovery, challenge and new frontiers. Young in nature, if not in reality, Explorers are often the first to try out new ideas and experiences. They respond to brands that offer new sensations, indulgence and instant effects. In short, difference is what they seek out. Their core need in life is for discovery.

THE ASPIRER Materialistic, acquisitive people, who are driven by others’ perceptions of them rather than by their own values. As a result, they respond to what others perceive as being superficial: image, appearance, persona, charisma and fashion. An attractive pack is as important to them as its contents. Their core need in life is for status.

THE SUCCEEDER Succeeders possess self-confidence, have a strong goal orientation and tend to be very organised. As a result, they tend to occupy positions of responsibility in society. Their investment in the status quo means they tend to support it. When it comes to brands, they seek reward and prestige, and will often seek out the best, because that is what they feel they deserve. On the other hand, they also seek out caring andprotective brands – their aggressive attitude to life means they need to relax occasionally. Their core need in life is for control.

THE REFORMER Reformers are the most anti-materialistic of the seven groups, and are often perceived as intellectual.They are socially aware, and pride themselves on tolerance. Reformers seek out the authentic and the harmonious, and are often at the leading edge of society. However, unlike Explorers, they will not buy things just because they are new. Their core need in life is for enlightenment.

THE MAINSTREAM These are people who live in the world of the domestic and the everyday. As their name implies, they are the mainstream of society. They are the largest group of people within 4Cs across the world. They respond to big established brands, to ‘family’ brands and to offers of value for money. Their core need in life is for security.

THE STRUGGLER Strugglers live for today, and make few plans for tomorrow. Others often see them as victims, losers and wasters, disorganised people with few resources apart from their own physical skills. If they get on in life, it will depend more on a winning lottery ticket than anything they do themselves. They are heavy consumers of alcohol and junk food. Visual impact and physical sensation are an important element of their brand choices. In essence, they seek escape.

THE RESIGNED These are predominantly older people with constant, unchanging values built up over time. For them, the past is bathed in a warm nostalgic glow. They respect institutions and enjoy acting in traditional roles. Their brand choices are driven by a need for safety and for economy. They choose above all what is familiar to them.In life, their aim is basic: it is to survive.

Psychographics (table)

• According to the psychographics table on the previous slide, my product will aim to ‘the strugglers’. This is prior to the fact young students and adults tend to live life for the moment. They snack very often, go partying and consume much alcohol. They are still not fully mature, so live life for now.

• ‘The mainstream’ is the second group of people my product will be aimed at. People who are up to date with trends, latest news, as well as spending more time on how they look to how much they have eaten.

Uses and gratifications (psychographics)• Uses and gratifications theory is the idea of why people use specific media,

and the question is raised is ‘what media does to people’ as appose to ‘what people do with media’. People may consume media in order to relate to it, and they focus on the impact it creates towards them.

• The uses and gratifications theory states one of the four are fulfilled when media is consumed:- Identity: this shows the audience what a potential matter is, making them wonder if they can relate their own experiences to the ones they consume.- Educate: the media be educating the consumer with information, knowledge and a better understanding of a topic.- Entertain: this is the idea of enjoyment being created by consuming media. This will help us escape from our worries, and be entertained by media.-Social interaction: this creates a sense of discussion, debating and chatter between us. For example, an episode with a cliffhanger will cause discussion between individuals about what happens next.

• In terms of my media product, I am trying to help consumers identify what the issue is, as well as educate. The horror film will be entertaining, whereas making the events relate to real life situations may help people identify real life problems. I am also hoping to educate the consumers by making them think wiser about their actions. They will identify themselves to similar situations in the film and will educate by learning what not to do.

Day in the life of my target audience

My target audience will first wake up early, get ready for either work or school. They may avoid

breakfast just to spend more time on looking more attractive. They will go school, socialize with

friends, go home and use social media. They may also play on their phone and chat with friends.

After eating food, they will complete a gym session or do a sporty activity. Just before going to bed,

they may finish their homework in a rush, just so they can have more fun time, whether it be

consuming alcohol and partying, or calling their lovers through their mobiles.