Natural selection of Charles Darwin

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My topic during my Class Demonstration in History and Philosophy of Science course.

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Let us Pray…

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What is Evolution?

Is a slow

process of change

by which organisms

have acquired their


characteristics; it

has been going on

since the Earth was

formed billions of

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“Evolve” Means to Change Over

Time • The notion that

life on Earth has changed over time is quite old

• To be considered science, this notion requires

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Is evolution a fact or a theory?

We could say that it is both.

It is a fact, for example,

that living organisms have

changed over time. These

changes, which include the

evolution of major groups of

plants and animals, are

documented in fossil records

and were recognized by the

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Charles Darwin’s

On The Origin of

Species provided a

convincing theory as to

how these changes

occurred. In this

respect, evolution is

indeed a theory, a

collection of carefully

reasoned and tested

hypothesis about how

evolutionary change


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How about Natural Selection?

The theory that


that those organisms

best adapted to their

environment have

a better chance of

surviving and


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Okay!!! Let’s have a Sojourn to

Galapagos Islands with Darwin…


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Charles Robert

Darwin (1809 - 1882)

proposed and formulated

the process of evolution

in his book, On The Origin

of Species by Means of

Natural Selection

published in 1859 after

taking trip around the

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His theories

stated that common

descent does occur and

that natural selection

results in adaptation to

the environment.


Selection is the

mechanism he proposed

for how adaptation comes


It is caused by

environmental selection of

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The Voyage of the Beagle: Ports

of Call

Noted that

populations of


were slightly

different from

place to place

Each group

was modified

to their



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The Galapagos


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What did Darwin find at the Beagle?The finches on each island in the Galapagos

had different types of beaks.

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What did Darwin find at the Beagle?The tortoises on each island in the Galapagos

had different types of shells.

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With those


Darwin found out


1.Organisms had a common ancestor, but had adapted to

their particular environments and changed over time.

2. Darwin published his

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Natural Selection• For natural selection to occur,

there must be at least two varieties of a species.

• For example: the peppered moth

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Peppered Moths

• At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in England, coal burning produced soot that covered the countryside in many areas

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What do you think


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Evolution/Natural Selection

• White moths became

easier to see, while

the black moths

became harder to

see. The black moths

were more likely to

survive and pass on

the gene for dark

color to their


• Over time, the black


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Development of Evolutionary

TheoryDarwin Concluded:

• Physical traits and behaviors enable

organisms to survive and reproduce

(called Fitness )

• Fitness results from adaptations

–Structural (body structures)

–Behavioral (protection, predation,


–Functional (chemicals produced by

the organism that perform special

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Let’s have a Review with Haik!!!

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Group Activity


Divide the class into two. Each

group will formulate a summary of

Darwin’s Natural Selection in a form of

news story and present it to the class

thru News Casting, Each group will

select at least 2 reporters to do the

news casting.

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Charles Darwin’s Natural Selection!HEADLINES