STRUCTURE OF MODIFICATION OLEH KELOMPOK 4 : 1. Primadina Cahyati 2. Riran Puji Lestari 3. Lady Daniella I 4. Afifatul Hasanah 5. Ida Lestari 6. Dini Hariyati

Noun as head

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Page 1: Noun as head


Cahyati2. Riran Puji Lestari3. Lady Daniella I4. Afifatul Hasanah5. Ida Lestari6. Dini Hariyati

Page 2: Noun as head

Noun as head

Noun as head yaitu kata benda yang sangat sering muncul sebagai kepala struktur modifikasi.


Contoh :hungry people : hungry “modifier”people “head”

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Noun Modifier :

Modifikasi verb

Modifikasi adverb

Modifikasi prepositional phrase

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1. Modifikasi verb

bisa di bentuk dalam 3 cara :

Dalam bentuk present participle (Ving) Dalam bentuk past participle (-ed) Dalam bentuk infinitive (to)


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Present participle :

running water

Past participle :

Baked potatoes

Infinitive :

money to burn

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2. Modifikasi Adverb

Macam-macam adverb :- Adverb of manner- Adverb of time- Adverb of place- Adverb of quantity- ect

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the people here

his speaking rapidly

Example . . . . .

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Terdiri dari 3 grup, yaitu :a. simple preposition :

3. Modifikasi Prepositional phrase

• After, from, on, as, in, out, at, like, over, to, under, but, by, of, since, near,with, ect

Single morpheme

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Contoh simple preposition :

1. Noun sebagai head yang biasanya :

Like a thunderbolt

2. Noun sebagai head dengan structure of modification (dibentuk dari modifikasi verb) :

Of running water

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b. Compound preposition- Terdiri dari dua kata dasar- Beberapa contoh : across from, along with, apart from, away from, back of, down from, due to, except for, inside of, over to, together with, up to, without, ect.

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Contoh compound preposition :

a fish out of water

a fish from under water

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c. Phrasal preposition

- Terdiri dari tiga kata dasar

- Contoh dari phrasal preposition adalah : in regard to, on account of, in spite of, by means of, in addition to, in front of, on top of, ect

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Contoh phrasal preposition :

in time of war

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Jika kita ingin membuat kalimat, ini bisa diilustrasikan dengan membangun struktur atau lapisan demi lapisan. Contoh :

rate sebuah kata benda

Birth rate tambahkan noun adjunct

high birth rate jika tidak ada

lebih noun adjunct lagi, tambahkan kata sifat

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high birth rate in America

high birth rate in America today

The high birth rate in America today

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