ONE LAPTOP PER CHILD This works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. One Laptop per Child History & Deployment Prepared by Dr. Anwar Dafa-Alla [email protected] One Laptop per Child

OLPC to Sudan

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One Laptop per Child

History & Deployment

Prepared by Dr. Anwar Dafa-Alla

[email protected]

One Laptop per Child

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One Laptop Per Child

Non-profit Organization founded by Nicholas Negroponte

Chairman Emeritus of MIT’s Media Lab

Laptops commonly referred to as:XO | $100 Laptop | The ‘Green Monster’

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The OLPC Mission:

Provide laptops as a means to empower the nearly 2 billion children in the developing

world who receive little to no education and help close the digital divide before it’s too late.

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Five Principles of OLPC: Ownership Target: Youth

The hardware and software are designed for elementary school children aged 6-12.

Saturation Connection Free and open source software

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“This is not just a matter of giving a laptop to each child, as if bestowing on them some magical charm.

The magic lies within - within each child, within each scientist-, scholar-, or just-plain-citizen-in-the-making.

This initiative is meant to bring it forth into the light of day”

~ Kofi Annan | WSIS, 2005.

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An Idea is Born… April, 2002

Negroponte goes to a remote village in Cambodia, bearing laptops to connect 20 children. He would return a year later, with another 20 laptops.

January, 2005Negroponte comes up with an idea for an affordable laptop for children living in poverty. He emails his friend, Hector Ruiz, CEO of AMD.

Six hours later, Ruiz replies: Count us in…

Within weeks, News Corp. and Google also join as founding members of the newly formed program, One Laptop per Child.

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Getting the Name Out… January, 2005 | Davos, Switzerland

Negroponte presents his idea (and a very rudimentary prototype) for a $100 laptop at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland

November, 2005 | Tunis, Tunisia The ‘green machine’ is next presented at the World Symposium on the Information Society, with the support of Kofi Annan. The event is covered by the international press.

Two weeks later, Nigeria’s Obasanjo is the first to commit his country to 1 million units.

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January, 2006 | World Economic Forum (Again)A Memo of Understanding (MOU) is signed with UNDP:UNDP will serve as OLPC's ground force in many of the 166 countries in which it has offices, assisting with everything from communications with ministries to logistics for school rollout.

The planned 1st Generation launch proposes a target of 5–10 million laptops in large countries or regions.

Meanwhile, deals and commitments continue to be made by various governments and heads of state…

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Africa Rwanda, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia

Americas Haiti, Mexico, Peru, US (Alabama), Uruguay, Brazil, Suriname,

Argentina, Costa Rica, Dominican republic Asia

Afghanistan, Cambodia, Mongolia, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Phillippines, Thailand

Europe Greece

Middle East Iraq

BUT: A lot of these are simply ‘Memorandums of Understanding’…

… NOT contracts!

OLPC generates much initial interest:

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Evolution of Design

Blue e-Book

Yellow Pivoting Laptop

Green Hand-cranked Laptop

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Some of the key features Durable: Rugged, no moving parts, waterproof

Internet Connectivity: Each laptop creates its own mesh, acting as a router

Can also be solar or ‘foot’ powered: Cranks, yo-yo, or rip-cord power supply available

433 MHz, 1GB flash memory, Linux open-source operating system (upgraded now!)

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Environmental Friendliness and Innovations

In addition to hand crank and solar power alternatives, the XO has a 12V power socket that functions with any power generation system that can charge a 12V car battery.

The XO's lithium-iron-phosphorus battery contains no toxic heavy metals.

The screen backlight uses LEDs rather than fluorescents, and so contains no mercury.

The plastic parts can be completely dismantled with a #1 Phillips screwdriver and separated by color for recycling rather than downcycling.

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Types of Deployments

Small deployments 50 – 1000 XOsOften run solely on the documentation and possibly mailing lists.More deployments like this expectedMore flexible and able to deploy rapidly.

Large “trial” deployment 1K – 10K XOsHigh profile trials come up quickly and have tight time framesMay engage via tech support e-mail and visits by OLPC staffAfter initial deployment, feedback can taper off

Mature deployment 11K – 300K XOsUsually some SI and extensive in country support systemRegular meetings with 1CC, list and tech support engagements

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Must succeed at each stage to move on

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Deployment ExamplesTwo Small deployments

South AfricaSeveral hundred XOs in a few schools. Using 8.2, no school server. http://wiki.laptop.org/go/South_AfricaNot many questions seen on the lists.

ColombiaSeveral different deployments, one (Itagui) may become major trial. http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_ColombiaSome have engaged on Sur or Colombia lists, others are quieter.

Dozens more with varying levels of communication

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Deployment ExampleLarge Trial Deployments Nepal

Going from 100s to 1000s of XOs. Details from Bryan later. Haiti, Rwanda, Mongolia

~10K XOs each. Intermittent feedback. Upgrade, imaging, power, languages dominated early comments.Mongolia on 8.2. Rwanda and Mongolia considering servers.

Ethiopia~4K XOs with custom applications and build 70xOngoing discussions re: servers and image customization

ParaguayDone teacher training, plan ~4K 8.2 XOs and XS in a few monthsSuper docs: http://wiki.paraguayeduca.org/index.php/Portada

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Deployment ExampleMature countrywide deployments Uruguay

100K+ XOs w/custom 656. ~100K more to deploy in 2009 with 8.2. Plan to upgrade all to 8.2 in mid-2009

Customer school serverRegular calls with 1CC, huge user support team, SI, active lists

PeruApproaching 100K Xos with 70% in schoolsPlan to deploy 100K+ in 2009, plan to roll out XSRegular calls with 1CC, active community and support from Ministry of Education

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Dilemma: How to boost sales? Countries were backing out of commitments.

Competition was looming.OLPC needed a strong showing to

regain credibility.

Proposal: Give One Get One (G1G1) Campaign for the holiday season (Nov. 12 - Dec. 31, 2007): Can purchase two laptops for $400, receiving one and donating the other

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December, 2007 | Let the Learning Begin!Schoolchildren across the globe finally receive

their laptops.

So far, over 500,000 laptops have been distributed to children in developing regions.

November, 2007 | China

Mass production of XOs begins…

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Advantages OLPC has a number of good characteristics that makes it attractive for

the case of Sudan, such as: XO laptops designed to survive in a very harsh conditions :rain, dust,

bright sunlight and the lack in electricity supply.   Low cost laptops suitable for countries with underdeveloped economy. Sugar (the XO interface) has very interactive and enjoyable activities

that help children to explore and learn, for OLPC everyone has the potential for being both a learner and a teacher..

The collaboration between children and other community members will make learning process more engaging and stimulate critical thinking skills.

It motivates children for learning and they get attached to it quickly. The XO laptops have the ability to run its activities with almost any

language. Low cost internet connectivity

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Medhanit Maru an Ethiopian second grade student explains "I like the way I can hold so many different books

in a small space and how it is more fun than a normal book because you can put so many things in it and it does not get full."


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موج��ز طل��بيات الكم��بيوتر حول العال��مالمحمو�ل

السنة عدد مؤكد )تقريبي( التاريخ مؤكد الشاري


100،000تشرين األول/أكتوبر 2007.

[41][40] أوروغواي

15،000 2007نوفمبر 14 ،برمنغهام، أالباما[42] الواليات المتحدة

260،000 2008ديسمبر 4 [43]بيرو

50،000 2008ديسمبر، 4المكسيك )رجل األعمال  المكسيكي[44](كارلوس سليم

167،000 1983يناير 16  G1G1 2007 برنامج[43]


65،000 2009مايو 31 كولومبيا )كالداس([45]

+200،000 2008يونيو [46]أوروغواي

+30،000 2008أكتوبر [47]بيرو

10،000 2008نوفمبر 10 [48]غانا

12،500 2008يناير 16 1برنامج G1 2008 [39]


5،000 2009أبريل 2 سيراليون100،000 2009مايو/أيار 31 [49]رواندا

+160،000 أكتوبر/تشرين 1262009األول

 )المجموأوروغواي 362000ع:

18000لألطفال، للمعلمين(

2010 +260،000 2010مارس 17 [50]بيرو

+60،000 2009أبريل 2 [51]األرجنتين

اإلجمالي 1،494،500    



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...غزة، 2010إبريل فلسطين


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إجتماع تأسيس شبكة الحضور

)د. أسامة عبد الوهاب محمد ريس : مدينة أفريقيا التكنلوجية (مدير د. آمنة أدريس أحمد بحر : معهد تنمية المجتمع، كلية شرق النيل (مستشار

متعاون( حنان عبد الحكم األمين: معهد تنمية المجتمع، كلية شرق النيل (مشرف

[email protected]مشاريع( اإلتصاالت

)د.عبد المجيد خليل محمد (مدينة دارفور الرقمية[email protected],)د عوض الشيخ محمد مركز الحاسوب جامعة السودانFد. محم[email protected], )د. محمد يعقوب قيقر آدم (جامعة السودان، مركز الحاسوب

[email protected] د بدري (جامعة االحفاد للبنات( مشروع التعليم االلكترونيFد. أيمن محم

[email protected]لألطفال خارج المدارس د.أنور فتح الرحمن أحمد دفع الله

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شبكة كمبيوتر محمول لكل طفل سوداني

OLPC Network to Sudan ،عبارة عن مجموعة تتكون من مدينة أفريقيا التكنلوجية

منظمات المجتمع المدني وخبراء وطنيين في الحاسوب وتهدف إلستجالب وتوطين مشروع كمبيوتر محمول لكل

طفل سوداني. الهدف العام: توفير حاسوب محمول لكل طفل سوداني

في مرحلة األساس. 6الهدف المرحلي: تطبيق نموذج مصغر للمشروع خالل

أشهر (وفقاً للعام الدراسي(..الوسائل: الشراكات مع الجهات ذات الصلة السعي لتطوير نماذج تعليمية متطورة وفقاً لمنهج

التعليم بالسودان.

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التمويل بدء بداعمي من معهد تنمية المجتمع، كلية شرق

النيل.المقترح: تبني مقترح معهد تنمية المجتمع

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Online resources OLPC News Forum http://olpc.com/ http://laptopfoundation.org/

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References http://www.princeton.edu/~ttong/work/GDN%20OLPC

%20041108.ppt http://www.stanford.edu/class/ee380/Abstracts/061004-

slides-olpc.pdf http://wiki.laptop.org/images/e/e2/XO-Camp-

Usersv4.ppt Venus Gorashi, Computers in education in Sudan: a tool

for empowering children and youth:A policy brief ,Course report. International institute for social studies,2010