One Deliriously Happy Psychophysicist & Multiple Tomato Sauces

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Page 2: One Deliriously Happy Psychophysicist & Multiple Tomato Sauces

I am an internet marketing strategist and enjoy the psychology of how everything online works and how we receive and assimilate tons of digital data and information to arrive at a place of emotional connection, like, and desire for a specific product. The big ambiguous word "marketing".

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What does that mean to most? To most it means researching what will affect your target market, producing communication and distributing communication to that market through various vehicles. Or according to Merriam-Webster: Marketing is the activities that are involved in making people aware of a company's products, making sure that the products are available to be bought, etc. Yes, it's the old stale version and it's really quite boring.

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So, how do you make yourself different among the masses? How do you stand out? To answer that, I must share this video that is 10 years old, but has such solid staples and simple truths when it comes to marketing it is still very relevant today. Malcom Gladwell, author of the book Blink is speaking in this video at a TED conference about Choice, Happiness, & Spaghetti Sauce when it comes to marketing. He shares a very famous Psychophysicist's, Howard Moskowitz, marketing experiments in the food industry, that led to multiple millions of dollars for brands and products.

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On another note, you may be wondering why I also referenced the book, Blink? Because Malcolm's thought process in this book is very powerful and shares an important psychological element in marketing that can be combined with the staples in this video to create a powerful concept for marketing. It is about the power of thinking, without thinking. Think about that. A powerful concept, when you can apply it to marketing.

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Below is a brief summary of some of the concepts in Mr. Gladwell's book that any good marketer should think about, no pun intended ;-) "...We do that (make choices) by "thin-slicing," using limited information to come to our conclusion. This is an age of information overload, experts often make better decisions with snap judgments than they do with volumes of analysis."

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Here are some wide range of examples of thin-slicing in contexts such as gambling, speed dating, tennis, military war games, the movies, malpractice suits, popular music, and predicting divorce. Sometimes having too much information can interfere with the accuracy of a judgment, or a doctor's diagnosis. This is commonly called "Analysis paralysis."

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As far as the video importance, watch it and get some very solid marketing staples, well worth the 18minutes it will take to watch. Below are some staples from the video... MARKETING STAPLES THAT HAVE NO EXPIRATION DATE: - Realizing that everyone is unique, everyone is different. You can't assume to appeal to the masses with a 'generic' one size fits all model or product. -Fun Real Life Fact in this video: How the marketing concept of "choice" created 600 million dollars for Campbell's "chunky" tomato sauce!

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-Another important thing I like about this video is knowing that people don't always know what they want. -Just because someone hasn't done what you've done before, doesn't mean people don't need or even want your product/service. It's up to you to showcase it and serve it up to them! -It's not about making the perfect 'pickle', it's about making the perfect 'pickles'. Having a variety of items that will make some one tickled pink to have your service. Why? Because you appeal to their customized taste and needs.

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- For my own personal note to sum up how to market with impact: Do something and do it right. Or go home. - Don't bring another mediocre product or service to market. The world is filled with those, the shelves are all 'stocked' up with mediocre, we don't want anymore of that taking up space in our world.

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For the love of online marketing- Ingrid Gee, Internet Marketing Consultant. Blue Dress® Marketing, an Internet Marketing Company headquartered in Knoxville, TN. Internet Marketing Developed, Implemented and Managed to Full Circle! Organic Internet Search Engine Guru. Turn Key Internet Optimization Programs Placing You Everywhere and Anywhere You Need to Be Online® [email protected] 865-951-5887