Puddles Pity Party “Royals” http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=VBmCJEehYtU

OpenEd 2013: Opening the VCCS

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This my presentation from my session at the OpenEd conference in Park City, UT.

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  • 1. Puddles Pity Party Royalshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBmCJEehYtU

2. Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a CC-BY-NC-SA license. Please attribute any duplicate or derivative works to Richard Sebastian, Virginia Community College System. 3. Cast of Characters OTIS 4. From the Golden Crescent to the Rural Horseshoe 5. 80 fully online degree programs 6. EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED 7. Richmond, VirginiaGWAR Useless Playboys Jonny Cecka 8. Task Force on College Textbooks JUNE 2004 9. Task Force on College Textbooks: 2004 1. Faculty members receive education about the cost of textbooks. Particular attention is paid to those parts of the ordering process over which they have leverage and how this leverage can be used to help control costs. 2. Textbook adoption processes are formalized and include textbook cost as a consideration. 3. The same textbook is adopted for all sections of a given course within colleges and across multi-campus colleges. 4. Textbook adoptions are consistent across statewide or region-wide college groups. 5. Textbooks are adopted for a minimum of three years. 6. Academic divisions textbook orders are accurate and timely. 10. Task Force on College Textbooks: 2004 7. The College encourages faculty to adopt or develop alternatives to traditional textbooks for their classes. 8. The college provides students with alternative ways to pay for textbooks. 9. The bookstore provides a used textbook sales and purchase program that results in significant cost savings to a significant number of students. 10.There is a positive working relationship between bookstore personnel and college personnel. 11.Bookstores make use of less expensive sources for textbooks. 12.The bookstore utilizes alternative approaches of providing textbooks at lower cost to students. 11. ENG 111 & 112 12. Textbook Costs & Digital Learning Resources WorkgroupMay 2012 13. 1. Examine VCCS administrative practices and policies that unnecessarily add to the cost of academic textbooks1. Explore how networked digital technology can best be leveraged to lower the overall cost of textbooks, including using open educational resources 14. 3. Investigate ways which currently licensed electronic resources can be used in electronic "course packs," as a substitute for text books, or for the supplementary material often required for a course of study3. Identify opportunities for interested VCCS faculty to explore using openly licensed resources in their courses 15. 5. Examine the current relevance of printed textbooks in an age of interactive, webbased content, digital publishing, and collaborative social networks. 5. Recommend strategies and policies for creating an institutional culture that embraces and practices openness, transparency, collaboration, and sharing. 16. PLANNING RETREATAugust 2012 17. $20,000November 2012 18. Spring 2013 $3000 Emphasis on adoption High enrollment courses Cohort-based Lumen-supported Stealth course-resdesign 19. EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED 20. Textbook Costs & Digital Learning Resources INTERIM REPORTSeptember 2013 21. Full-time faculty evaluations should include required criteria to select highquality learning resources, such as textbooks, bearing in mind appropriateness, necessity, accessibil ity, and reduced student costs.VCCS Presidential evaluations should be revised to include metrics for measuring the goal to significantly reduce the cost of textbooks and related course materials in at least 10% of all course sections offered each year, in each of the next ten years. 22. Utilize the VCCS faculty peer group structure to articulate learning outcomes for courses, beginning with prerequisite courses and courses with high enrollment currently demonstrating low success rates and/or low persistence rates to subsequent courses and award completion.Ex. PSY 200 23. PSY 200 http://vccs.libguides.com/psy200 24. FALL 2013 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.BIO 101 BIO102 BUS 100 CHM 111 CST 100 ENG 1111. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.ENG 112 HIS 101 ITE 115 MTH 163 PSY 201 SDV 100 25. FALL 2013 520 Students 20 sections12 colleges $52,000-92,000 26. FALL 2013 Z Courses Associate degree in Business Admin $0 Textbook Costs 27. FALL 2013 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.ENG 111 ENG 112 ENG 125 MTH 151 PHY 201 PHY 2027. HIS 121 8. HIS 122 9. ART 101 10. ART 102 11. HIS 262 12.SDV 100 28. OPEN TEXT INITIATIVE SYSTEM (OTIS) 29. VCCS Intellectual Property Policy 30. Rambling Professor http://www.youtube.com/ramblingprofessor 31. INSTITUTIONAL & FACULTY CULTURE Culture eats strategy for breakfast Peter Drucker 32. IMPORTANCE OF LIBRARIES 33. LOOK FOR CONNECTIONS 34. Holla back Richard Sebastian Director of Teaching and Learning Technologies Virginias Community Colleges [email protected] @rasebastian http://edtech.vccs.edu