Sustainable FM in China: an O&M perspective 降低设施设备的生命周期成本 Bruno Lhopiteau 浦乐诺 Siveco China 喜科

Operations and Maintenance for Sustainable Facility Management

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Bruno is the founder of Siveco China, the country’s largest maintenance consultancy. A 15-year veteran of the Chinese FM market, Bruno is a frequent speaker on facilities management topics and has been running related working groups including the Construction & Maintenance workgroup at the French Chamber, the Nanjing Maintenance workgroup and the Facility Management & Industrial Services roundtable at the European Chamber. In his spare time, Bruno lectures on industrial risk management at the Sino-European School of Technology of Shanghai University. Bruno's presentation focuses on O&M as a key component of sustainable facility management.

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Sustainable FM in China: an O&M perspective降低设施设备的生命周期成本

Bruno Lhopiteau 浦乐诺Siveco China 喜科

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2Maintenance: the ugly duckling维护:丑小鸭

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3Siveco China 关于喜科China’s largest maintenance consultancy, 800+ customer sites国内最大的维护咨询公司,业务遍及800多个项目站点

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Typical facility lifecycle in China国内设备典型的生命周期

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5Typical facility lifecycle in China国内设备典型的生命周期


Construction costs represent only about20% of the lifetime cost of a building;operation and maintenance make up theremaining 80%.


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6Typical facility lifecycle in China国内工厂设备典型的生命周期



故障率 Traditional pattern传统模式

The Siveco approachSiveco的策略

Lower failure rateat startup 低故障率的启动阶段

Earlier “service life” status更早进入服务状态

Extended lifetime延长的生命周期

Smooth end-of-life transition顺利过渡到设备生命周期最终

Primary infant mortalities早期失效期

Residual failures剩余故障期

Service life稳定服务期

Wearout period加速磨损期

Lower failure rate低故障率

• Construction problems; quick-fix approach快速解决工程中遇到的问题

• High residual failure rate; hidden by reactive maintenance and lack of root-cause analysis大量遗留的设备故障被频繁的维修工作和缺乏根本原因分析的陋习所掩盖

• Fast aging of facilities, increasing breakdowns a few years later


• Early equipment replacements hidden in extension projects


• No reliable maintenance history to support improvement decisions


• Outsourcing does not solve any problem 而维护外包也无法解决根本问题

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Some pictures示例


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Some quotes and stats引用及数据


Chinese government sources: life expectancy oftoday’s buildings is 25-30 years.政府数据:国内建筑的预期生命周期为25到30年。

From major foreign-owned FMservice supplier: 80% of BMS arenot working.知名外资物业服务供应商:80%的BMS系统无法正常使用。

UTSEUS 2013 maintenance survey: preventive maintenancerepresents less than 25% of the maintenance activity. At least20% of failures could be avoided.2013年UTSEUS维护调查显示,预防性维护占总体维护工作的比例不足25%,至少有20%的故障可以被避免。

Initial audits of fire protection systemsconducted by Bureau Veritas in china show40% of major non-conformity, 10% of systemsnot working at all.由必维发起的消防安全审计结果表明,在国内有40%的消防系统存在重大隐患,有10%无法正常使用。

Chinese buildingsconsume 2-3 timesmore than westernworld average.国内建筑的能耗比国外要平均高出2-3倍。

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PersonnelSpare parts



EnergyCompliance to regulations


Operation lossesQuality losses


Direct costs, indirect costs and consequential losses 直接、间接成本和间接损失








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Maintenance ‘with Chinese characteristics’有中国特色的维护


• People, skills gap

缺乏技能• Lack of methodologies

缺乏方法论• Lack of multidisciplinary skills

缺乏综合能力• Staff turnover (managers and



长城物业集团发展曲线Growth curve of Changcheng Property Group

Major impact on all aspects of facilities management (from simple fault diagnosis)


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• Focus on tech, even less attention paid to maintenance

关注高科技而非维护• More automation, more

maintenance problems

高度自动化带来的维护难题• More dependence on hard-to-find

multidisciplinary engineering skills




长城物业集团发展曲线Growth curve of Changcheng Property Group

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BMS 楼宇管理系统 14

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BIM 建筑信息模型 15

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Another approach换个方法

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18How do we do it?我们怎么做?High-tech as a catalyst for improvement利用高新科技作为改进的催化剂

• Tangible and concrete实际且有效

• Openness to new technologiesLove of new technologies国人对科技有包容和开放的态度

→ Hi-tech as a motivating factor以高科技作为激励的手段

→ Opportunity to use technologyas a “shortcut to methodology”


But only when implemented by people deeply familiar with the Chinese FM market.需要由熟悉和了解国内设施设备市场的专业人员来实施。

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Chancheng Property Group长城物业集团Direct savings: 30MRMB/year每年节省3000万直接成本

Leading property management company, headquartered inShenzhen, over 200 sites under management.


Siveco helped Changcheng Property to standardized its ‘bestpractices’ (engineering, cleaning, call center, energymanagement) and deploy them to all its properties throughthe centralized property management system (PMS).


The project achieved 30MRMB/year in direct savings andenabled Changcheng Property to launch new high-valueservices (energy management).



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Chancheng Property Group长城物业集团Direct savings: 30MRMB/year每年节省3000万直接成本


• Build up the “best practices”建立“最佳实践”– Inventory of facilities and assets 设施设备目录

– Condition assessment, immediate actions 状态评估及行动方案

– Define preventive actions 定义预防性维护计划

– SOPs 制定标准操作流程

– Scope of contracts 合同管理

– KPIs and service levels 绩效考核和服务等级

• With focus on high risk areas (risk matrix)

关注高风险区域(风险矩阵)– Fire safety, elevators, escalators 消防安全、电梯、自动手扶梯

– Public vs. workers safety 公共安全、作业安全

– Impact on business etc. 对业务的影响

– Cost 成本

• Use the system to train a large number of staff on-the-job 利用系统对员工进行在职培训– Including FM contractors 包括外包商

– Mandatory use of the system 强制其使用系统

• To communicate to various stakeholders (management, staff, suppliers, government agencies, customers, etc.)


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Chancheng Property Group长城物业集团Direct savings: 30MRMB/year每年节省3000万直接成本


• Enforcement down to individual staff level 贯彻落实到每个基层员工– Incentive to do the job (e.g. mandatory scanning, photo)激励其工作(强制扫描、拍照)– Assistance (e.g. step-by-step guidelines, call to expert)辅助工作的开展(手把手工作指导、现场联系专家)

• Total traceability of all actions 所有行动均可追溯– Photos, GPS and time records (no text input!) 照片、GPS、时间– Checklists 检查清单

• Increase efficiency of audit teams 提高审计效率– Eliminate all administration 减少行政时间– Audit the system, not the work 在系统中开展审计– Reallocate time to prevention 将节省下的时间用于其他改进工作

• Decision support 决策支持– “Management by exception” 例外管理– Decision room (risk level, map display) 决策平台(风险等级、地图显示)– Access anywhere, anytime 随时随地读取数据– Manage contractors performance 管理外包商绩效– Benchmarking of contractors, equipment suppliers, decisions


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Green Property Management 绿地物业管理FM subsidiary of Greenland Holding 隶属于绿地集团


FM subsidiary of Fortune 500 real estate developer Greenland Holding. Over 100high-end properties across China. Some of the world’s highest buildings including450m Zifeng Plaza in Nanjing. Standardizing its best practices using bluebee® forall sites. Expected deployment to 2000+ mobile users over 3 years.


Currently over 300+ mobile users deployed for three pilot sites. Ongoing furtherdeployment (including Shanghai Metro Lines 1 & 5, 500 workers). 现三个试点项目共有超过300名移动端使用者。之后的扩展实施站点包括上海地铁一、五号线,预计超过500名工作人员将使用移动端。

2D barcodes on assets and locations. 并使用二维码对资产和地点进行标签管理。

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Carrefour China 家乐福中国Risk Prevention in China 风险管理在中国


Fast growing retail giant, 250 stores all over China. Modernizedits Risk Prevention nationwide with bluebee®. 随着零售市场的壮大,家乐福拥有超过250家门店。通过bluebee®解决方案使其管理国内门店的风险防范。

Large touch-screen display at the central control center. Fieldservice teams on mobiles (Windows Mobile), managers ontablets (Android). 中央控制中心使用大型触摸屏,现场服务团队使用移动端( Windows Mobile ),经理使用平板。

2D barcodes on key assets and inspection points.


Integration with alarm systems (SCADA).


Project won the 2013 CHaiNA Supply ChainExcellence Award:


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French Embassy in Beijing 法国驻华大使馆Preparing maintenance during construction 在施工建设期准备维护工作


• 19,950 sqm mixed-use building 19,950平方米的综合建筑– Offices for 300 people 300名工作人员– Ambassador’s residence 大使官邸– Public and reception facilities 公共及接待设施

• The players 参与方– French government construction dept.法国政府– French architect 法方设计团队– Chinese construction firm 中方工程公司

• Siveco’s role 喜科的角色– Maintenance engineering support 维护工程服务

• Design review (reliability & maintainability) 从可靠性和可维护性方面查阅设计方案• Documentation (as built drawings, manuals, etc.) 文档管理(竣工图纸、手册等)• Coding and asset tags 定义资产编码规则

– Design of initial maintenance plan 设计初步的维护计划– Assistance for the selection of FM service providers 辅助业主进行外包商甄选

• Scope of contracts 定义合同范围• Performance targets 绩效目标• Actual selection process 参与甄选流程

– Commissioning and start-up support 辅助试运行和正式启动– Strong methodological framework offered through 以方法论作为实施方针

• International standards 国际标准• Facility Management System (owned by the embassy) 设施设备管理系统(业主所有)

– Monitoring of FM performance for a 1-year period 在未来一年内监督物业服务绩效

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Nokia Beijing 北京诺基亚Optimizing maintenance in tough times 在困难时期改进维护管理工作


Iconic facilities… with many famous FM suppliers involved… Thenbusiness got tougher… 在业务衰退前,诺基亚总部曾是企业地产的标志性建筑,有许多知名的设施设备管理企业参与其中。

Focus on maintenance. Spare parts cost reduction identified as theneed. Instead we proposed a maintenance audit, from which wejointly defined goals and activities to reach the goals. 项目注重维护改进并减低备件成本,为此在项目实施前开展了一次以维护为导向的现场调研。


• Project split in multiple small phases 分成多阶段小项目

• Reduce risk (in relation to highly variable business) 降低风险以适应多变的生产任务

• Constantly prove ROI before continuing 在推进项目前明确连续的投资回报

Results in first year: 第一年的项目收益:

• Maintenance cost -10% 维护成本下降10%

• Maintenance productivity +15% 生产力增加15%

• Inventory accuracy increased from 67% to 96% (stock valueunchanged) 库存正确率从67%增加到96%(库存金额不变)

• Gained positive attention from Finland 得到了芬兰总部的赞许

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27Brose Wuhan 武汉博泽A practical SaaS-based approach to maintenance improvement使用SaaS解决方案实现维护改进

• Producing windows regulators and seat systems for the automotive industry, 7,500 sqm, 100 employees, 300 M RMB revenue 生产用于汽车行业的门窗升降器和座椅调节系统,工厂占地7,500平方米,员工100人,公司营业额为300万人民币

• Increasing maintenance needs due to growing business, more complex production lines由于业务需求增长,维护成为工厂关心的重要问题

• Strong business constraints typical of the automotive industry (cost, reliability, delivery time etc.)面临汽车行业的典型问题(成本、可靠性、交付时间等)

• Strong corporate policy to use the SAP system集团整体使用SAP• Medium-size business, careful to make investment decisions中型

规模,对投资决策较为谨慎• Project scope项目范围

– Structure the maintenance organization构建维护组织架构

– Organize the plant’s technical know-how组建工厂技术知识数据库

– Create discipline and good habits培养良好的纪律和维护习惯

– Define and follow KPIs定义并使用KPIs指标– Support TPM and Visual Management

辅助TPM和可视化管理– Use of SaaS-based CMMS

(leasing, no capex)使用SaaS解决方案(租赁,无固定资产投入)

Financial department calculated ROI within 1 year simply from direct savings


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• Increasing awareness of the impact of maintenance on facilities lifecycle cost (safety, energy, business losses), by government and private companies


• Current initiatives are mostly focused on technology, rather than on people


• But the challenge is about people: technicians, work practices and methodologies


→ This is the specific challenge we must address. Siveco has over 10 years’ experience delivering sustainable ROI from maintenance improvement in China, with an innovative approach specifically designed for “maintenance with Chinese characteristics”.


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