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Who invented the first phone? In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell worked at a

school for the deaf while trying

to invent a machine that could transmit

sound from electricity. In March of 1876,

he was granted his first official patent

for this telephone, but a few

years later he faced legal

challenges to the claim that he

was the sole inventor. Thus

resulting in history’s longest patent battle.

Why was a phone invented? What was it first used for?

The Phone was first invented for long distance communication. Before the phone, people mostly wrote letters and that could take up to a year to get a response, depending on where you live. Phones where and have always been used to talk to others that lived far away.

New Changes and Functions

Since the first cell phone... ● Much Smaller and flatter ● HD Cameras ● Touch Screen ● GPS● Personal Assistance● Alarms● Calculators● Mobile Data● Less Buttons

Modern Cellphones

Samsung Galaxy s7 Edge

Why is it Considered a technology

The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes,especially in

industry,machinery and equipment developed from the application of

scientific knowledge,the branch of knowledge dealing with

engineering or applied sciences.

Careers Clusters and Careers that phones are used in

Business Management and Administration

Cell Phone Repair Associates

Cell Phone Repair and Assembly

Cell Phone Repair Technician

Cell Phone Tech Support

How does that technology impact you personally and our

society in general? (Why can't we live without it?

Hope I personally couldn’t live without technology because without a phone it would be really difficult to communicate with other people that don’t live close to me. I personally have a lot of friends that don’t live in Mississippi. Most of them

live in Louisiana and Alabama. I know

that’s not really that far to drive, but if

I were to write letter it could take a while for

Them to answer


I personally think that technology has affected us in good and bad ways. I can't live without technology because I use it so much. I talk to my family using skype because I use computer software to make games. The bad ways are when we text our friends and we use shortcuts to shorten the word because we don’t want to type the whole thing

How I think technology impacts me- Ronnie

It impacts me personally because I need my phone to call and text people who aren’t around me. I could live without my laptop because there’s youtube, and games on my phone.


I use my phone for a lot of reasons. I use it as an alarm clock, for reminders, and to communicate with my friends, and to entertain myself.