Piranha 3D trailer evaluation

Piranha 3D trailer evaluation

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Piranha 3Dtrailer evaluation

Camera angles

To start the trailer off, an establishing shot has been used to show the audience where the trailer is set. Here the audience can see it’s in a rocky lake area somewhere hot.

A shallow focus is used when the diver touches the unknown egg sack. The focus is on the egg sack because it’s new and the audience as well as the actor doesn’t know what it is. It makes it the main focus in frame and suggest thats it’s an object of significance.

This close up shot allows the audience to see the fear in the divers eyes because he has just released he’s not alone, the piranhas are all around him. Even though the mask is covering most of his face, it’s clear to the audience that he’s scared in his as they’re wide open. The flare in the corner also shows that his distressed because they’re used in emergencies.A tilt up is used when the piranhas

have escaped the cave and are making their way to the pool party. From this the audience will feel like part of the piranha’s clan ganging up on the unexpected girl in the ring. The audience will be able to know what will happen next and they’ll be in anticipation.

Camera work Theres a zoom in of the rock face when the crack begins to appear. This happens because this is a major part of events, because of this the threat, the piranha, escapes. The audience will know something is about to happen because this in unnatural.

A tracking shot is used when the police are trying to get the college students out of the lake.This allows the audience to see that they’re having sun at a pool party and don’t expect whats about to come; to them it’s an ordinary day, which with create tension because of the dramatic irony that the audience knows what is going to happen.

When the diver goes down the crack and finds the piranhas, the camera tilts up as the light from the flare starts to get bigger and all the piranhas are in shot. This tilt allows the audience’s eye sight to widen as they realise that this can only end badly for the diver because of the vast amount.

SoundTo start the trailer off it’s very quiet with a few bird calls, it helps suggest that the setting is remote which follows conventions of a horror trailer.There’s dialogue to and from the diver which shows normality in their job even though they both know and the audience knows that something isn’t right; it creates tension as they don’t know whats going to happen.Every time something new appear in the frame with black screens in between, there’s a beat of sound that goes along with the action. I like this because it makes me wait to find out why the music is getting faster and tenser, the action and sound work really well together.As the diver see’s the piranhas, the camera tilts allowing the audience to see all of them. With this, the music gets louder as more piranhas come into the frame, again this emphasises whats on screen. Then from this a diver screams which is part of horror iconography as the characters are in danger.Party music is played when the teenagers are shown, this not only gives them a stereotypical outline of teenagers, but also that they expect nothing, they’re carrying on with their spring break when the audience and police officers know that something bad is going to happen.The police officers use a mega phone to warn the teenagers and the music stops, this suggests the importance of the speech and that no one took any notice until it was too late.As the piranhas bites the girl in the rubber ring, the music goes staccato along side the action were there are black screen between each bite. I think this looks effective because it makes the audience jump along with her.Lastly there are church bells ringing as footage of girls are getting caught be the piranhas. This signifies that people are dying, which typically happens in horror movies.

Mise en sceneThe desert is used to connote the wilderness and that no one else is out there, they’re alone and what ever danger they face, they have to solve it themselves. This makes them isolated and typically horror happening tend to come around when you’re alone.Throughout the opening the scenes are very dark which also helps imply the horror genre because horror films tends to happen in dark places because the hero wont be able to see the villain.Following this, the scene where the college students are by the lake is very bright and contradicts the darkness of the other scene. However this portrays that the students are naive and doesn’t know whats about to happen so the carry on as normal in the light, however the scientists know that something bad is happening so their scenes are in the dark.Also in the lake scene, the students are wearing bikinis and are drinking beers on boats which is like a typical spring break, again it emphasises the fact that they are stereotypical teenagers having a good time and have no idea for whats about to happen.Lastly in the lab there are tanks and other science objects which portrays that these are real biologists and they know what they’re talking about; they're the typical nerd that helps the hero.


Like other trailer, Piranha have included the production team as extra text put in the film, information about other people working on the film and the actual name of the film. Because these follow conventions, the audience knows that this film is professional and that it should be good as the people who have made it have made past productions; the audience would want to watch the film. Lastly throughout the trailer, certain frames freeze and turn to red like the piranha one above. This occurs when something significant has happened and they want to emphasise this fact. The red works well because it connotes danger and it’s one of the stereotypical colours for horror.