IPod & earphones: We wanted to ensure that the character of Cindy came across as the type of girl who kept to herself and simply got on with her life, avoiding conflict and confrontation with anyone and staying out of trouble. It is recognised that many teenagers thrive of the energy that music gives them and hence constantly listen to music on pieces of technology such as an iPod or MP3. We wanted to portray Cindy as one of these typical teenagers who are absorbed by what they listen to on a daily basis. With this, Cindy is shown listening to music through her earphones on her IPod; oblivious to what is going on around her, drawn in to her music. Additionally, this prop is one of the most important within our first two minutes as it merely sums up Cindy’s personality and how she gets on with her everyday life, indicating that this prop is one of very few things she owns herself and can say is hers. Pocket Knife: In having Cindy always obtaining her pocket knife it implies how she is always prepared for the worst and is ready to defend herself. Additionally showing how protective she is over both herself and her family. Cindy is presented playing with the pocket knife whilst sat alone; this could suggest her attempt in trying to retain memories of her father – as he is the one that gave it to her. Possibly, reminiscing in when he had given the pocket knife to her and before he left. By having this pocket knife on her at all times it reveals the idea that Cindy wants to step up to the mark that her father didn’t and protect her family and ensure that at all times they are safe. Hence, she isn’t afraid to defend herself and stand up and fight. Mobile Phone: We chose to have Cindy own a phone to accompany her iPod and earphones. Cindy does use her phone that much as she doesn’t have that many contacts that she talks to, considering her shy character when at college and outside of her home. However, out in public she acts as if she uses her mobile constantly, with this she sits and simply fiddles with it. Cindy has the desire to come across as your typical teenage girl and tries to ensure that no one knows what has really happened. Additionally, with this she is very apprehensive in creating any forms of relationships with anyone outside of her family. PROPS


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Page 1: Planning

 IPod & earphones:We wanted to ensure that the character of Cindy came across as the type of girl who kept to herself and simply got on with her life, avoiding conflict and confrontation with anyone and staying out of trouble. It is recognised that many teenagers thrive of the energy that music gives them and hence constantly listen to music on pieces of technology such as an iPod or MP3. We wanted to portray Cindy as one of these typical teenagers who are absorbed by what they listen to on a daily basis. With this, Cindy is shown listening to music through her earphones on her IPod; oblivious to what is going on around her, drawn in to her music. Additionally, this prop is one of the most important within our first two minutes as it merely sums up Cindy’s personality and how she gets on with her everyday life, indicating that this prop is one of very few things she owns herself and can say is hers.   

 Pocket Knife:In having Cindy always obtaining her pocket knife it implies how she is always prepared for the worst and is ready to defend herself. Additionally showing how protective she is over both herself and her family. Cindy is presented playing with the pocket knife whilst sat alone; this could suggest her attempt in trying to retain memories of her father – as he is the one that gave it to her. Possibly, reminiscing in when he had given the pocket knife to her and before he left. By having this pocket knife on her at all times it reveals the idea that Cindy wants to step up to the mark that her father didn’t and protect her family and ensure that at all times they are safe. Hence, she isn’t afraid to defend herself and stand up and fight.   

 Mobile Phone:We chose to have Cindy own a phone to accompany her iPod and earphones. Cindy does use her phone that much as she doesn’t have that many contacts that she talks to, considering her shy character when at college and outside of her home. However, out in public she acts as if she uses her mobile constantly, with this she sits and simply fiddles with it. Cindy has the desire to come across as your typical teenage girl and tries to ensure that no one knows what has really happened. Additionally, with this she is very apprehensive in creating any forms of relationships with anyone outside of her family.       


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Home: The only shots set at our own homes were incorporated within the flashbacks to employ the fact that Cindy and her family did have a home before everything happened. By filming the flashbacks at home it indicated the family’s happiness beforehand and the idea that they felt comfortable and safe in their own home. We were able to film in different rooms including, the living room and bedroom. Lighting was high key within these shots suggesting the relaxed and happy nature of the scene, further juxtaposing the reality of what has since happened.


Harlington train station: The train station was an ideal place for us to introduce our main protagonist, Cindy. The station was substantially empty due to the time frame for when we wanted to film – evening. We chose to film at this time at the station because it gave the sense that Cindy was alone as well as the idea that the dark lighting and sounds from trains passing gave this hostile feel. The stairs and bridge at the train station enabled us to take advantage of the levels and have diversity in the shots we used, ranging from low angle shots to wide shots. In showing an establishing shot of the station and Cindy walking through it shows the fact she has to use public transport and gives the initial impression that she is fending for herself.


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Name: Elise JohnsonAge: 39 Gender: FemaleNationality: AmericanOccupation: Social WorkerHeight: 5’6 Physical Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes, pale skin and tall. 

Clothing: Contemporary, modern costume to reinstate the current setting of the film being in 2013.Elise wears black jeans and a top throughout the flashbacks. The flashbacks show the family happy together enjoying time with one another, contradicting the following flashbacks that show the horrific memories of what happened. So hence wears ordinary clothing. 

Make up: Elise wears some make up in order to feel better about herself. The little make up she does wear includes: foundation, mascara and eye shadow. She cares about the way she looks because she wants others to see her as a strong, independent woman who has been able to deal with what has happened instead of the widowed woman she is inside who is slowly deteriorating through this struggle.    

Personality: Elise is a well-rounded, polite and helpful woman who cares very much for others. Hence is as to why she adores her job – social worker. Elise spends her spare time reading and doing the typical conventional things a housewife does. A lot of her time is taken up by the work she does in supporting and caring for other people, meaning a lot of the time her oldest daughter, Cindy, is left in charge. She is a loving and very genuine woman who is popular within the community.   

History: At the age of 4, Elise lost her dad and was left alone with just her mother. She grew up without a father figure and promised to herself that the day she has her own family she will not allow for her children to grow up without either parent. Married to her husband for 12 years, they had 3 children; Cindy, Nancy and Brad. With no warning or notice her husband, Peter Johnson, left one night and disappeared leaving his family heartbroken. Elise has a hunch that her husband has left for a reason to join a cult but refuses to have her children know. With this she tries to pull herself together and get on with her life, looking after her kids.


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Name: Cindy JohnsonAge: 17Gender: FemaleNationality: AmericanOccupation: WaitressHeight: 5’2Physical Appearance: Brown hair, hazel eyes, olive skin and small. 

Clothing: Contemporary, modern costume to reinstate the current setting of the film being in 2013.Jeans, plain top and leather jacket when sitting on train reminiscing in these bad thoughts and flashbacks. This up-to-date costume indicates Cindy’s possible interest in fashion and desire in keeping up with trends and fashions. The darker colour of her clothing links to the emotion and mood of the current scene.  

Make up: Cindy doesn’t wear a lot of make up as she is the kind of person who makes little effort into her appearance and the way she looks. However, the minimal make-up she does wear includes: foundation, eyeliner and mascara. She has her hair up in a messy ponytail, out of her face, overall appearing quite natural. By wearing minimal make up it connotes Cindy’s little self-confidence and also the idea she is considered quite a ‘tom boy.’

Personality: Cindy has a reserved persona and not many friends because of her minimal interaction when at college. She indulges herself in current news that involves killings and disappearances; this is because of what happened to her father. She always keeps a pocket knife on her, just in case. She works very hard and is fascinated by what she studies at college.  

History: Cindy grew up in a loving family and they were comfortable in their own home. However at the age of 10 her father suddenly disappeared leaving no trace as to where he had gone. Cindy was the closest, out of the three, to her father, what you might call a ‘daddy’s girl’. For when she found out her father had just neglected them she was heartbroken. From this time onwards Cindy grew to be a strong, independent young girl who trusted close to no one other than her sister, brother and mother. Before her father had disappeared Cindy had a nice group of friends, however once everything happened and when she was in need of such support her friends simply abandoned her.



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Name: Nancy JohnsonAge: 11Gender: FemaleNationality: AmericanOccupation: N/AHeight: 4’10 Physical Appearance: brown hair, brown eyes, olive skin and small. 

Clothing: Contemporary, modern costume to reinstate the current setting of the film being in 2013. She wears trousers, a top and coat when in the flashbacks. The flashbacks show the family happy together enjoying time with one another, contradicting the following flashbacks that show the horrific memories of what happened. So hence wears ordinary clothing.

Make up: No make-up due to her young age. Additionally, by wearing no make-up implies Nancy’s innocence and the idea she is young and has no strict knowledge of what has previously happened.   

Personality Nancy is a loud character and very outgoing, however only recently she has come out of her shell and began to interact with others. She works tremendously hard at school and tries to be involved in as many cross curriculum activities – clubs and sport. The majority of her school life so far she has struggled with her confidence and self-esteem. She’s very creative and loves to write and make up her own stories. Nancy is very close with her older sister, Cindy, as always goes to her for guidance or support.

History: Nancy was just 4 when her father disappeared so didn’t entirely understand what had actually happened. Through growing up the majority of her life with just her mother as her guardian she grew to forget her father and soon at the age of around 9 became oblivious to him even existing. Due to her mother being at work a lot of the time, Nancy goes to Cindy for all support and guidance.   


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Name: Brad JohnsonAge: 6Gender: MaleNationality: AmericanOccupation: N/AHeight: 3’10Physical Appearance: brown hair, blue eyes, pale skin and very small.  

Clothing: Contemporary, modern costume to reinstate the current setting of the film being in 2013.Brad wears jeans and a top with a coat whilst in flashbacks. Modern, up-to-date clothing to suggest he is well looked after and cared for by his sisters and mother. The flashbacks show the family happy together enjoying time with one another, contradicting the following flashbacks that show the horrific memories of what happened. So hence wears ordinary clothing.

Make up: No make-up.     

Personality: Brad is a quiet boy and doesn’t talk much. He enjoys going to school and plays football regularly. His room is where he spends most of his time playing with his toys. He cares largely for his sisters and mother and in being young he tries to protect them as if older. He doesn’t fully understand as to why he doesn’t have a father and regularly compares this idea to his friends, sometimes wishing he had that father figure in his life.  

History: Brad wasn’t born when his father had disappeared so therefore he retained no memories or thoughts in association with having a father. Without a father figure in his life he relies completely on his mother and in being surrounded by females he has developed a very sentimental, caring side. Furthermore, wanting to be able to protect his sisters and mother when he is old enough.