Plastics Pollution By Angelica 5 Ap

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Page 1: Plastics Pollution By Angelica 5 Ap
Page 2: Plastics Pollution By Angelica 5 Ap


Page 3: Plastics Pollution By Angelica 5 Ap

The environmental impact of thousands of plastic bags we consume

and that's not counting the large amount of energy needed to

manufacture, since they are composed of substances

derived from oil, which also slow to degrade between 80 to 90 years.

Page 4: Plastics Pollution By Angelica 5 Ap

When they reach the sea, the impact it is lethal to the sea itself, but especially for animals that ignorance of and

l danger involved, and ultimately ingest dying a horrible way. Last year, about

100,000 whales, seals, turtles and other marine animals died with bags

plastic inside their body.

Page 5: Plastics Pollution By Angelica 5 Ap

When summer arrives and we go to the beaches, we do not

pick up Object plastic of all kinds, we left abandoned on the beaches and coasts;

and the wind and / or tidal Drag handle offshore. We kill many ocean fauna

like …

Page 6: Plastics Pollution By Angelica 5 Ap

Sea turtles mistake them for jellyfish and eat drowning in the attempt to swallow.

Dolphins, whales, seals and other animals happen the same, they do not recognize that they are eating something will kill them

Page 7: Plastics Pollution By Angelica 5 Ap

But the intake of Plastics not only affects marine Animals also birds and another

sea species.