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Page 1: Podcasting
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Benefits to podcasting

Ideas for the


In the classroom

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Podcasting is a newer concept that most teachers are starting to use inside their classroom. Students of the 21st century have had technology at their finger tips since they were born and podcasting is just another way for them to use technology educationally.

Podcasting has been shown to help children with different learning styles and learning disabilities.

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Students who are weak readers can now listen to their textbooks while following along. Also auditory learner are helped immensely.

According to the article, it is very easy to set up in a classroom and extremely convenient.

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Just learning that podcasts aren’t just used in colleges by professors but in classrooms with young children.

Also, I never thought about how podcasting would benefit children with disabilities.


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There are many benefits to using podcasts in your classroom. Many teachers see that it makes learning more exciting and more effective.

Students today have never been without electronics, and most students are always around it.

Podcasting allows for differentiation in the classrooms, and also can be used as a study tool for all learners.

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Podcasts can be used if a child is sick for an extended amount of time. The student can download the audio to their computer and still be able to learn and keep on task.

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Podcasting is a great tool for students that are sick. It is an easy way for them to learn the material while at home ill. I am not sure how, as a teacher, you would go about recording yourself daily but it could be a good idea to look into.


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Podcasting is different then just using any type of audio of video device. In order for it to be classified as a podcast it has to 1. be an online file, that is stored publicly and 2. it has to be a file that is available as a subscription.

Some ideas that are listed on the website include but are not limited to: Literature Circles, Book Talks, Oral Histories, Meet the Author.

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Literature Circles can be used like a book club but the students listen to the books instead of read them or they read the book and have a discussion about them through podcasts so others can listen.

Book talks are basically just a short summary of the book. It helps children choose interesting books to hear by hearing their peers talk about them.

Meet the Author is where students record themselves talking about the authors and their work. Your classroom will have a little library about a variety of authors.

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I would have never thought of these ideas for my classroom. I thought they were cute and different. Most kids hate book reports and I feel podcasting would be an awesome way to excite kids and want to participate.


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Podcasting is a very useful tool for the classrooms. Children will learn how to use it quickly and enjoy learning with a technology style. There are many sites to help teachers learn how to start and use a podcast for their classrooms along with many different ideas.

I think it is an awesome idea and I can not wait to get my classroom and try it out.