Podcasts, Media Sharing & RSS: Rich Content for the Masses Allan R Barclay Ebling Library, University of Wisconsin- Madison Midwest Chapter MLA/MHSLA 2008 Conference Troy, Michigan October 21, 2008

Podcasts, Media Sharing & RSS: Rich Media for the Masses

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Part of the Technology Forum at the Midwest Chapter, MLA Annual Meeting 2008. My section covered media sharing (podcasts and video in particular) and some basic concepts or trends.

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Page 1: Podcasts, Media Sharing & RSS: Rich Media for the Masses

Podcasts, Media Sharing & RSS:

Rich Content for the MassesAllan R Barclay

Ebling Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Midwest Chapter MLA/MHSLA 2008 Conference Troy, Michigan October 21, 2008

Page 2: Podcasts, Media Sharing & RSS: Rich Media for the Masses

Podcasting - What is/was it?

“A podcast is a multimedia file distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds (i.e RSS), for playback on mobile devices and personal computers “

Wikipedia definition

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Podcasts go mainstream

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Videos go mainstream

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Where did all this media sharing come from?

iPods and iTunes


Warez sites

Commercial photo applications


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Methods of distribution

"Casting" (podcasting, etc)

Direct link/download/embedding (blogs in particular)



Social Networking software (i.e. Facebook apps, Twine, peer-to-peer, chat)

iTunes (the media megaplex)

Real Gadgets (i.e. Chumby)

RSS as basis for most automated sharing, functionality

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Trends in media sharing



Tagging/lightweight description

Lack of structured data (i.e. taxonomies, controlled vocabulary – just try searching YouTube!)



Free hosted versions, more functional installed versions

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Issues with media sharing

Copyright/Intellectual property - locally produced or downloaded

Downstream issues (no control once copies are downloaded or shared)


Archiving (shared media are the “new trade paperbacks”)

Security issues for locally hosted archives

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Media production

Many open source/free tools (iTunes, Audacity, LAME, Jing)

Commercial products for more professional projects (Adobe Audition, Captivate, Apple Garage Band, iMovie, FinalCut)

Wikipedia has great introductions, pointers to resources and (wiki)media, legal issues

Wide range from quick and dirty to highly professional and polished

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Media sharing – the next generation

Let’s share media together in Second Life!The Grace Hopper Expo Center - NMC

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That’s all - thanks!

[email protected] (me)

http://www.slideshare.net/abarclay (slides)

Deki wiki for media sharing sites - http://technologyforum.wik.is/index.php?title=Podcasting_%26_Media_Sharing