Poverty & It’s Impact on Bangladesh Md. Solayman

Poverty and it's impact on bangladesh

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Page 1: Poverty and it's impact on bangladesh



It’s Impact on


Md. Solayman

Page 2: Poverty and it's impact on bangladesh

Outline Of Presentation

• What is Poverty ?

• Dimensions of Poverty

• Concept Of Poverty

• Situation Of Poverty in Bangladesh

• Poverty : An Impediment Of


• Poverty Reduction Strategy

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What is Poverty ?

Poverty is “welfare level below a reasonable minimum.”

The condition or quality of being poor.

Condition of having little or no wealth or material possessions; indigence, destitution, want (in various degrees)

Deficiency, lack, scantiness, dearth, scarcity; smallness of amount.

Poor people’s perception of poverty level

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Dimensions of Poverty

• Income Poverty Extreme poverty: Lack of income necessary to satisfy basic food

needs Overall poverty: Lack of income necessary to satisfy essential non-

food needs• Human Poverty Lack of basic human capabilities: Illiteracy, malnutrition,

abbreviated life span, poor, maternal health, illness from preventable diseases.

• Multidimensional Nature of Poverty Deprivation in the most essential capabilities of life, including

leading a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable, having adequate economic provisioning and participating fully in the life of the community

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Concept Of Poverty

A global minimum standard for a socially acceptable minimum

standard of living or the whole world came into existence only after


GLOBAL conceptualization of POVERTY as an object of

measurement EVERYWHERE is a feature of WORLD ORDER in

the later 20th century.

The mid-20th century made concepts of poverty more political :

First: By Introducing TWO conflicting meanings for the

POVERTY LINE, one associated with capitalism, the other, with


Second: By Giving INEQUALITY (measured around the poverty

line) two meanings, with the same conflicting associations.

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Situation Of Poverty in Bangladesh











1973-74 1981-82 1991-92 1995-98 2000 2005 2010


Headcount Poverty Rate (%)





Source: Bangladesh Bureau Of Household Expenditure Survey ; Various Years

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Poverty : An Impediment Of


Due to a huge number of population, we cannot escape the fact of severity of poverty.

Child Malnutrition rate rates 48%

Because of live below the poverty line , Many remote areas suffer lack services such as education, health clinics and adequate.

Rising landlessness is a consequence of poverty in Bangladesh

Lack of proper health care due to the expensive and poor quality health care services

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Poverty Reduction StrategyTo reduce poverty rate to 25 by 2013 and 15 by 2021 as set out in Vision 2021, the Government has prepared a long-term perspective plan (2010-20) and the Sixth Five Year Plan (SFYP) for implementation.

Building a sustainable social safety net for the hard core poor to achieve the targets of the Millennium Development Goal by 2017

Attainment of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) : Goal 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty & Hunger o Target A: Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people

below poverty lineo Target B: Achieve full and Productive employment and decent worko Target C : Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people

who suffer from hunger

Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, UNDP, 2010

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