Power Tools for Guiding Instruction Elementary Session #1 Athens City Schools Power Up PD Spring 2015 Alyson Carpenter, Instructional Technology Specialist [email protected] http://goo.gl/xEtZF9

Power tools for Guiding Instruction (k6) Session 1

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Power Tools for Guiding Instruction

Elementary Session #1

Athens City


Power Up PDSpring 2015

Alyson Carpenter, Instructional Technology [email protected]://goo.gl/xEtZF9

Learning TargetsSession #1

I can...● communicate the importance of

formative assessment.● differentiate between formative &

summative assessment.● share with others how formative

assessment fits into a balanced assessment system.

● explore digital formative assessment tools and plan for use in my classroom.

5 Key Strategies of Formative Assessment:

Formative Assessment -Dylan William

1. Learning Targets2. Elicit Evidence

3. Feedback 4. Peer Feedback &

Assessment 5. Self- Assessment

Formative Assessment is a collection of strategies teachers employ to get clarity on what they will be teaching and to

assess how well students have learned what they are teaching.

The “POWER TOOLS”High Impact Instruction

What is Formative Assessment?

The understanding gained from formative assessments serves as the foundation teachers use to make adjustments to the way

they teach so students will learn what is being taught.

High Impact Instruction

What is Formative Assessment?

Formative assessment allows both teachers and students to

monitor student progress toward mastery.

High Impact Instruction

What is Formative Assessment?

WHY:● Increases Hope● Amplifies Student Engagement● Builds Student Ownership● Provides Instructional Starting Point● Promotes Intentional Planning &

Teaching● Motivates Students & Teachers

Formative Assessment


To improve learning

● Assessment FOR Learning

● Used to guide instruction

● On-Going (B,D,A)

● Check-Up


To measure competency

● Assessment OF Learning

● Used to assign a grade

● After Instruction

● Autopsy


Formative assessment is not a type of unit or benchmark test students take. Formative assessment processes are different than the assessment instruments used as part

of the formative process.

So, what makes an assessment formative?




When the cook tastes the soup, it’s formative, when the guests taste

the soup, it’s summative.

~John Hattie

Power Tool: Timers*Other options:

Google: https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&q=timer

Classroom Timers: http://www.online-stopwatch.com/classroom-timers/

Egg Timer:http://e.ggtimer.com/

Setting a timer provides specific expectations for student tasks. It also helps students learn to gauge the time it will take to complete individual

or collaborative assignments.

FA Strategy: Self-Assess


Make a T-chart & Categorize:

● Quick-Write or Quick-Draw● Spelling Test● Progress Monitoring● Fist-to-5● Unit Test● Thumbs UP/ DOWN / WIGGLY● Benchmark Test● Whiteboards● Exit Ticket



Power Tool: Doodle Buddy*Other options: Sand, Educreations

Possible Uses:➔ T-Chart➔ Back-to-Back➔ Add Stamp Beside Most Important or Muddiest Point ➔ Add Background (Graphic Organizer, Word Sort, etc.) ➔ Add Text for Close Reading or Group Work➔ Quick-Write or Quick-Draw➔ Show What You Know

FA Strategy: Whiteboards

FORMATIVE AssessmentsWhich have you tried? Feel free to add your own!

(Analog or Digital?)

● Exit Tickets● WhiteBoards● Response Cards● Clickers● Thumbs (up, down, wiggly)● T&T / TTYP-&● Think-Pair-Share● Hot Potato● Graphic Organizers● Quick-Write● Jigsaw● Gallery Walk


Many, many more tools to try…. http:


Grade Level: KindergartenWhich tools do you currently use? Could they be made digital?

Would digital tools make the process smoother? / Up engagement?

● Add your ideas here!

Grade Level: 1st GradeWhich tools do you currently use? Could they be made digital?

Would digital tools make the process smoother? / Up engagement?

● Add your ideas here!

Grade Level: 2nd GradeWhich tools do you currently use? Could they be made digital?

Would digital tools make the process smoother? / Up engagement?

● Add your ideas here!

Grade Level: 3rd GradeWhich tools do you currently use? Could they be made digital?

Would digital tools make the process smoother? / Up engagement?


Grade Level: 4th GradeWhich tools do you currently use? Could they be made digital?

Would digital tools make the process smoother? / Up engagement?

● Add your ideas here!

Grade Level: 5th/6th GradeWhich tools do you currently use? Could they be made digital?

Would digital tools make the process smoother? / Up engagement?

● Add your ideas here!

Power Tool: Google Slides*Other options: KeyNote, Haiku Deck, Prezi

Possible Uses:➔ Brainstorming➔ Determining Background Knowledge➔ Encouraging Collaborative Discussions➔ Presenting Learning to Authentic Audiences➔ Reflecting on Learning (Individually & Collaboratively)

FA Strategy: Collaborative Presentations

How do formative assessments help you

as a teacher?



Power Tool: Lino-It*Other options: Padlet, Popplet, Symbaloo, VoiceThread

Possible Uses:➔ Build Background➔ Think-Pair-Share➔ Check Depth of Knowledge➔ Students Share New Learning➔ Collaborative Exploration of Concept➔ Classroom BackChannel➔ Student Share Learning with Projects➔ Entrance / Exit Tickets

FA Strategy: Digital Bulletin Boards

Have you ever been stuck in this cycle?

● Assess● Record Grades ● Return Papers● Move On

How might this cycle be broken?

Think About It...

Power Tool: Camera / ScreenShots *Other options: PicStitch, ChatterPix, ThingLink, iMovie, YouTube Capture

Possible Uses:➔ Photograph Classroom Creations & Add to Digital Portfolio➔ ScreenShot Work Created Digitally (Notes, Slides, etc.)➔ Photograph Student Work Products➔ Share Various Types of Work Products with Authentic Audiences➔ Collect Work Samples for Digital Portfolios➔ Video: Interviews➔ Video: Application of Knowledge

FA Strategy: Show What You Know

Before Instruction:

➔ How do I find out what my students already know?

➔ What do I do with that information?➔ Analog / Digital?

Reflecting on Current Practices:

Think- Pair-


During Instruction:

➔ How do I track my students’ progress?➔ What do I do with that information?➔ Analog / Digital?

Reflecting on Current Practices:

Think- Pair-


After Instruction:

➔ How do I determine what students have learned?

➔ What do I do with that information? ➔ Analog / Digital?

Reflecting on Current Practices:

Think- Pair-



FA Strategy: Speed Dating / Cold Call








Possible Uses:➔ Gather Topic Info Quickly (Hot Potato)➔ Promote equitable participation➔ Quick Quizzes➔ Collect Data to Plan for Individual Student

Interventions Power Tools:

Let’s Create w/ Educreations!

● Work With a Partner● Use the Educreations app● Reflection Prompts:

○ 3- Reasons We Use FA○ 2- Things We’d Like to Try in the Future○ 1- Strategy We’ll Commit To Try This Week

● Illustrate & Narrate Your Project● Be Creative ● Be Prepared to Share

3-2-1 Reflection: Show What You Know!



Strategy: 3-2-1 Reflection

Power Tool: Educreations*Other options: VoiceThread, iMovie, Symbaloo,

Google Drive, Sock Puppets, Padlet

Possible Uses:➔ Reflect on a Unit of Study➔ Create a Portfolio ➔ Collect Resources for Learning➔ Teach Others➔ Student Collaboration & Discussion

Homework: 1. TRY ONE STRATEGY! If you already use all

the strategies shared, try using one in a new way! Call or email me if

you would like support! 2. Download: Sock

Puppets app


Shared Resources for Formative AssessmentPlease feel free to copy any of the items in the shared folder below. I will continue to add to the collection as I create or

find new items that may be of use to you & your students!


High Impact Instruction (Knight)

Advancing Formative Assessment(Brookhart & Moss)

Formative Assessment(William)

Formative Assessment(Popham)

Leaders of Their Own Learning (Berger)


Strategies &

Power Tools

Add your favorite Strategy / Power

Tool to a slide to share with colleagues!

Power Tool: Tool Name*Other options:

Possible Uses:➔ This~

FA Strategy: StrategyShared By: ADD YOUR NAME HERE!

Power Tool: Tool Name*Other options:

Possible Uses:➔ This~

FA Strategy: StrategyShared By: ADD YOUR NAME HERE!

Power Tool: Tool Name*Other options:

Possible Uses:➔ This~

FA Strategy: StrategyShared By: ADD YOUR NAME HERE!

Power Tool: Tool Name*Other options:

Possible Uses:➔ This~

FA Strategy: StrategyShared By: ADD YOUR NAME HERE!

Power Tool: Tool Name*Other options:

Possible Uses:➔ This~

FA Strategy: StrategyShared By: ADD YOUR NAME HERE!

Power Tool: Tool Name*Other options:

Possible Uses:➔ This~

FA Strategy: StrategyShared By: ADD YOUR NAME HERE!

Power Tool: Tool Name*Other options:

Possible Uses:➔ This~

FA Strategy: StrategyShared By: ADD YOUR NAME HERE!

Power Tool: Tool Name*Other options:

Possible Uses:➔ This~

FA Strategy: StrategyShared By: ADD YOUR NAME HERE!

Power Tool: Tool Name*Other options:

Possible Uses:➔ This~

FA Strategy: StrategyShared By: ADD YOUR NAME HERE!

Power Tool: Tool Name*Other options:

Possible Uses:➔ This~

FA Strategy: StrategyShared By: ADD YOUR NAME HERE!

Power Tool: Tool Name*Other options:

Possible Uses:➔ This~

FA Strategy: StrategyShared By: ADD YOUR NAME HERE!

Power Tool: Tool Name*Other options:

Possible Uses:➔ This~

FA Strategy: StrategyShared By: ADD YOUR NAME HERE!

Power Tool: Tool Name*Other options:

Possible Uses:➔ This~

FA Strategy: StrategyShared By: ADD YOUR NAME HERE!

Power Tool: Tool Name*Other options:

Possible Uses:➔ This~

FA Strategy: StrategyShared By: ADD YOUR NAME HERE!