Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres


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Page 1: Pragmatics

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

Page 2: Pragmatics

1. Definitions and background


The study of speaker meaning

The study of contextual meaning

The study of how more get communicated than said

The study of the expression of relative distance

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

Page 3: Pragmatics

1. Definitions and background


What people mean in a particular context

How the context influences what is said

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

Page 4: Pragmatics

1. Definitions and background

Syntax, semantics and Pragmatics:

The study of the relations between linguistic forms, how they are arranged in sequence, which sentences are well formed

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

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1. Definitions and background Syntax, semantics and Pragmatics:

The study of the relations between linguistic forms and entities in the world. How words conect to things

Concerned with the truth-conditions of propositions expressed in a sentence

“The duck, the dog and the bottle of ketchup”

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

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1. Definitions and background

Syntax, semantics and Pragmatics:

The study of linguistic forms and their users. People’s intended meaning

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

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1. Definitions and background Regularity:

To be pragmatically appropiate in a context

If not: convey the meaning of a social outsider

Basic experiences share non-linguistic knowledge

“I found an old bike lying on the ground. The chain was rusted”

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

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1. Definitions and background The pragmatics wastebasket:

Interpret order of mention as order of occurrence (and = and then)

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

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2. Deixis and distance


Pointing via language

Person deixis: “me” - “You”

Spatial deixis: “here” - “there”

Temporal deixis: “now” - “then”

Indexicals = deictic expressions

What’s that?

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

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2. Deixis and distance Deictic center (the speaker)

Proximal deictic expression:

this - here - now

Distal deictic expression:

that - there - then

person deixis:

speaker and addressee

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

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2. Deixis and distance Deictic center (the speaker)

person deixis:

shifts from “I” to “you”

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

Social deixis:

Honorifics (UD - vos)

T/V distinction

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2. Deixis and distance Person deixis

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres



Let’s go

Let us go

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2. Deixis and distance Person deixis

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

Third person pronouns are DISTANT forms of person deixis

Would his highness like some coffe?

To make potential accusations

Somebody didn’t clean his teeth

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2. Deixis and distance Spatial deixis

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

Psychological distance

I’m not here now (deictic projection)

The speaker’s perspective can be fixed mentally as well as physically

I don’t like that perfume

On the answering machine

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2. Deixis and distance Temporal deixis

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

Then applies to both, past and future

Point of reference???

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3. Reference and inference


Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

The meaning the addressee gives to the speaker’s speech

Linguistic forms to enable the listener to identify something


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3. Reference and inference

Referencial and attributive uses

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

“the speaker knows that the referent does exist” (referential)

“whoever / whatever finds this description” (attributive)

He wants to marry a woman with lots of money

There was no sing of the killer

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3. Reference and inference

Names and referents

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

Convention between all members of a community

Can I borrow your SHAKESPEARE?

Where is the cheeseburger sitting?

Pragmatic connection

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3. Reference and inference

The role of co-text

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

The co-text limits the range of possible interpretations of the text

Possible interpretations???

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3. Reference and inference

The role of co-text

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

Wins the World Cup

Wins first round of trade talks

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3. Reference and inference

Anaphoric reference

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

The man was holding the cat. He left it

The man is the antecedent

“He” is the anaphor

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3. Reference and inference

Cataphoric reference

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

I stepped on it. The large snake in the middle of the path.

“It” is the cataphora

Zero anaphora or ellipsis

Cook for 3 minutes

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4. Presupposition and entailment

A presupposition is:

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

something the speaker assumes to be the case prior to making an


An entailment is:

something that logically follows from what is asserted in the utterance

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4. Presupposition and entailment

A presupposition is:

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

something the speaker assumes to be the case prior to making an


An entailment is:

something that logically follows from what is asserted in the utterance

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4. Presupposition and entailment


Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

Relation between at least two propositions

Mary’s dog is cute (=p)

Mary has a dog (=q)

p q

Constancy under negation

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4. Presupposition and entailment

Types of Presuppositions

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

Potential pressupositions

Existencial pressupositions

Factive pressupositions

Lexical pressupositions

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5. Cooperation and implicature Implicature

Additional conveyed meaning

The cooperative principle

Man: Does your dog bite?

Woman: No

Man: Ouch!. Hey! You said YOUR dog doesn’t bite

Woman: He doesn´t, but that’s not my dog.

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

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5. Cooperation and implicature

The cooperative principle (Grice 1975)

The Maxims:


Make your contribution as informative as required

Do not make your contribution more informative than required

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

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5. Cooperation and implicature

The Maxims:

Do not say what you believe to be false

Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres


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5. Cooperation and implicature The Maxims:

Avoid oscurity of expression

Avoid ambiguity

Manner: be perpicuous

Be brief

Be orderly

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

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5. Cooperation and implicature The Maxims:

Be relevant


Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

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5. Cooperation and implicature

Hedges (cautious notes):

Expressions used to mark danger in not fully adhering to the principles

“say no more” “no comments” “My lips are sealed”

Good indicators that the speakers want to observe the maxims

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

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5. Cooperation and implicature Generalized Conversational implicature

“When any form in the scale is asserted, the negative of all forms higher on the scale is IMPLICATED”

Scalar implicature


Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

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5. Cooperation and implicature

Conventional Implicatures

The words. BUT - EVEN -YET

Even John came to the party!

To express contrast: contrary to expectation

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

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6. Speech acts and events

Speech acts:

Actions performed via utterances

apology - complaint - compliment - invitation - promise - request

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

The speaker’s intention in producing an utterance

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Speech acts: locutionary act (first dimension)

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

6. Speech acts and events

The basic act of an utterance

Illocutionary act (second dimension)

Performed via the communicative force of the utterance

Perlocutionary act (third dimension)

The intended effect of the utterance

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Speech act classification:


Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

6. Speech acts and events

“I pronounce you husband and wife”


“The earth is flat”


“I’m really sorry”

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Speech act classification:


Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

6. Speech acts and events

“Gimme a cup of coffee”

Commissives (commitment)

“I’ll be back”

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Politeness: The idea of polite social behavior - to show awareness of another person’s face


Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

7. Politeness and interaction

The public self-image of a person

Relative social distance

“Mr. Buckingham” - “Bucky”

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Face wants

Face threatening act

Power point presentation by Guillermo Torres

7. Politeness and interaction

A threat to another’s face

Face saving act

Say something to lessen a possible threat

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