Preliminary Task Kamran Ali

Preliminary task powerpoint

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Page 1: Preliminary task powerpoint

Preliminary Task

Kamran Ali

Page 2: Preliminary task powerpoint

Front Cover



Strap line

Cover Image (Medium Close up)

Consistent Colours


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Page Numbers



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Question 1-‘In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and

conventions of media products?’

My media product uses many conventions, such a Masthead that goes across the top of the page, so it draws attention and makes it appealing to the reader. Another convention I have used is cover lines. I have cover lines detailing the main articles inside of the magazine, underneath these are strap lines giving some detail to the cover lines.

I have used bright and vibrant colours to stand out and draw attention to the reader. I have not used that rule of thirds on my front cover because the eyes of my main cover model do not fall into the top third of the magazine.

For font I have not used Sans Serif which is common in most magazines, instead I have used a different font to make it stand out from other magazines.

I have added small subjects at the bottom of the magazine as a way of showing the reader what is inside this issue but without using cover lines. I used bullets to separate each of the different subjects.

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Question 1-‘In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and

conventions of media products?’

For my contents page I have used and not used many different conventions. Again I did not use Sans Serif for the main title but I did use it for the rest of the text on the page.

I did not use the rule of thirds here either I used half the page for each different sections. Each section had one image and a list of articles.

I used anchors on the images to add a short description about each different picture.

Each section had a small heading then a list of the articles followed by the page number.

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Question 2 – What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this


Using adobe Photoshop I learnt how to create new documents to create and manipulate images

I also learnt how do undo things I have done using the history tool, this mad it easier to undo mistakes or change something

I learnt how to create new layers, move them and lock them to help manipulate my images.

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Question 2 – What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this


Using the different tools to create shapes and manipulate images

Modifying the colours to create different shades to make my front cover look better

I learnt how to use swatches to make using colours easier

Other things I learnt using Photoshop were:

• How to manipulate images without distorting them

•How to modify images and perform cut-outs

•Creating different layers

•Creating banners and callouts

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Question 2 – What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this


Using InDesign I learnt many things about creating new documents and creating my contents page

I learnt that you have to change the size of the paper to international and then to A4 otherwise it will come out in the wrong size.

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Question 2 – What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this


I learnt how to manipulate, insert, delete and move pages using InDesign

I learnt how to create text boxes and fill them with placeholder text to make it easier for myself to see the overall layout without having to type all of my text straight away.