“10 de Agosto” English Institute Present Continuous By: Kleber Sarmiento

Present continuous

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  1. 1. 10 de Agosto English Institute Present Continuous By: Kleber Sarmiento
  2. 2. When?= Cundo? Situaciones que suceden en el momento que se est hablando. Ex: Mike is driving to work at the moment. My boss is talking to his secretary. Situaciones que se han venido realizando recientemente, pero no precisamente en el momento de hablar. Ex: Tom is learning French at school. I am reading a book.
  3. 3. Situaciones desagradables(always). Ex: Dad is always washing the car when I want to use it. I am always forgetting the keys in the car.
  4. 4. Formas de los verbos en The Present Continuous Verbos de una sola silaba: se dobla o se repite la ltima consonante. Ex: stop-stopping Joseph is stopping by the drugstore for a while. run-running Ronald is running in the park. Verbos en e: se elimina la e y se aade ing. Ex: wave-waving Mary is waving at us. erase-erasing The student is erasing the board.
  5. 5. Se aade ing a la mayoria de los verbos. Ex: play-playing watch-watching Dad and mom are watching tv. Boys are playing tennis.
  6. 6. Estructura de The Present Continuous Affirmative: subject+am/is/are+verb+ing. He is studying at school. Negative: subject+am/is/are+not+ verb+ing. I am not planning to go to Galapagos Islands this time. Question: Am/is/are+subject+ verb+ing. Are you working today?
  7. 7. RESUMEN The Present Continuous se utiliza en: Situaciones que suceden ahora. Situaciones que se han venido realizando frecuentemente. Situaciones desagradables (always) Forma de los verbos en The Present Continuous. -one-syllable verbs: double consonant. -e: eliminar e y aadir ing. - Most verbs: aadir ing. Estructuras Affirmative, Negative and Question.
  8. 8. GRACIAS