CEIP “Carmen Martín Gaite” School Presentation Rincón de la Victoria Málaga (SPAIN) COMENIUS PROJECT “Active in Europe” 2013-2015

Presentation from Rincón-Málaga-Spain

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  • 1. CEIP Carmen Martn Gaite School Presentation Rincn de la Victoria Mlaga (SPAIN) COMENIUS PROJECT Active in Europe 2013-2015

2. Our school is in the South of Spain, in a village in the coast of Mlaga. 3. Lessons start at 9:00h and all children make a queue to enter school. SERAFIN is our mascot, a dolphin with a sardines heart. 4. We learn Spanish, English, Math, Science 5. Music, Art 6. and Physical Education 7. We have a snack at school before 12:00 and then 8. theres a break to play in the school playground from 12:00 to 12:30h. 9. We have lessons till 14:00h and then some children stay at school for lunch and others go home. 10. Looking forward to seeing you soon!!!