The best kind of listening


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The best kind of listening

According to Mcburneyand Wrage, the best kind of listening has the following characteristics

1.Voluntary-Good listening begins

with a willingness to participate completely in a communicative situation

2. Purposeful-You choose to listen

because of some very good reason /reasons.

3. Motivate -when you have a

good reason for listening , you are all keyed up for activity and nothing can stop you.

4. Cooperative –you keep quit and give

your wholehearted cooperation When you listen because you hope for nothing but only the best from the speaker.

5. Critical –you follow the speaker’s

ideas carefully and get Things clear so that in the end you may be able to make intellectual Judgements when you evaluate his ideas before responding.

Why listen?

The following are the things good listening does for you in a speaking situation:

1.It stimulates better communication between the parties involved. An Attentive listener encourage the speaker to say more .it builds respect and loyalty and makes people feel important.

2. It contributes to and promotes better responses among the members of the group. It facilitates the meeting of minds.

3. It makes you appreciate and enjoy what you hear. It increases and expand therange of one’s enjoyment

of life . It gives pleasure and even comfort.

4. It assists you in understanding what is being said . With a listener’s full attention, understanding can be achieved in no time. Hence , it saves you time as well as effort

5. It helps you make better decisions. It provides inputs as bases for decision-making

6. It enables you to react to what is said . You are able to agree Or disagree , to add something .if not ask questions about what Is being said

7. It enlarges one’s experience . Listening broadens and enriches the mind.

8. It enables you to correct your own problems of vocalization. Listening To your voice gives you the opportunity to realize your fault and defects Which in time offers you chances to improve .

9. It decreases the tensions of life .

Requisite to good listening is a purpose. You listen for a purpose or for several purpose . It may be

any or all of the following:

1.To obtain information and gain knowledge . You listen to learn and benefit from the experience of others. Understanding and retention Are the primary goals.

2. To appreciate and enjoy what is said. You are pleased with what You hear.

To be clarified and make intellectual judgement , fair criticisms and To evaluate ideas.

4. To draw inspiration.

5. To improve one self.

There is not definite purpose, though. All may be there in one listening situation. But a good listener must choose to listen because of at least , one definite purpose In mind.

Reported by: AIZA SORIANO