George, Miriam and Harrison, young interschool public speaking competition finalists, became CAFOD’s youngest speakers yet when they told parishioners the story of Amparo and how her life was transformed after setting up a metal furniture business with the help of CAFOD’s partner Pastoral Social. The children were presented with certificates of thanks for being such good ambassadors for CAFOD. St Edmund, Campion

Primary celebration (spring 2011)

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Page 1: Primary celebration (spring 2011)

George, Miriam and Harrison, young interschool public speaking competition finalists, became CAFOD’s youngest speakers yet when they told parishioners the story of Amparo and how her life was transformed after setting up a metal furniture business with the help of CAFOD’s partner Pastoral Social.

The children were presented with certificates of thanks for being such good ambassadors for CAFOD.

St Edmund, Campion

Page 2: Primary celebration (spring 2011)

Pupils made ‘smilie’ faces with the coins they were donating


Well done to staff and pupils.

All Saints, Thirsk

Page 3: Primary celebration (spring 2011)

The children learnt about Fairtrade, then collected sponsorship for giving up some of their favourite brands to buy a fairly traded equivalent.

They also gave up sweets, computer games and television (to save electricity and reduce their carbon footprint).  Simply wonderful!

Corpus Christi, Boscombe

Page 4: Primary celebration (spring 2011)

CAFOD school volunteer, Felicity Hebditch delivered an History session on the poor in Somerset in Victorian times and compared it to experiences of poor people in Africa today.

Felicity also showed samples of Cauldrons used for cooking sold by Victorian merchants in Africa.

St George’s, Clifton

Page 5: Primary celebration (spring 2011)

Pupils gave up beds to sleep rough one night to raise awareness of homelessness and fund for CAFOD. The 150 children (aged 5-11) watched a film, took part in a Liturgy for the homeless led by headteacher, Mr Whittle and their Parish Priest, Fr John Sherrington said bedtime prayers.

Good Shepherd, Nottingham

Page 6: Primary celebration (spring 2011)

9 year old Joseph loves Pokemon and Dr Who but also enjoys raising money for CAFOD through organising and running his annual Easter Raffle.

Joseph raised £34 in his first year and is now already on target to raise over £200 in this his 4th year. Well done Joseph!

Joseph of Sacred Heart, Colne

Page 7: Primary celebration (spring 2011)

The school’s fund-raising activities included “Wear a funky Hat Day”, home clothes day, sponsored activities, giving up snacks, Easter Bonnet parade and covering a map of the world with 10p coins.

English Martyrs’ York

Page 8: Primary celebration (spring 2011)

Silver coins were placed on the school’s walkway for people to add their contribution to the ‘silver river’ pupils created with coins they earned carrying out extra jobs. It rained all day as well giving a very realistic river. A total of £573.07 was raised, including funds from retiring collections.

Many thanks to everyone who was involved! 

St Joseph’s, Aldershot

Page 9: Primary celebration (spring 2011)

The Bishop conducted Lent Mass celebration with contributions from St Richards, Longsight pupils who led the singing for the congregation; St Mary’s, Littleborough pupils did the readings and students from St Antony’s College, Urmston read the prayers of Intercession and presented a display about CAFOD’s work.

Bishop & 3 Schools in Salford

Page 10: Primary celebration (spring 2011)

St Catharine’s, Chipping Campden

In February, CAFOD schools volunteer, Sarah Rowe, visited the school and led a whole school assembly (140 children approx).

The school raised £300 for CAFOD. Good job all!