Promotion methods/New Media

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Page 2: Promotion methods/New Media

I gathered results from my survey and I found out that concert tickets were the most desired give away, making it a very effective

promotional method. As my magazine is mainly indie but it is also has other genres inside as well, it would be effective as I could give away free concert and festival

tickets, to indie festivals such as two door cinema club etc… Having concert giveaways would benefit my magazine and the profits I would make because the audience and readers would buy magazine

hoping they would win the free tickets, plus these tickets would appeal to all ages reading


Page 3: Promotion methods/New Media

SUBSCRIPTION:In addition, I will also try and promote my magazine by having subscription deals, by making sure my reader and audience would feel as if they are benefitting by subscribing to my magazine, by maybe including small freebies or giveaways or special deals along with the subscription. Completing this would hopefully secure sales each month increasing the amount of profit made. By subscribing my readers would have the magazine delivered to their door every month, so its easy and pleasurable for them to read, rather than it feeling like a chore to go out and buy it at a high street store.The details of subscription would be included on my contents page or a separate page, so its clear and easy to read and notice, increasing the chances of more subscriptions.

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Social Media is the newest and easiest way on how to promote my magazine especially now in present day

with technology constantly evolving. In addition social media adheres to my primary audience which is the

younger generation in todays society.

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SOCIAL MEDIA:The primary users of social media, are the youth and younger people of society who my magazine is aimed at therefore using sites and networks such as facebook, Instagram, twitter etc would be effective to advertise my magazine as young people are on it all the time so they will clearly receive updates on my magazine.

I will make pages and sites for my magazine ‘ADDITION’ and I will also include the artists social media so they can broaden their knowledge on that artist life, on my double page is where my artist social media will be located, as it clear and easily accessible.

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@ADDITIONUpdates and posts of my magazine

@ADDITIONmagazineInstagram is a new popular social media in

todays society that my target audience (younger people in society) would use often and frequently, therefore I thought it would be effective to use it and it will benefit me in many ways. Instagram is were I would

promote and advertise my magazine more visually as this social media is known for sharing photos, meaning it’s a clear and

appealing way for my audience to see new updates on my monthly magazines.

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@ADDITIONmagazineTwitter is a new popular social media in todays society that my target audience (younger people in society) would use

often and frequently, therefore I thought it would be effective to use it and it will benefit me in many ways. As on twitter this is where my readers and audience can keep up to date with the famous artists lives that I have featured in my magazine articles and double pages.

This will also be useful because on our magazine twitter page, its an easy, clear

and accessible way to let my readers know on new subscription deals, trends and information on the next magazine

coming up.