Proposal By Joshua Hall


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Proposal By Joshua Hall

Page 2: Proposal

What is the subject of the matter of your documentary?The subject of the documentary that my group will be filming will be titled ‘Gaming-Development & Distribution’. This will involve my group interviewing game distributors such as Game, Cex and HMV. This will show the different experience of game selling in Cex compared to Game. This will also show the process that games go through from being an idea to being a big hit.

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What is the style and tendency of the documentary?

The type of documentary we will be filming will feature a lot of our own footage will be taken with voice overs and this will help to explain the points that the voice over is explaining. Then it will cut to interviews of people relating to the voice overs. Hmv would be a prime example as there will be footage of inside the shop and outside the shop with an interview of someone who works there with a voice over on top of the footage obtained.

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Outline the structure, beginning, middle and end/The beginning will consist of a voice over followed with shots and images we have acquired by filming the exterior of the shops that are going to be interviewed later on in the documentary, In the middle we will have interviews of members of staff that work in the shops and then acquired footage to explain the points of the interview. The ending will consist in more voice overs with more acquired images and footage.

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What could be legal or ethical issues.The legal issues could be that when we are filming the exterior of the shop we could catch the face of someone in the background and possibly they might not want to be filmed and without the signing of a release form then they could sue. Another problem could be that someone who agreed to film might not of signed a release form or then decided to decline the interview and that is a problem. You also have to be careful of who you film based on age and so on.

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What contributors could you contact?We have already contacted 4 people of who could be interviewed and of which 3 distributors and one developer. The 3 distributors are Game, HMV and Cex and we have tried to get in contact with a developer that studies at franklin college. We will try and contact more people or distributors to interview as the more, the better and if one interviewee fails to get back in touch or cannot do the interview we are then not let down.