PSHYCHOLINGUISTIC Faisal Abi Yusuf (113-12- 026) / C Hidayatus Sarifah (113-12- 064)/B Mannun Sahila (113-12-113)/C Naily Iffatul Maula (113-12- 132)/C

Pshycholinguistic - L1 and L2 Acquisition

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1. Faisal Abi Yusuf (113-12-026) / C Hidayatus Sarifah (113-12-064)/B Mannun Sahila (113-12-113)/C Naily Iffatul Maula (113-12-132)/C 2. 1. What is the child first language acquisition? 2. What is the parents type processing L1? 3. What is the child second language acquisition? (Learner characteristic & Learning condition) 4. What is the teachers type of processing L2? 3. First Language can be defined as the first language we learn in our life. It follows then that second language is any language we learn later in life,after learning our first language(M. Goh and Silver, 2004:29). 4. Theories Behaviorist Innatist Interactionist 5. Concerned with learning in general Important linguistic input from the environment Modelling Imitation Practice Reinforcement Habit formation 6. Concerned with specific aspects of language learning Degenerate input from the environtment Biological programme (critical period hypothesis) Special language learning ability Universal grammar (UG) Linguistic rule extraction Hypothesis testing Natural order of acquisition 7. Concerned with social and pschological aspects of language learning Meaningful linguistic input from the environtment The importance of communicative contexts Childs pragmatic intentions Adult conversational /interaction strategies Child-directed speech (Motherese) Adults rich interpretation and feedback Conversational adjustments Childs capacity for learning Interdependence of cognitive and language developments 8. This research use Qualitative Research. The researchers use methods such as participant observation or case studies. The method of data collection were observation, interview and documentation. This research focuses on the process of child in acquaring L1 and L2. 9. The data Respondent I (Child) Name: Evania Lillah Tsuroya (5 years old) First Grade Students of MI Al-Maarif Kebumen Banyubiru Semarang 10. Respondent II (Mother) Name : Umi Nuamah Work : Headmaster of SMK Nu Roudlotul Furqon Respondent III ( Teacher) Name : Surur ( The homeroom teacher of 1 B Class) 11. The child use 2 languages in her everyday conversation. Her mother tongue is Javanese, even she cant use javanese language, but she could understand the language. L1 :Javanese and Bahasa L2 : English Her native language is Bahasa. Because she speak with other using bahasa. 12. The Parents Data Key Features 1. The parents provide books and DVD (movies and songs) Meaningful linguistic input from the environment 2. The parents provide toys, flash card, and puzzle Meaningful linguistic input from the environment 3. The parents give freedom to the children to do anything, but still in their control Concerned with social and psychological aspects of language learning 4. The parents communicate use Indonesian language to their child The importance of communicative contexts 5. The parents help the child to do her homework Interdependence of cognitive and language development 6. The parents spend their time for sharing with the child Adults rich interpretation and feedback 13. From the data above, by connecting the data with the key features provided in the theory we can conclude that the parents type in processing L1 is INTERACTIONIST. 14. The Childs Data 1. The child can sing english song such as ost frozen and strawberry cake 2. Shy girl (she is not confident to speak in new environment) 3. She likes reading rather than playing 4. Pay attention to the teacher 5. Learning by doing (She always broke her toys but then she could fix it) 6. She likes watching movies 7. She can imitate the main characters conversation in the movie 8. She is talkative at home 9. She likes dressing up 15. Learner Characteristic Enthusiastic, it is proved by her interest in English songs. Shy, she is not confident to speak in front of stranger. Learning Condition The child acquaires the L2 through the classroom learning (doing structure homework, learning conversation through cartoon movie). English is rarely used in her environment. 16. The teacher types is Behaviorist Concern with learn in general : way of the teacher teach is teacher-centered. The teacher using javanese language in the learning process. In the daily converstion with her students, sometimes the students answering the teachers question using Bahasa or javanese. Because in Behaviorism the orall skills was prioritised (page 32). 17. The Teachers Data Key Features 1. The teacher teaches using books, pictures, and songs. Meaningful linguistic input from the environment 2. The teacher gives feedback to the students curiosity. Adults rich interpretation and feedback 3. The teacher always uses greeting in English to open the class. Reinforcements 4. The teacher applies memorization to introduce new vocabularies. Little reliance on drill work memorization and rule-based learning 5. The teacher invites students to have outclass session to learn new vocabularies (go to the zoo). Contextualized teaching of vocabulary 18. From the data above, there are one key feature that refers to Behaviorist theory in point 3, but there are 4 key features that shows Interactionist theory. It means that Interactionist is more dominant than Behaviorist theory. Hence, we can conclude that the teacher type in processing L2 is INTERACTIONIST. 19. From the explanation of findings and related theory, we can draw conclusion such as: The child L1 is bilingual (Javanese and Bahasa). Parents type of processing L1 is Interactionist. Child characteristic are enthusiastic and shy. The child acquaires English from school. Teacher type of processing L2 is Interactionist. 20. Goh, Christine C. M. and Rita Elaine Silver. 2004. Language Acquisition and Development. Prentice Hall: Singapore. www.sagepub.com/upm- data/48453_ch_1.pdf