Petar Kocovic October 8, 2015 Pupin in 10 Pictures

Pupin 2015 10 pictures

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Petar KocovicOctober 8, 2015

Pupinin 10 Pictures

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Picture #10Personal Data

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Michael Pupin• Serbian: Mihajlo Pupin• Born: October 9th, 1854,

Idvor, Austrian Empire• Dead: March 12, 1935,

New York, USA• Number of patents: 35

(USA), 49 (outside USA)

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Mihajlo Pupin (1854, Idvor-1935, USA)

Mihajlo had 5 sisters and 4 brothers. He was 9th.

1854 – 46 yr

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ParentsAlimpijada Milovanov Aleksic – Pupin (1814-1885) – Michael’s Mother

Married November 8 (20) 1832 in Opovo

Konstantin (1814-1873)

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Died on March 12, 1935

1935 – 35 yrPupin Died at Age 81

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Newspapers about Pupin’s Death

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Picture #9Trip to USA

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Westphalia ship

• 1874, March 26 – Michael Pupin entered to Castle Garden (Long Island-New York) in Westphalia ship. Trip started in Hamburg (Germany).

• He was passenger of 3rd class.

• Pupin attended high school in Prague

1900 – 26 yr

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Pupin was obsessed by picture – American


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1878 - Columbia University – Pupin started his studies

1900 – 22 yr

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Picture #8Year 1883

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1883 – American Citizenship• Day before he finished studies

at Columbia College, Pupin received American Citizenship

• Diploma from Columbia College

• He received Tyndall fellowship

1900 – 17 yr

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1883-1885 at Cambridge University – Trinity College

1900 – 15 yr1900 – 17 yr

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1885-1889 at University of Berlin

Disertation:Der Osmotische Druck und Seine

Bezichung zur Freien Energie, June 1889 1900 – 15-11 yr

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Picture #7Heaviside

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Lagrange Equations

Joseph Louis Lagrange (Jan 25, 1736, Turin, Italy –April 10, 1813, Paris, France)

• Pupin studied Lagrange Equations. Later he used this theory to calculate wave speed, what was foundation for long distance telephony.

• Lagrange’s paper: “Research sur la nature et la propagation de Sou” - basis for Pupin’s invention of loaded line in telephone signal transmission

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1885-1887 - Oliver Heaviside (1850-1925)—An inventor who

failed to file crucial patents

• Patent GB 1407 – 1880, Coaxial-Cable• 1892 – attend Tesla presentation held

in British Electrical Engineers Institute: “Experiments with high voltage, high frequency alternate

currents” • In 1885 and 1887 in British magazine

Electrician stated: “Without sufficient inductance (word first used in English Language), permitting energy to be stored in the magnetic field of the

line, efficient transmission would not be possible and much of the energy of the signal would be transformed into

the heat” 1900 – 15-13 yr

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Heaviside coined the following terms of art in electromagnetic theory:

Electromagnetic terms• admittance (December 1887);• conductance (September 1885);• electret for the electric analogue of a

permanent magnet, or, in other words, any substance that exhibits a quasi-permanent electric polarization (e.g. ferroelectric);

• impedance (July 1886);• inductance (February 1886);• permeability (September 1885);• permittance (later susceptance; June

1887);• reluctance (May 1888).

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Picture #6Last Visit of Idvor

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1885 – Last visit of Idvor

• Went to Pancevo to ask ms Jelisaveta (Duta) Hadija to marry him.

• She resigned• Ms Jelisaveta was of Tsintsar


1900 – 15 yr

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Ceremony was in Greek Orthodox Church in London

1900 – 12 yr

… sister of his classmate A. V. Williams Jackson (1862-1937)


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Picture #5Sarah, Barbara and

Paja Jovanovic

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1896 Pupin contracted

Hemorrhagic Pneumonia

1900 – 4 yr

•During curing of Mihajlo– his wife died•He stopped research in

the field of X-rays

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Sarah Katherine Jackson Pupin died on April 25, 1896

1900 – 4 yr

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Varvara Pupin (1889 (?) Yonkers-1962 August (2?) New York)

Paja Jovanovic – Varvara Pupin, 1903 Patent 1936

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Original Version

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Military Version

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Professor Michael Pupin cca 1900

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Picture #4X - rays

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Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen (27.3.1845-10.2.1925)

November 8th 1895 – made first photos of X-rays

1900 – 5 yr

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Tesla X-ray in Electrical Review 1896

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Pupin’s X - raysJanuary 2, 1896 – replicate X rays

as secondary products of fluo tubes light

1900 – 4 yr

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Pupin’s patent of X-ray tray

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X-ray tube - today model

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Picture #3Pupin’s most

famous Patent

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Broadway around 1890 and before 1874

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1900 – Contract with AT&T, June 19

2012 – 9,919,000$1900 – 445,000$

1900 – 0 yr

Highest price ever paid for the formula!AT&T bought patent rights for patents (1900)632,230632,231

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Pupin’s Loading Coil – Schematic Diagram

Heaviside Line model – Schematic Diag.

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Loading coil

Original Pupin’s Loading Coil in Smithsonian


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Producing Coils-Hose

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Pupin’s Coil• Pupin's 1894 patent "loads" the line

with capacitors rather than inductors, a scheme that has been criticised as being theoretically flawed and never put into practice.

• One variant of the capacitor scheme proposed by Pupin does indeed have coils.

• These are not intended to compensate the line in any way. They are there merely to restore DC continuity to the line so that it may be tested with regular equipment.

• Pupin states that the inductance is to be so large that it will block all AC signals above 50 Hz. (Start fight with Tesla)

• Consequently, only the capacitor is adding any significant impedance to the line and "the coils will not exercise any material influence on the results before noted

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Heviside-Pupin Legal BattleCampbell was the first to actually construct a telephone circuit using loading coils.

Heaviside never patented his idea; no commercial advantage of any of his work. Heaviside was the first to publish and many would dispute Pupin's priority.

AT&T fought a legal battle with Pupin over his claim. Pupin was first to patent but Campbell had already conducted practical demonstrations before Pupin had even filed his patent (December 1899). Campbell's delay in filing was due to the slow internal machinations of AT&T. AT&T foolishly deleted from Campbell's proposed patent application all the tables and graphs detailing the exact value of inductance that would be required before the patent was submitted.

Since Pupin's patent contained a (less accurate) formula, AT&T was open to claims of incomplete disclosure.By January 1901 Pupin had been paid $200,000 /$4.36milUSD2012 and by 1917, when the AT&T monopoly ended and payments ceased, he had received a total of $455,000 /9.9milUSD2012

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Benefit to AT&T

It has been estimated that AT&T saved $100 million in the first quarter of the 20th century.


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Implementation of Pupin Coil

• 1902 – 17km – New York – Newark• 1906 – 127km – New York – New Heaven• 1906 – 140km – New York – Philadelphia• 724km – Boston – New York- Washington

(before telephone amplifiers) – Coil on every 1,850m

1902-1906 + 2-6 yr

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Pupin in Europe

1902 + 2 yr

• 1902 – 32km – Berlin-Postdam

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Pupin in Europe• 1904, February 4 – Pupin improved patent with the help

of Siemens-Halske company• Siemens immediately bought patent• Pupin got 1/3 of the Siemens profit

1904 + 4 yr

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Twisted-pair cables• Beginning of twisted-pairing cables– 1.5mm – w/o Pupin coils – 40 km, w Pupin coils

220km– 2mm – w/o Pupin coils – 60km, w Pupin coils 320km1906 – underwater paper-taped insulating cables –

12km – 7 pairs. Depth – 250m, 22 Pupin Coils – Lake Constance

1906 + 6 yr

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First underground cable Berlin-Cologne (600km)

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Picture #2NACA

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1915, March 3- NACA founders (today NASA)

1915 + 15 yr

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1917 – Pupin Patents expiredHe realised more than $1


1917 + 17 yr$1mil/18.6MilUSd2012

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Picture #1Few other Pupin’s Famous Patents

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Pupinin 10 Pictures

Petar KocovicOctober 8, 2015