Lesson 3 Explaining Our Beginning

Quarter 1 lesson 3

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Lesson 3Explaining Our


Page 2: Quarter 1 lesson 3

Study the consistency of tense in the paragraphs on the following slides. Write C if the sentence correctly observes rules on tense consistency. If it does not, rewrite the sentence and box the verb, the form of which must show its correct tense.

Task 6- Practice Makes Perfect!

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1 The wide island of Panay was originally inhabited by Negritos or locally called Ati tribe. 2 Their disappearance is due to an innocent agreement they made with the sultan of Borneo back in 1250 to give up their land in exchange of a hat and gold necklace. 3 Early in the 13th century, Marikudo, a native chieftain, sold the coastal shores and lowlands to 10 Bornean Datus who escapes from the repression of Sri Vishayan Empire.

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4 One of them named Paiburong received the area Irong-Irong, which is now called Iloilo City, meaning nose-like, as its wide river mouth in the narrow Guimaras Strait appears like a snout. 5 The island lived peacefully until the arrival of Juan Miguel de Legazpi in 1566 that discovered and developed more towns

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Paragraph 1 1. C 2. Their disappearance was due to an innocent agreement they made with the sultan of Borneo back in 1250 to give up their land in exchange of a hat and gold necklace. 3. Early in the 13th century, Marikudo, a native chieftain, sold the coastal shores and lowlands to 10 Bornean Datus who escaped from the repression of Sri Vishayan Empire. 4. C 5. C

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1 The Filipinos in central Philippines are generally and collectively called Visayans or Bisayans. 2 Hence, the people in Panay, Guimaras and Negros Occidental are referred to as “Visayans” or “Bisayans”. 3 Aside from the general names given to the people of the Visayan region, there are mountain people who lived in the interior mountains of Panay and Negros. 4 In Panay, they were generally referred to as Bukidnon (literally, “from the mountains”) or Sulod (literally, “inside” or “interior”).

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5 Farming and fishing are the main sources of livelihood in the region until the 1960s. 6 Farmers within the interior mountains of Central Panay employed the kaingin system (slash-and-burn). 7 A bolo and a wooden dibble were all they use for cutting trees and for boring holes to drop rice or corn seeds and legumes into it. 8 Most houses have bangkaw (spear) as hunting tool.

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9 Hunting greatly decreased in the 1970s with the gradual disappearance of forests, but kaingin still remained to be the primary form of farming since the interior mountain are rugged and they have not found the appropriate technology to harness water.

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1. C 2. C 3. Aside from the general names given to the people of the Visayan region, there are mountain people who live in the interior mountains of Panay and Negros. 4. In Panay, they are generally referred to as Bukidnon (literally, "from the mountains") or Sulod (literally, "inside" or "interior"). 5. C

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6. Farmers within the interior mountains of Central Panay employ the kaingin system (slash-and-burn). 7. A bolo and a wooden dibble are all they use for cutting trees and for boring holes to drop rice or corn seeds and legumes into. 8. C 9. Hunting greatly decreased in the 1970s with the gradual disappearance of forests, but kaingin still remained to be the primary form of farming since the interior mountain were rugged and they had not found the appropriate technology to harness water.

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Simple Tenses of Verbs Different forms of verbs are used to show the time an action took place or its state of being. These forms are called the tenses of the verb, of which there are three: present, past and future.

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Present Tense The present tense places the action or condition in the present time. It indicates that the action is taking place at the time the statement was made.

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Examples: 1.The sonnet is a fourteen-line lyric poem.2.Sonnets are forms of poetry.3.I am a Shakespearean sonnet fanatic.4.She loves to read poetry.5.Most people love Shakespearean sonnets.

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Past Tense The past tense places the action or condition in the past. Here, the action already took place at the time the statement was made.

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Examples: 1. Shakespeare was a great writer. 2. Sonnets were mostly odes to love and beauty. 3. Francesco Petrarch popularized the Italian sonnet in 14th century Rome. 4. Petrarch, Shakespeare, and Spencer popularized the sonnet in early Europe.

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Future Tense The future tense places the action or condition in the future. It shows events that have not taken place. Shall and will are auxiliaries used with the main verb to indicate a future time frame. Shall is used in the first person point of view to show simple futurity, while will is used in the second and third person point of view.

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Examples I shall study for the test next week. Susan and Jun will sing a song tomorrow during the program.

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Exercise 1 Identify whether each sentence is in the present, past or future tense. Write your answers in your notebook.

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1. The Shakespearean sonnet is organized according to the following rhyming scheme: abab, cdcd, efef, gg. 2. To some, the sonnet is to England as the haiku is to Japan – they serve as literary symbols of different nations. 3. The sonnets originated from Italy. 4. The Spencerian sonnet was developed by Edmund Spencer. 5. As you will see, readers will find Elizabethan England and love sonnets to be overly dramatic.

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These are the answers

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1. Present2. Present3. Past4. Past5. Future

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Exercise 2 Encircle the verb in each sentence and identify its tense.

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____1. The English explored the eastern coast of the island. ____2. The Jordan River flows through Palestine. ____3. Children brush their teeth after each meal. ____4. Maria tiptoed into the auditorium. ____5. We shall call you at around 7 o'clock. ____6. Have you studied the different tenses of the verb?

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____7. Mayette prays every morning and every night.____8. Our class will have an educational trip.____9. The Gothic cathedrals were built during the Middle Ages.____10. The teacher sings with the class.

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These are the answers

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Past 1. The English explored the eastern coast of the island. Present 2. The Jordan River flows through Palestine. Present 3. Children brush their teeth after each meal. Past 4. Maria tiptoed into the auditorium. Future 5. We shall call you at around 7 o'clock. Past 6. Have you studied the different tenses of the verb?

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Present 7. Mayette prays every morning and every night.Future 8. Our class will have an educational trip.Past 9. The Gothic cathedrals were built during the Middle Ages.Present 10. The teacher sings with the class.

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Exercise 3 Write the correct tense of the verbs in parentheses to complete the sentences.

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1. What ______ (save) us is our ability to laugh at ourselves. 2. In the past it _____ (be) perhaps the only way our people could get back at the foreign ruler. 3. For the future it ________ (insure) us against submission to a messianic despot. 4. All in all, it would not be too far from the truth to say that we ______ (owe) our faults to others, but our virtues ______ (be) our own. 5. Colonialism ________ (make) us irresponsible and imitative, improvident, and even indolent.

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6. It ________ (give) us false ideas of the indignity of manual labor. 7. It ________ (make) us indifferent to our responsibilities. 8. The wonder is that we ________ (retain) our good humor. 9. The President always _________ (ensure) that the basic goods are delivered. 10. We should not ________ (go) to places where we might be in danger.

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These are the answers

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1. What saves us is our ability to laugh at ourselves. 2. In the past it was perhaps the only way our people could get back at the foreign ruler. 3. For the future it will insure us against submission to a messianic despot. 4. All in all, it would not be too far from the truth to say that we owe our faults to others, but our virtues are our own. 5. Colonialism makes us irresponsible and imitative, improvident, and even indolent.

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6. It gives us false ideas of the indignity of manual labor. 7. It makes us indifferent to our responsibilities. 8. The wonder is that we retain our good humor. 9. the President always ensures that the basic goods are delivered. 10. We should not go to places where we might be in danger.

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The Simple Present Tense is used to express:

A. General truths e.g. Food, shelter, and clothing are the basic needs of human beings. The earth revolves around the sun. Everything has a beginning and an end.

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B. Habitual/Regular Action e.g. I eat three regular meals a day. She always reads her lessons before going to class. They conduct flag-raising ceremony every morning. C. Permanent location e.g. Tuguegarao is in Cagayan Valley. University of La Salette College Department is found in Santiago City.

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Exercise 4 Present Tense Give the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Write your answers in your notebook. Answers only.

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1. Time (heal) all wounds. 2. What you do not know (do) not hurt you. 3. The President (mean) what he says. 4. The Dean (check) the attendance of teachers regularly. 5. Students (go) to school everyday.

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6. The bell (ring) every after a class period. 7. Ethics (teach) us how to conduct ourselves and our lives properly. 8. St. Paul University Philippines (be) on Mabini St., Tuguegarao City. 9. Kindness (melt) everyone’s heart. 10. There are reasons for everything that (happen) in life.

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These are the answers.

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1. Time heals all wounds. 2. What you do not know does not hurt you. 3. The President means what he says. 4. The Dean checks the attendance of teachers regularly. 5. Students go to school everyday.

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6. The bell rings every after a class period. 7. Ethics teaches us how to conduct ourselves and our lives properly. 8. St. Paul University Philippines is on Mabini St., Tuguegarao City. 9. Kindness melts everyone’s heart. 10. There are reasons for everything that happen in life.

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The Simple Past Tense is usually formed by adding d or ed to regular verbs.

◦ e.g. work – worked

laugh – laughed pray – prayed love – loved live –lived encode – encoded

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Irregular verbs form their past tense in different ways.e.g.

go – went shake – shook kneel – knelt make – made tell – told say – said

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Exercise 5 Past Tense Give the simple past form of the verbs in parentheses. Write your answers in your notebook. Answers only.

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1. The candidate (wear) outrageous attire during the show. 2. The President (declare) last Monday as a special non-working holiday. 3. I (hear) all the news about how natural disasters ravaged different countries last year. 4. The victims (run) for their lives but to no avail. 5. The result of the board exam (be) (release) last month.

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6. Some students who (do) not (pass) took a refresher course. 7. A month ago, some students from other schools (visit) the university. 8. The student officers (bring) them around the campus. 9. They (see) how beautiful the campus is. 10. They (signify) their intention to come and enroll at the university for their college education.

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These are the answers.

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1. The candidate wore outrageous attire during the show. 2. The President declared last Monday as a special non-working holiday. 3. I heard all the news about how natural disasters ravaged different countries last year. 4. The victims ran for their lives but to no avail. 5. The result of the board exam was released last month.

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6. Some students who did not pass took a refresher course. 7. A month ago, some students from other schools visited the university. 8. The student officers brought them around the campus. 9. They saw how beautiful the campus is. 10. They signified their intention to come and enroll at the university for their college education.

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The Simple Future Tense takes the following forms: 1. will/shall + base form of the verb e.g. I shall/will write. 2. is/are + going to + base form of the verb e.g. She is going to eat. / They are going to eat. 3. plan to + base form of the verb - e.g. We plan to travel.

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Exercise 6 Future Tense Give the correct simple future form of the verb in parentheses. Write your answers in your notebook. Answers only.

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1. Our city (celebrate) our patronal fiesta next week. 2. Guests from different towns (come) to celebrate with us. 3. The city government (hold) different activities to attract people to come. 4. They (surely enjoy) the rides, games, and exhibits. 5. Students in the city (participate) in the different activities like street dancing and field demonstrations.

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6. The city government (invite) famous personalities to grace the occasion. 7. The city government (build) a big mall within the city proper. 8. For this purpose, the city officials (conduct) raffle draws and fun run. 9. the city government (open) the city to a lot of investors in the next few months. 10. The grand celebration (take) place next week.

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These are the answers.

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1. Our city will celebrate our patronal fiesta next week. 2. Guests from different towns will come to celebrate with us. 3. The city government will hold different activities to attract people to come. 4. They will surely enjoy the rides, games, and exhibits. 5. Students in the city will participate in the different activities like street dancing and field demonstrations.

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6. The city government will invite famous personalities to grace the occasion. 7. The city government will build a big mall within the city proper. 8. For this purpose, the city officials will conduct raffle draws and fun run. 9. the city government will open the city to a lot of investors in the next few months. 10. The grand celebration will take place next week.