In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? By Anna Ryan

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Question One of the AS Media coursework evaluation.

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Page 1: Question 1

In what ways does your media product use,

develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

By Anna Ryan

Page 2: Question 1

Front Page - Colour

ColourMy music magazine mainly focusses on the colours of grey, black, red and white, as I think they work together and make the front cover a neat and tidy page. The background and white space of the magazine is a light grey colour, as I think that’s not too ‘in your face’. It reflects the music of the magazine, as grey is a laid-back colour, not too bright and loud, which is how the majority of indie music sounds. This is how my magazine is distinguishable from a pop magazine; as that might have a bright pink or blue cover to reflect the mainstream, loud look. At first, I chose a gradient colour of black and grey to for my background, however, it made the magazine appear too full and occasionally, the text on the page was hard to make out so I eventually changed it to a grey. Also, the majority of music magazines have a solid, simple colour like shown in the images underneath. The simple, grey background I have chosen is merely typical of a music magazine.

As shown on the professional examples, the masthead is supposed to be clear, which I why I opted to do my masthead in black, a different colour from the rest of the writing. This causes the masthead to stand out, so audiences won’t mistake it for a different magazine. I also chose a stroke layer of white in order to bring the masthead out more. As it’s the first thing to be seen in the left third, I wanted to make it very clear. This is like the ‘Rolling Stone’ magazine, where the only red writing, really, is the masthead. However, I did match the colour of the masthead with the colour of the model’s costume and the selling line, as well as the background for the menu strip, as I felt that would add some consistency to the cover, something I could keep for the rest of the magazine as I continued to develop it. As for the colour of the model, I thought a black jacket would help the other conventions stand out, and I thought it would look more casual (especially with the red and grey shirt underneath), reflecting that of an indie magazine.

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Front Page – Colour (Continued)

I used a red colour for my headline, as I thought it would contrast against the grey background and the image. It highlights ‘Rebecca Bailey’s’ name instantly and it easily one of the most obvious conventions of the magazine. I also used a thin stroke layer of white, which helps to make the headline stand out even more, so it’s the first thing to draw the reader’s eye to the magazine.I continued to use the same colour for the kickers, which made the magazine look more consistent. It also causes the magazine to look more professional, as the same technique is shown in a professional magazine here:Moreover, the red colour suggests confidence and importance, as if it’s willing the reader to look and take notice, which would make the reader want to read on because they’d need to find out why it’s so important.

As for text such as the cover lines, anchorage and the menu strip, I used white as I felt it would create a simple, neat and tidy cover. White isn’t a loud colour, which means the reader’s eye can travel to the most important conventions on the page (such as the masthead and headline). However, white can still stand out against the grey background.

With any flashes (such as ‘Exclusive’ or ‘Plus’), I used the colour yellow as it’s completely different from any other colour on the page. I used this because it stands out and hooks the reader’s attention, as only few phrases have that certain colour. It makes the text seem different, like it needs to be read and the yellow connotes danger or importance, like a flashing light or police tape, which immediately interests the audience and spurs them to read on.

Any banners used the colour of black, as it keeps to the house colour and adds some consistency. It gives boarders to the text which causes the text to stand out more, as well as looking professional.

I used a red graphic feature to show that it offers something different from other graphic features and image aspects. It also gives off a feeling of confidence and importance, which would make the audience feel like they have to find out why.

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Front Page – Graphic Features

Graphic FeaturesOne of the graphic features I used was the one which told readers they could find out who’d headlining at reading. I developed this by doing some research into graphic features, and I was inspired by this one on the professional magazine ‘Rolling Stone.’

Even though theirs is a box around the kicker and cover lines, I liked the idea and used mine in order to highlight the Reading Festival. I thought it made any dead space disappear and added a little unusual quirk to cover, like it does to the Rolling Stone magazine. I kept the box as black, as I thought it was consistently matched to my masthead, and added a stoke layer of white to make it stand out more, as well as lining that with black to cause the stroke layer to be the thing to stand out, which created the little graphic feature.

Another graphic feature was this one, as it was inspired by this NME magazine:It highlights a certain aspect of the magazine and, like the above one, adds an unusual aspect to it. The yellow and red colour of it connotes danger, and that combined with the uniqueness of it, grabs the audience’s attention.

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Front Page – Conventions

MastheadOne convention I included was a masthead, as I needed the masthead to tell the audience which magazine it is. The masthead is positioned typically in the left third, as magazines used to have only the left third viewable on shelves. This makes it the first convention seen, so the masthead needed to be clear, large and easily recognisable, so I chose a size 149 pt font. I chose colours (as explained on previous slides) that would make the masthead bold and stand out, hooking the audience’s attention. I used a simple font; Franklin Gothic Demi. Also, I placed a tine ‘The’ in the corner of my masthead to give something unusual towards it. I felt this was one of my strengths as I was able to create a clear, unique yet simple masthead people would recognise.

Selling LineI used a selling line at the top of the page to make the audience want to open the magazine and read on. It’s bold, clear, and easy for the audience to see. I included a flash with the word ‘Exclusive’ in order to make the audience feel like they can’t miss the information they’re about to receive and that it’s a once in a lifetime shot. This would make the audience more eager to read the magazine. The text, “Predictions for the top music of 2014” is included to give the audience a taster of what they could be reading. The text is in all capitals to give the impression of shouting at the audience, quickly grabbing their attention. Also, the font is Britannic bold which is consistent with the menu strip, as well as being a bold, strong font the audience would be attracted to. The black box underneath the selling line makes it clear as well as keeping consistency as it’s laid out in the same format as the menu strip. Here is a professional example of where a selling line is included on a NME cover:

Menu StripAnother magazine convention I included was a menu strip at the bottom of the page. I included lists of bands in order to attract fans of those bands, therefore creating a larger audience. I used colours red and white (because they’re part of my house colours) and I used a flash ‘Plus’ in order to draw the audience’s eyes to the menu strip. I made a black border surround the menu strip, partly to make the menu strip stand out, and partly because it’s consistent with the black border around the Selling line.I kept it at a simple font; Britannic Bold, and a simple size; 13 pt. This means it wasn’t too big and didn’t overcrowd.

It also gives an example of the masthead positioned in the left third, like my masthead.

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Front Page – Conventions (Continued)

Bar CodeI used a bar code at the bottom of my magazine as it is a typical magazine convention and allows the customer to pay for the product. I included it in the bottom right so it’s out the way of other important magazine conventions and doesn’t distract the audience from the main page, like all typical music magazines.

Tag LineThe tag line I included states ‘Talent Unlocked’. It’s positioned under the masthead in a small font and in Franklin Gothic Demi (A common font used on my cover, which is consistent) so it doesn’t take over the cover. The colour of it is in white, which matches my house colours. My tagline gives an insight into the magazine and the ‘Talent Unlocked’ suggests that the magazine will advertise new talent, which is what my magazine aims to do a lot of the time; introduce new indie bands. It links in with my double page spread, as the article is about a new artist and her new album.

Date LineAnother magazine convention I included was a date line, which had to be there in order to show the reader when the magazine was produced for. All professional, typical magazines, whether they’re music or not, include a date line.I placed mine under the selling line as it’s in a clear, easy to see place without distracting from the main conventions of the page.

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Front Page – Conventions (Continued)

KickersI included a total of three kickers, positioned above the cover lines, as an introduction to the cover lines. The text is in a red font (Franklin Gothic Demi for consistency) slightly larger than the cover lines) and is in all capitals. This gives the impression that the magazine is shouting at the reader, trying to attract them. It also makes them clear, so that no words can’t be mistook or mistaken. I included an underline in order to separate the kicker from the cover line. I used band names for my kickers to attract fans of the band, so the magazine can recruit new audiences as well as the normal one.

Cover linesAlso, I included a total of three cover lines, positioned in a way that would explain what the kickers are about. Like the kickers, they are also in capital letters which show the two are supposed to be together. However, the cover lines are in white (as well as being slightly smaller), which distinguishes between the two. The language of my cover lines include is used in order to reel separate audiences in. For example, I used a

Panic! At The Disco reference in the second cover line: ‘Over! Already? By using a punctuation mark after ‘Over!’. This is supposed to cause people to think the magazine is clever and want to read on.

I positioned both the kickers and cover lines together, away from the main image and any other conventions which are important so it doesn’t distract the audience from them. Also, I positioned them in the left-third so, if people were to see the magazine on the shelf, they’d get a clear image of what type of magazine KEY is and whether they want to buy it.

The lay out of my kickers and cover lines were very loosely based on those of this example:

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Front Page – Conventions (Continued)

HeadlineI positioned my headline roughly in the middle of the page, typical of professional magazines such as these:

I positioned it so it’d travel right across the page and across the main image, explaining who and what the main image is. The headline is red (which is representative of my house colours and also gives a hint of the type of music Rebecca Bailey makes; confident, strong music) with a stoke outline of white. It’s in a large font and has been stretched in order to create high text, typical of music magazines. I positioned it under the model’s head, so it doesn’t distract the audience away from the image, however, I positioned it over the image as it’s one of the main focal points of the magazine.

AnchorageThe anchorage of a music magazine is supposed to include an enigma, not answering all questions and making the audience want those questions answered. I included the anchorage: ‘On her new album and what fame has taught her’. This makes the readers wonder what fame has taught her and what she has to say on her new album. I created the anchorage in the font ‘Franklin Gothic Demi’, in a white colour with all capitals. The capitals keep to a consistent theme running through the magazine as well as making the text seem important, like it has to be read. I positioned the anchorage underneath the headline, which shows that they link together, as well as making sure the anchorage isn’t too’ in your face’. I also included a quote above the headline, which gives an insight into the type of music artist on the front of the magazine, causing the audience to wander what else she’d said on the subject. I also created that with a white colour, but with red speech marks to make it look more unique and a red colour on ‘this’, emphasising the word.

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Front Page – Conventions (Continued)

Main imageI positioned the main image in the middle of the page as it’s one of the main focal points of the page. She is using a direct mode of address in order to connect with the audience and make them feel like she’s including them in it. The shot is medium close up, as it shows her head and shoulder which I used so it gives an idea of her clothing; a black jacket and a casual, laid back shirt, which is typical of indie music and is consistent with the type of clothes the indie teenage tribe wear.The model is holding a microphone which suggests that the magazine is all about the music. Again, this is typical of the indie genre as they pride themselves on being all about the music. The laid back, casual look suggests that they care about their music, more than their image which will attract the type of audience who feel like they’re outcasts, as all other teenagers are obsessed with their image.Furthermore, the image overlaps the masthead, which gives the page flow, we it links both the image and the masthead together.

I have positioned my main image in the middle as it adds balance to the page. If it were on the left third, the left third would look crowded. With the image in the middle, this adds balance and covers over any dead space, which makes the magazine interesting to see for the reader.

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Contents Page - Colour

ColourThe background colour of my contents page is in white, as white is typical of music magazine contents pages such as these:

I chose white because the white doesn’t cause the reader to become distracted from the information on the contents page, which is important as the job of the contents page is to give information. It also provides a clean, clear element to what otherwise would be a very hectic page, contrasting to make the page appear to have more order. I also chose white as it reflects my house style, as white is included on my fonts on the front cover of my magazine.

Furthermore, I chose colours that were simple and that would reflect my house style. The masthead of my magazine is kept the same colour on here as on my front page, which adds consistency between the pages and creates a masthead that people will recognise. The section header ‘contents’ is white so it blends into the background and makes it appear less crowded. The audience won’t become distracted by the colours, and only take in the information. Also, there is a black box around ‘contents’ which is consistent with other black boxes.

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Contents Page – Colour (Continued)

The colours of my section headers are in white, which adds consistency to the page as it’s the same colour as the background. I used black boxes around it as the black makes the headings stand out. Also, it’s a continuous theme to have black boxes around important conventions on my contents page, as well as my front cover (for example, my selling line).

The only surrounding box that isn’t in black, is the box around the ‘editorial’, as that’s in red. I chose red to show it’s different from the section headers, and maybe even more important as red connotes importance. It stands out more than the other section headers, which draws the audiences eyes to it. I felt like this was a strength within my magazine, as the colour does the job it’s intended to do.

Another colour I chose to use was the use of yellow. ‘Subscribe right now’ is the only colour yellow on the page and I used this so it would deliberately stand out. The colour itself gives the impression of importance or danger, reminding the audience of flashing lights and police tape. As it’s the only colour on the page, it draws the reader’s eyes to it almost at once, which should make them interested in subscribing to the magazine.

Of course, I kept any well known logos (such as Twitter, YouTube and Facebook) in their original colours, so they’re recognisable and to the audience, which would add some familiarity and therefore, a sense of comfort to the reader.

I used the same colour for the word ‘free’; red. This is because it gives the magazine consistency and causes the audience to remember the word ‘free’. It suggests that the magazine has lots of free offers, especially if the audience come across that word more than once.

I felt like my use of colour was one of my strengths, as they did the jobs they were supposed to do. For example, the yellow really does stand out against the black box, and the white background makes the page appear less messy and cluttered, making it easier for the audience tor read.

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Contents Page - Conventions

I included the same masthead from my front cover, only smaller, and positioned it next to ‘contents’. This plants the name of the magazine inside the reader’s head so they won’t forget it, especially if they’re reading it for the first time. Unlike the front page, the name of the magazine doesn’t dominate the page, as it isn’t trying to attract the reader anymore.

Section HeaderThe name of the page is usually positioned at the top, explaining what the page is, like in this example of a professional magazine:(Also the example includes the name on the magazine in the left corner, like mine)

Mine is large and in white, with the font ‘Franklin Gothic Demi’, so it’s easy to see for the audience. I included a black box underneath the name in order to make it stand out more, so the audience know exactly what they’re looking at. Also, it adds a touch of creativity and uniqueness, something that is limited on a contents page as it’s main focus is to give information.

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Contents Page – Conventions (Continued)

Main FeatureMy contents page includes a main image, which is larger than others positioned on the page and is the first thing the reader’s eyes should jump to. This is typical of professional music magazines and the majority have them either left or right like so:

My image is an extreme close up of a model about to sing into the microphone. I chose this as I believe it reflects the fact that my magazine is

an indie magazine. It connotes that the magazine is all about the music and less about the image, something indie music is known for. It’s supposed to show fans of indie music that the magazine only cares about the music, which would make them warm to the magazine and continue buying it as well as reading it. Also, as the image is one of the first things seen on the page, readers would get that impression instantly.

CaptionThe caption that I have included with my image is “I like my new music”. It explains what the image is about gives purpose to it, as well as acting as a hook for readers, giving them a taste of what they could be reading.Moreover, it offers further proof to the audience that that magazine is about the music, as the caption mentions he likes his new music, as opposed to his image. It’s in a large font, so it’s clear for the readers and it’s black which reflects my house style, as well as keeping the magazine looking professional and simple. I also included another image and caption below; a model looking up and the caption; ‘Better than Ed Sheeran.’ It

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Contents Page – Conventions (Continued)

EditorialI included an editorial as one of my contents conventions as I thought it would make the magazine seem more personal, as well as professional. It gives an insight into who helps create the magazine. Also, I included an editorial as I thought it could help give an insight into the actual magazine and bring up things that might interest the audience. I included language which would appeal to a teenage audience with ‘Scary Mary to Airy Fairy’ and I included a rhyme that would help the editorial flow.For the section header, I included a red box beneath white writing as I thought it would help the editorial stand out. Also, the combination of red and white is different from the other combinations of red and black, which suggest that it’s different from those. Red connotes importance, so that and how different it looks compared to other headers, would draw the audiences eyes towards it. I also included a stroke layer of black around the red box and all capitals. This matches my house style so, even though it appears different from other headers, it still has that trace of consistency.

Date LineA further convention I have included is a date line, reminding the audience of how old the magazine is. I included this as it’s typical of contents page conventions. I used white so it would be seen against the black box but I also made it small so it wouldn’t stand out. I positioned it underneath the section header so people could find it easily, and also because on my front cover it’s positioned underneath and banner in the top right. This makes the date consistent so the audience would know where to find it.

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Contents Page – Conventions (Continued)

Subscription boxThe majority of contents pages on music magazine contain a subscription box, like on this professional example:

I have positioned my subscription box in the bottom left, across two thirds of the page as I felt it would be most obvious there, but not too obvious as to distract from anything else. I included a black box around it in order to separate it from any other conventions on the

page and show a contrast between that and the white background. I included the words ‘Subscribe right now’ in all capitals and in yellow, as yellow connotes danger and therefore excitement. Also, I used yellow on my front cover for flashes such as ‘Exclusive’ and ‘Plus’. This would remind the audience of that and make them feel like this can’t be missed. I also included, in a smaller font with white writing ‘Get a month’s worth of free subscriptions’. I changed the colour of the word ‘free’ to red in order to make it stand out.Furthermore, I included a front cover copy to show the audience what they’d receive and to make them want to subscribe.

Page NumberI included a page number in the bottom right, as it’s typical of all magazines and shows the reader what page number they’re on. I made it black and in a small font so it wouldn’t stand out too much, but wouldn’t appear too small either. This way the reader knows exactly what page they’re on and how many pages they need to get to the one that they want.

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Contents Page – Conventions (Continued)

Page NumbersI included page numbers because it’s a convention all magazines have, as it tells the audience where there’re supposed to be looking. I positioned the page numbers on the left, next to the feature they’re supposed to be with, and so the audience can’t mistake them with something else. The page numbers are in red as they’re consistent of my house colours.

Section HeadersI have used section headers in order to break up the numbered itemised list. They give headings to certain features so the reader would easily be able to see what they’re interested in and find that page quickly. It causes the audience to be more lenient towards deciphering the information, and therefore reading the magazine.

My section headers are surrounded around a black box, and have white writing, in all capitals. This is similar to the ‘editorial’ header, which causes the page to look subtly consistent. The headers are much larger compared to the itemised list, which shows they’re introducing the list. Kerrang!, a professional music magazines has section headers and an itemised list set out like mine:

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Contents Page – Conventions (Continued)

Numbered Itemised ListI have included a numbered itemised list as it is an essential convention for the contents page, otherwise the reader wouldn’t know what page to look at. I’ve used a red colour for the mini headers, and a black colour for extra information on those as they’re my house colours. I have used rhetorical questions and information in note form in order to make the audience want to find out what’s happening on those pages. The font is small and in black because it gives information, whereas the mini headings are more there to reel the audience in.

DividersI have used dividers as a convention on my contents page because I feel that they neatly separate what otherwise would be hectic information and they give alignment. It breaks the information up so the reader can take it in easily, as well as adding more colour to the white background. I have created the dividers in red to match my house colours.

Graphic FeatureI have included a similar graphic feature to what I included on my front cover, here, only it’s advertising a different thing. I included a ‘Follow us’ on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube as when I conducted my audience research, 80% of people use social networking sites. This is a way to connect with the audience. My graphic feature is a black box with a white border and another stroke layer of black. I have used it as I think it looks simple, yet effective and still manages to hook the reader’s attention. I positioned it in the bottom right so it doesn’t distract from the essential information on the page.

Menu StripAnother convention I have used is a menu strip in order to tell the reader what else is the magazine. I have used these in a menu strip and not a itemised list, as they’re not as important as those included on the list and less likely to make the audience want to read on. However, it still gives an insight into the magazine, and there might be something which could interest the audience.

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Double Page Spread- Colour

For the background colour of my double page spread, I used black and grey as I felt the colours would make my background image stand out against them. Also, even though the black makes the model’s face and hair stand out, it blends in with her clothes. This gives a subtle yet professional feel to the magazine, as it makes the image appear as though it is part of the background. This helps separate the text from the back ground. Furthermore, the grey and black connote what type of music she makes, which is hinted at in the article. For example, the article states; ‘We wonder how her voice can be so intense’ and ‘when she’s not belting out brilliant ballads’. This suggests that she can create a hard sounding music, which is connotes by the black. However, the article also stages ‘we wonder how it can turn into something much softer’, which is what the grey connotes as grey is a softer colour than black. Moreover, the grey is also a reflection of the indie music, as it’s a simple laid back colour and it shows consistency on my front cover, as that background is a similar type of colour. I chose simple colours so the reader isn’t distracted from the information on the page, which is very important as the information is what this page is about.

I also used colours red and white while creating my double page spread, which is consistent with my house style, as all those colours appear at some point during the front cover and the contents page.

I used red and white for the title quote, as I wished for a title that would stand out against the image as well as the background. White is a bright, solid colour which allowed the text to do that. I used a stroke layer of black so the title would stand out even more, drawing the audience’s eyes to it. I also used white for the subtitle, which makes it consistent with the title and the main text, which is also white when it’s against the black background. When the text was on a part of the background that was grey, I used black writing as it made it stand out more.

The pull quotes are in white too, so the double page spread looks simple and not too overcrowded with colour. However, I used a red border around the pull quotes to make them stand out and show how important they are. The red manages to draw the reader’s eyes to the quotes, which is what I want because I want to intrigue the reader.Furthermore, I also used red for the first letter of the article, again in order to draw the reader’s eyes towards it and stress the importance, as well as the quotation marks over the title which are in red for the same reason. Only a few elements of the page are in red, which really stressed their importance and hooks the reader.

However, now I wished I changed the writing or the background colours as a few words of the article were hard to make out. If I could do it again, I would change the writing colours to make the writing stand out more.

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Double Page Spread- Conventions

Background photoThe background photo I have included is a medium close up (as it shows some of the shoulders, if not much) and an indirect mode of address. The model is looking away from the camera, with a hint of a small, as if she’s thinking about something, which suggests she creates emotional, thought provoking music, typical of indie artists. It gives an impression of what type of musician she is; not too loud or in people’s faces. The costume she is using is that typical of indie dress; a black jacket and a checked, laid-back shirt.

Pull QuoteI have included a few pull quotes, taken from the article itself, in order to pull the reader in. If the reader is just flicking through the magazine, it could make them stop and read the pull quotes and then maybe the article if they found it interesting. The pull quotes I have used are things like, “Biggest star of 2015? Are you sure that’s me?” in order to show the audience what type of character is being interviewed; in this case a humble, pleasant character, which might make the audience warm to her.I have included a red border around the pull quote to make it stand out and allow me to use some of my original house colours. The writing I have used is white, which is consistent to the title and quote of the article, as well as matching my house colours.

BackgroundI have used grey and black for the background. Grey because it gives a subtle, relaxed theme to the page, reflective of indie music and black, reflective of my house colours and make the article look more interesting and pleasing to the eye. The black also blends nicely into the model’s black jacket, which gives a simple yet effective look, making the two backgrounds appear as one background, and it allows the white writing for my title and the actual article to stand out.

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Double Page Spread- Conventions(Continued)

Section HeaderI have used a section header in the form of a tab. It is positioned in the top right so it doesn’t distract from the information from the page. The tab itself is black so it appears to be part of the background and doesn’t stand out too much. I have used my magazine masthead on it to subtly remind the audience of the magazine and to make sure they will remember it, so they’ll buy it again.

TitleThe title of my double page spread is in the form of a quote and is positioned at the top of the page. I kept everything the same font so it still looks simple. However, I rotated the word ‘everyone’ slightly so it makes the title appear subtly unique. It adds something extra to the title and hooks the reader’s attention. Also, it emphasises the word ‘everyone’, which includes the audience and makes them feel like they belong. It attracts the audience I want; teenagers, as they often feel like they don’t belong. It’s big, as it needs to distract the audience and demand their attention as they’re flicking through the page. I included red quotations to, again, attract the reader’s attention and draw their eyes to the title.

Dropped CapitalI included a dropped capital as a convention on my page because I felt the page looked too simple, whereas with the capital it appears to be much more unique. Also, this convention starts the beginning of the article, so it draws the audience’s eye to where they should begin reading. This would make them start the article. I included it in red as it’s consistent with the pull quotes, quotation marks and my overall house colours.

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Double Page Spread- Conventions(Continued)

White SpaceOn my double page spread, I have included a lot of white space so the audience doesn’t feel overloaded with information. I have used it to create a more efficient, neat and simple layout. Too much information on one page would put the audience off and make them skip past the page. This way, it doesn’t look like there’s too much information.

Page NumberI included a page number as it’s an essential convention for the magazine to have because it shows the reader what page they’re on and where to find the page they want.

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Double Page Spread- Conventions(Continued)

ColumnsI included columns on my double page spread as they’re typical of professional double page spread pages, like this:

Also, they make the magazine look very well spaced out and less cluttered, which would be attractive to a reader’s eye. I have used it so it would break up the information on the double page spread (which is useful to me my article a particularly long one) and makes it look like there’s less information to read. It means the audience isn’t taking in too much at once, which allows them to remember it. Also, the columns easily fit around and over my main image, as well as fitting in the stripes of my background. This creates a neat and tidy double page spread, which is what I wanted as it connotes her music and indie music. The body text fitting in the columns is a small size and Franklin Gothic Boom font, which is consistent with other text on my magazine.

SubtitleAnother convention I have included is a subtitle, positioned in one of the columns in the left third. I chose to position it there as I felt that it would make the magazine’s style look more neat and tidy, and it wouldn’t distract the audience. I used a slightly larger size than the main body text and a different font; Franklin Gothic Demi, which made it stand out. I wanted it to stand out so the readers would read that first (as it introduces the text and makes the reader want to read on), which is also why it’s positioned before the main body of the text.

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In order to brand, I included a radio show mentioned on the contents page.A few magazine have things like radio shows or music shows in order to show off their magazine and attract and larger audience.

As shown here, the radio show is called ‘Key radio’ which means that everyone would know that the radio show belongs to that magazine.