Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups? CANDIDATE NAME: HANNAH HUGHES CANDIDATE NUMBER: 4067 CENTRE NUMBER: 64135

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Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups? CANDIDATE NAME: HANNAH HUGHES



How do the photos of your magazine share similarities with the magazines that influenced your production?

My magazine represents similar social groups to Kerrang! magazine because the content is very similar. To display this I’m using the examples below of the Kerrang! Front cover and I plan on comparing this with my front cover. If we first consider the poses of the two main models, we can see that they are both staring straight down the camera. Plus the general posture of the two models are very similar in that they are both are positioned directly in front of the camera, this is to address the audience.

How does the facial expressions/hair style represent your featured artist?

In terms of non-verbal codes such as gestures the pictures are different; the example image has a sense of playfulness to it, whereas my image features the model looking mildly happy but serious also. It is clear that the picture on the left has a far more fun looking expression. This allows the audience to relax a little bit in the sense that people can see the characters in the photographs and can be down to earth too. However my models expression, she looks slightly happy but not in the same sense as the previous image. This demonstrates a ‘difference’ (Steve Neale) because it shows that the first magazine has an established sense in which the audience have a connection with the people in the magazine already. To contrast this, my image connotes that with the content being new there is a need to build the connection with the audience and that it needs a slightly more serious tone.

The hair in both cases, although it clearly different because one has short hair and the other has long, can also be seen as similar because they both have the natural look. This shows that the models aren’t high maintenance and that they are both down to earth people. This small element of detail suggests that both magazines have a social representation of being a people’s magazine.

How does the shot type and angle play a part in the representation of your artist?

My magazines camera shot and angle is straight on to my model at eye-line. This is as if you are standing next to them talking and socialising, however the Kerrang! magazine has a low angle image, which connotes that the model is very popular and is big in the music world. This makes the audience believe that the model is big and important and should therefore be idealised.

What impact did lighting have on the photos and the representation of the featured artist?

The high key lighting is very similar in both of these photos because they are both located outside however, the Kerrang! magazine image seems to have more light on the persons face, this suggests that the photo is intended to attract the audience because of the focus on the face, my photo however, doesn't have a focus on lighting in particular. But because of Adobe Photoshop CS5, I was able to edit this, so my model has great lighting. You can see that the light however, does seem to be concentrated on one side of the model's face, also known as side lighting. The connotations of this effect imply that the character might have a darker emotion to share in their article.

What impact did choice of costume have on the representation of the featured artist?

The costumes in the two images are different because the model in my magazine is wearing dark clothing. This is because she is trying to convey that she has a dark emotion to share with the audience. Whereas the Kerrang! model is bright clear clothes on, this connotes that he is happy and is probable about to have something big happen in his career.