Question 2

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For the character Ethan steal we have tried to represent him as a hardy, well trained and dependable ‘new man’ much like to the representation of Ethan hunt from the mission impossible films. Which in essence we tried to recreate as in ‘Ethan steal’ the film the character is dressed in smart/formal clothing suggesting that he works in professional environment. Which in mission impossible Ethan hunt does as he works for the IMF(impossible mission force) which later in the film 'Ethan steal’ Ethan is ask to join a similar organisation and before he was asked to work for that organisation he also worked in the civil service . you can also see the facial expressions of both characters are quite similar suggesting that we also portrayed the typecast of the typical tough guy spy.

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As you see for the screen shot the two characters we tried to portray similar characteristics to each other also have similar fighting techniques that involve CQC( CLOSE COURTERS COMBAT) because as you can see both Ethan's are in close courters will the people they in a brurial with and they always aim to disable the weapon form the villains hand without using the weapon the conventional scene like for example with a gun instead of shooting the person they would use the back end of the gun the knock the villain out.

Similar fighting techniques

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Melina to bond girl

For the character Melina Lorenzo we tried to represent the typical damsel in distress with a bit of auttide much like the presentation of common ‘bond girls” from the iconic James bond films. We have managed to do this through the use of backstory most bond girls are in very high professions as you can see we represent this through the use of props and clothes as you can see she is holding an iphone5 suggesting that she has enough money the afforded the the current iPhone suggest that she in fact well paid.aslo the use of her facial expression also suggest that is like most common bond girls as she looks lost,scaried and confused much like other bond girls when they are in trouble.

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For the character Melina Lorenzo we tried to represent the typical damsel in distress with a bit of auttide much like the presentation of common ‘bond girls” from the iconic James bond films and the ‘mission impossible’ flims. As we can also see the two damsels hold similar facial and body language. They both during abduction are resistance but at the same time helpless and very traumatised.

Similar body and facial expressions during abduction

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Turkish thungs to iconic bond Hench men.

For the two turkish thungs we have clearly represent the stereotypical Hench men look slick and smart. As you can see both picture both the Turkish thugs and the bond Hench men are dressed in simliar suits. The only new direction I would say we took was is changing the ethnicity of the Hench as the original Hench men were hired as aprat of an organisation were as the Turkish thugs are apart of some sort of family business. So taken a sort of mafia meets James bond direction much like taken with the Albanian mafia.

Bridge Academy
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Similar Hench men failure in task

We have also linked in the iconic failuer in the task the most Hench men are given in which they all failing at the end as you can see for the images above. Both of the Turkish thugs are on the floor in uncomfortable manner suggesting that they have failed in there task. Also the bond villains are ironically always failing as you can see the Hench Mr Wint & Mr Kidd are both in pain as we can see from Mr Kidd facial expression we can tell he is in pain and also mr wint is in phsical pain from burns as he is on fire.