Question 3 Copy of Review the website:https://www.ohs.unsw.edu.au/hs_hazards/index.html What benefits can be obtained by taking regular breaks when doing repetitive office work? The only way of understanding the positive benefits from taking regular breaks in this scenario is firstly it has to be managed constructively and ethically in the work place. A useful resource tool is doing a Job Analysis, which has a five-step technique. Firstly understanding and agreeing how to achieve peak performance in your job. Secondly ensuring that you have a shared agreement with your Supervisor, thus everyone concerned is on the same page, especially when tasks become difficult, stressful. “Prioritising” Thirdly making sure that you has adequate resources, training, and staff needed to accomplish the task at hand. (No good taking a break and missing a important phone call etc.) The job analysis technique allows you to gain a good insight, perspective on how well you are really doing in excelling at your work. Significantly reduces stress of your work, through prioritising tasks and eliminating the unnecessary waste, and through networking spreading the work around more evenly. Job Analysis is just one of many practical tools, and there are many others like Accreditation is vital ingredient in any CSO by providing certain standards and quality assurances that is why i know that having a good DILO system in place is a excellent way making sure that your accreditation is on par with the standards and quality assurances set down by government departments through legislation and charters etc. Also enabling the CSO to acquire the maximum funding available for its sector of participation and to provide the best quality service to it's clients/aspirants and relevant partners and everyone is on a Win/Win situation.. These are all important techniques for bringing work-stress of job overload, under control, for improving the quality of your working life, and for achieving career success. In pondering the following question. In taking regular breaks are you more effective, efficient, and productive as you could be? Do you consider yourself to be effective at work? But the reality is that we all have strengths and weaknesses that impact on our effectiveness, and we all like to think differently. This is where it is extremely beneficial for everyone concerned, to tweak at least a few of

Question 3 whs activity one ca

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Question 3

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What benefits can be obtained by taking regular breaks when doing repetitive office work? The only way of understanding the

positive benefits from taking regular breaks in this scenario is firstly it

has to be managed constructively and ethically in the work place. A useful resource tool is doing a Job Analysis, which has a five-step

technique. Firstly understanding and agreeing how to achieve peak performance in your job. Secondly ensuring that you have a shared

agreement with your Supervisor, thus everyone concerned is on the same page, especially when tasks become difficult, stressful.

“Prioritising” Thirdly making sure that you has adequate resources, training, and staff needed to accomplish the task at hand. (No good

taking a break and missing a important phone call etc.) The job analysis technique allows you to gain a good insight, perspective on how well

you are really doing in excelling at your work. Significantly reduces stress of your work, through prioritising tasks and eliminating the

unnecessary waste, and through networking spreading the work around more evenly.

Job Analysis is just one of many practical tools, and there are many others like Accreditation is vital ingredient in any CSO by providing

certain standards and quality assurances that is why i know that having

a good DILO system in place is a excellent way making sure that your accreditation is on par with the standards and quality assurances set

down by government departments through legislation and charters etc. Also enabling the CSO to acquire the maximum funding available for its

sector of participation and to provide the best quality service to it's clients/aspirants and relevant partners and everyone is on a Win/Win


These are all important techniques for bringing work-stress of job

overload, under control, for improving the quality of your working life, and for achieving career success. In pondering the following question.

In taking regular breaks are you more effective, efficient, and productive as you could be? Do you consider yourself to be effective at work? But

the reality is that we all have strengths and weaknesses that impact on our effectiveness, and we all like to think differently. This is where it is

extremely beneficial for everyone concerned, to tweak at least a few of

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our skills, to become more effective. (Maybe you’re are proficient at managing the substantial demands you face daily, but when the fire

gets stoke up, your communication skills start to suffer as stress increases, escalates.) In managing this effectively: One – identifies

priorities Two – adopt a good attitude Three – build essential skills

Time Management/Productivity skill is the critical resource in acquiring

and developing this skill will enable better time management. (Email, phone calls, reports etc.) This is where the DILO/Activity Log, is very

handy tool in establishing a good effective routine.

Another vital component is the Communication Skills, more clearly

defined expectations, or changes in employment specification. Others might be addressed by outsourcing non - core activities, or simply

changing work patterns so that individuals with important, rare skills

focus on that type of work, making best use of skills available. It's also critical to focus on the SOFT SKILLS GAP AND DO YOU

HAVE ONE? The first stage with technical skills may get you over the first hurdle but in the long run what is as ultimately important is the soft

skills which a lot or organisation's fail to delivery on in CSO and often undervalued and their isn’t enough focus/ attention to these skill sets in

training in the work environment. But by collaborating the two efficiencies [skills married together] your work ethic, your attitude, your

communication, your emotional intelligence and a whole of host of other personal attributes (7C’s) are the soft skills that are crucial for CSO

success, it's generally assumed that individuals know and understand the importance of being punctual, having self-initiative, being

friendly/approachable, and producing high quality work. These are usually identifiable through CSO by observing the following factors i.e. if

you are really good at obtaining clients, ands not so good at retaining them is a soft skill gap issue. High employee turnover and having to

keep retraining individuals. Having lot of managers but no real leaders

is another soft skill gap scenario. In fact, whenever you are unable to cultivate on the wealth of

knowledge, experience, and proficiency within your team/CSO, this is when you are required to be assessing the level of communication and

interpersonal skills that are present in your CSO. [The acts of listening, presenting ideas, resolving conflict, and cultivating an open and honest

work environment all depend on how well you know how to build and maintain relationships with individuals/CSO.] It is through this

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amalgamation process that allows people to participate fully in team projects, show appreciation for others, and enlist support for their

projects. It is important not only for you but by developing the soft skills and how vital they are within the team/CSO and other issues/skills are

[Personal accountability, collaboration, interpersonal negotiation, conflict resolution, clarity of communications, creative thinking,

inclusion, coaching and mentoring etc.] If CSO wants to remain competitive and productive this is where the

bitumen meets the road it is crucial that CSO have these soft skills as their bitumen or otherwise the road can get quite rough and bumpy.

So in summary, if we are to honestly are to be effective in work environment, we need to manage our time wisely, communicate clearly

and have a good attitude. In being respected and productive it produces

continuous improvements, in our workplaces for the betterment of all concerned. The individual’s that learn to master this well, go along way

in there chosen careers (Doing a effective Job Analysis, learning your job description well, developing the effective time management,

schedule, and communicating it all together, therefore being able to control the stress factors.) Probably the most important thing in this gap

analysis, if there is any time not constructively used, it should be used in further learning, training, career development (multi-skilling).

By taking responsibility for yourself (duty of care) in having the right attitude at work, home, community etc., will not only just earn you

respect and it will also help establish standards for your behavior. The characteristics for building up respectable, healthy working/life

relationships: {Trust – substance of every good relationship Mutual Respect – this allows you to develop solutions based on your collective

insight, wisdom, and creativity Mindfulness – not being negative, taking responsibility for your words and actions Welcoming Diversity –

being open minded and accepting that there is more than one right way

or wrong way of accomplishing a set task, being inviting, hospitable Open Communication – this includes non-verbal as well as verbal, as

all good relationships are rely on open, honest communication.(smile)



Person conducting a business or undertaking

PCBU (section 19)

Has the primary duty to ensure, so far as is

reasonably practical, workers and other persons are not exposed to health and safety risks arising from the business or undertaking. This includes

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ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable: Provision & maintenance of a work environment

without risks to health and safety. Provision and maintenance of safe systems of work &

Monitoring the health of workers and the conditions at the workplace for the purpose of preventing illness or injury of workers arising from

the PCBU The duty on the person conducting – PCBU – is not removed by a worker’s preference for certain

shift patterns for social reasons, their willingness to work extra hours or to come to work when fatigued. The PCBU should adopt risks

management strategies to manage the risks of fatigue in these circumstances.

Officer (section 27) Officers such as company directors, must exercise due diligence to ensure the business or

undertaking complies with its work health and safety duties. This includes taking reasonable steps to ensure the business or undertaking has

and uses appropriate resources and processes to manage the risks associated with fatigue.

Worker (section 28) Workers must take reasonable care for their own health and must not adversely affect the health

and safety of other persons. Workers must also comply with any reasonable instruction and cooperate with any reasonable policy or procedure

relating to fatigue at the workplace, such as policies on fitness for work or second jobs. (Question 1 – 2 – 3 relevance)

Workers’ duties in relation to fatigue do not mean they must never work extra hours. However, they should talk to their manager or supervisor to let

them know when they are fatigue. They should also avoid working additional hours and undertaking safety critical tasks when they know it

is likely they are fatigued.

Consulting workers at each step of the risk management process encourages everyone to

work together to identify fatigue risk factors and implement effective control measures. (Taking regular breaks etc.) Consultation also helps raise awareness about the risks of


Consultation involves sharing information, giving workers reasonable opportunity to

express views and taking those views into account before making decisions on health and safety matters.

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Another consideration is the Ergonomics of your office, (Ergonomics is the study of fitting the activity or work task to the worker.) there are many facets and goals in any ergonomics

program. These include, positioning yourself in a neutral/ natural posture that reduces the mechanical stresses on the body tissues and joints, helping to combat the risk of developing

Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) when doing the task assign to the individual. RSI is also know as Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD) or Work-related Musculoskeletal Dysfunction (WMSD), the main causes of this are from high muscle force used to do the task assign, accompany

with high repetitions and awkward and or static working postures. The revolution of the computer age, resulting in many individuals sitting for prolongs periods in front of computers.

This has created a whole set of new workplace hazards and issues, such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS – inflammation of the muscles and tendons of the wrists, hands and arms, neck and shoulder stiffness, low back pain, and stiff muscles and joints), and this has

histrionically increase since the 1990”s. Resulting from the body’s response to repetitive, prolonged computer work, as the body isn’t design for this type of task orientation.

So having so preventive measures in place, along with a cultural safety environment, early intervention are the key. By establishing good work ethics, having a good training program in place to deal with these issues Example: EXERCISES

Stretching is an easy mechanism for assisting the body in coping, from the repetitive environment in the office. (Sitting at computer, for lengthy periods) The benefits of this are

immense (decreased stresses in joints, ligament’s, tendons, and muscles – improve blood flow to muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments – decreased tension and stress – increased mental alertness - decreased injury risk – MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD, UPLIFTING) and it only requires

a few minutes of your precious time and you say how to: Breathe easily – Do the exercise until you feel a mild tension in the muscle and hold the stretch for 5 deep breaths. – Now stretch a bit

more and hold for another 5 deep breaths. – Relax. ALWAYS – stretch only within your comfortable limits, not into pain. – Breathing should be slow

and relaxed – hold the stretch 15 – 20 seconds don’t bounce – do a different exercise/stretch every hour you at your computer. The corrective remedy for sitting is moving – take a mini walk

– stand up to talk on the phone – use the stairs – get up from your desk at lunch time – walk to

talk to someone – don’t email – get off the bus 1- 2 blocks before your regular stop and walk to work or home – exercise regularly be FIT.

Section 47: PCBU must consult, so far as is reasonably practicable, with workers who carry out work for the business or undertaking who are (or are likely to be) directly

affected by a work health and safety matter. Section 48: If the workers are represented by a health and safety representative, the

consultation must involve that representative.

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Prevention for RSI – use a natural joint position – don’t strangle (tight grip) the mouse – don’t

pound the keys – take stretch breaks – take eye rest breaks from looking at the monitor when you stretch – make sure your work environment/ chair etc. is generated to match your profile.

It is essential that you have a professional individual do this, (physiotherapist, HSR etc.) Work breaks – are a perfect opportunity to revive and survive, the following examples are best

achieve by a gentle stretching action over periods, of at least 30 seconds and you maybe be able to start a work club to accompany you through this process. EXAMPLES: Wrist Bend: bend your wrist and fingers with your other hand, bending your elbow slightly at

the same time, until you feel the stretch over the back of your forearm and hold for 30 seconds. Arm Stretch: stretch your arm out in front of you with your elbow straight, palm facing away

from you (fingers pointing down or up) – then with your other hand pull your fingers backwards until you feel the stretch over the front of your forearm and hold for 30 seconds. Chin Tuck: Tuck your chin down onto your chest and gently turn your head from side to side,

keeping you chin on your chest and do this ten times rest repeat. Tall Stretch: Interlock fingers, palms up, and stretch arms above the head until they are

straight, and do not arch the back. Toe-in, Toe out: place feet shoulder-width apart, heels on the floor, swing toes in, and then out. Shoulder roll: roll the shoulders – raise them, pull them back, then drop them and relax, and

repeat in the opposite direction. Side stretch: drop left shoulder, reaching left hands towards the floor, return to starting position

and repeat on right side. Back curl: grasp shin, lift leg off the floor, bend forward curling the back, with nose towards the knee and this should only done if one is capable to do so.

Ankle flex: hold one foot off the floor, leg straight, flex ankle (pointing toes up) and extend

(pointing toes toward the floor), and repeat with the other leg. Leg lift: sit forward on the chair and place feet on the floor, with a straight leg, lift one foot a few

centimetres off the floor, and hold for a second and then return it to the floor and repeat with other leg.

So in summary there is a lot benefits and positive outcomes in applying and using some of these resource tools in your organisation like. David Weiss and Claude Legrand published their

Four-Step Innovation Process in their 2011 book “Innovative Intelligence” “The Art and Practice of Leading Sustainable Innovation in Your Organisation”

The four steps are: Framework development – Define issue – Generate ideas – Implement best

solution. The advantage in applying this process, will allow you to develop a framework, which will assist team members/aspirants in working through the innovation process in a

comprehensive and discipline way. As this will help in Continuous improvement is the task of frequently seeking out ways to improve processes, products, or services. However, when it

comes to the ongoing and ever-changing task of continuous improvement, it is important to remember that persistence and perseverance are vital. For instance, when cell phones first came out they were oversized, bulky, offered less than desirable service, and neglected any

sense of style. However, through continuous improvement cell phones today are small, sleek, and stylish mini computers that offer vast capabilities that were virtually unimaginable years

back. All this change has been made possible through continuous improvement. However, it is important to note that these improvements did not come about overnight, but instead through small, incremental changes implemented by companies committed to continuous improvement.

Cross -cultural communication can be challenging, difficulties arise from difference in cultural

values, languages, and points of view. CSO individuals must be sensitive and competent in cross cultural communication, strategies for improvement like writing down the message, repeating it, listening to the entire message, asking question using different words, and creating

a relaxed atmosphere for communications. So in summarising this with this quote:

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"We didn't all come over on the same ship, but we're all in the same boat. "Or "The ability to express an idea is well-nigh as important as the idea itself." [Bernard Baruch, American financier and statesman.]