{ Questionnaire results By Erin Harper

Questionnaire results

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Page 1: Questionnaire results


Questionnaire results

By Erin Harper

Page 2: Questionnaire results

How old are you?





under 16 17-2122-30 31-3536-40 41+

My first, and most obvious question is ‘How old are you?. This will allow me to see the majority age demographic of the group I asked, therefore enabling me to research what types of films these age groups watch. I can also adjust my

trailer to fit a certain target audience.

From my results I can gather that 82% of respondents were aged between 17-21, this could be biased as I did ask most of my friends at school who fall into that age bracket. Also, 9% of respondents were aged between 22-30. From these results, I can gather the fact that I will make my film to suit those aged 17-30 i.e. young adults, this is because they are the group that go to see films the most and are more likely to be on social networks, therefore their will be a greater marketing opportunity through social networking sites. Also, as I fall into this category, I can relate with what my chosen demographic wants and create a trailer/ magazine/ poster suited to them.

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What is your gender?



For question 2, I asked ‘what is your gender?’, this will enable me to see the majority gender who answered my questionnaire.

Overall, 68% of respondents were female while 32% f respondents were male, this could be biased as most of my classmates are female. As the gap between the number of females and males is smaller than my AS foundation portfolio for my music magazine (which was directed towards a female audience), I have decided to make a film suited to both genders, thus gaining a wider marketing pool.

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What is you're favourite film genre?






To understand what my respondents wanted to see, I asked ‘what is you're favourite film genre?’, this allows me to see which is the most popular, and which is the most popular amongst age groups.

From my results I can conclude that thriller films were the most popular with 7 out of 22 responses. Comedy came in at a close 2nd with 6 responses, with all 6 responses coming from 17-21 year olds, hence this age group likes comedy. Thriller films had 6 out of the 7 responses aged between 17-21 year olds, therefore thriller films are a popular genre for my chosen demographic. I have noticed that the ‘z-ombie’ film genre had zero responses, yet thriller had 7, I hope to find a gap in the market by combining the genre of ‘z-ombie’ , which is less popular with my age demographic, with a thriller, which is very popular with my demographic. A zombie thriller would attract a large audience whilst placing a ‘spin’ on a thriller film.

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What film certificate do you usually watch?

U PG 12 12A 15 180





For this question, I asked ‘what film certificate do you usually watch?’, allowing me to see the most popular with my respondents.

From my results I can gather that 73% of responses said they watched 15 certificated films the most, therefore my film will be rated a 15 to appeal to my demographic, all of the 16 responses for the 15 category were aged 17-21, part of my demographic. As I hope to do a z-ombie thriller, I will make it a ‘15’ most films with elements of the undead have various frightening, distressing and gory elements (a typical convention)

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Do you prefer independent or blockbuster films?




This question will help me see what kind of production/distribution company will suit my film.

My results clearly state that 85% of respondents said they preferred blockbusters while only 15% preferred independent, most of my demographic tend to see blockbuster films made my conglomorate production companies such as universal. For my film, I want a blockbuster company to distribute and market it (using both above and below the line marketing strategies), but I want an independent company to produce the film to give it an unusual edge, therefore my film will appeal to the mass market as it will be both labelled as a blockbuster and a independent ( like the z-ombie film ‘Shaun of the dead’ that was produced by film4/ working title, but distributed by universal to gain a wide reception)

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Do you ever watch the trailer before you watch the film?




I asked this question to see how effective trailers are at reaching the audience to do their intended purpose.

My result conclude that 59% of respondents sometimes watch the trailer before seeing the film and 41% said always. This infers that the respondents are in key with film trailers and recognise that they play a vital role in a films marketing process. As most of the respondents are aged between 17-30, I can make the educated assumption that this age group is the most in key with technology and various platforms to watch trailers, therefore my chosen demographic (young adults) will be likely to see my trailer if it is loaded onto various platforms, thus increasing possible ticket sales.

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What platforms do you watch trailers on ?






Ath th

e cine







s off


l web








This question enables me to see what are the most popular platforms to watch film trailers on.

This was a question where more than one answer was allowed, so I could see how many platforms each respondent accessed. YOUTUBE was inevitably the most popular with 19 out of the 22 saying they used it, this is because it is easily accessed and my demographic watch YouTube videos on a daily basis/ The 2nd most popular was ‘at the cinema’, this is because many young adults go to the cinema frequently and watch films where up to 5 relevant trailers are played beforehand (often of the same genre so companies can create a self sustaining cycle of a particular audience group) therefore exposing the audience to more trailers. IMDB and social networks were also popular as film trailers are able to be shared between friends and rated by critics, all contributing to how many views a trailer gets. I will market my trailer through YouTube, social networking sites such as Facebook and IMDB to attract a younger, more internet apt audience.

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Why do you watch film trailers?



This next question allows me to see why my respondents watch trailers in the first place.

16 respondents said they watch trailers to see if the film is worth watching, therefore in my trailer, I will make sure I include the best bits of the film to excite, persuade and intrigue the viewer, hopefully persuading them to watch the film. 4 responses said they watch trailers to understand the plot, therefore I will include some vital plot details so the audience can understand the context.

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Do film trailers influence if you watch a film or not?

always sometimes never02468


This question allows me to see how influential trailers are as part of the marketing scheme.

9 responses said ‘always’ and 12 said ‘sometimes’, this means that film trailers are a vital part of the films marketing process as they visually have an impact. However, with technology developing and the film industry becoming more prevalent, different ways of marketing a film are in usage, such as magazines, YouTube interviews with the cast, TV talk shows, posters, websites, Facebook pages, photographs, food and merchandise. My demographic is exposed to so many different forms of technology and media that it would be stupid to make use of only ne of these, therefore I will have to take this into consideration when making my campaign.

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What is you're favourite film?

• The Rocky Horror Picture Show• lord of the rings • The Clockwork Orange • Despicable Me • Shutter Island • I am legend • inception • silence of the lambs • as above so below • Bridget Jones • Forrest Gump • Mission Impossible Series • Indiana Jones • Forrest Gump • Matilda • Pacific rim • Maleficent • The Heat • Forrest Gump • 21 Jump Street • Lord of the rings

I asked what peoples favourite films are to catch a glimpse as to what the most popular genre us. As expected most if them are considered as thriller films, this cements my previous research and confirms how I will be doing a thriller genre for my film trailer.