Research And Planning Questions for our interview with Julie Maitland GROUP 1 - ELLIE, ELLIE & SAXON

Questions for interview with Julie Maitland

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Page 1: Questions for interview with Julie Maitland

Research And Planning – Questions for our interview with Julie MaitlandGROUP 1 - ELLIE, ELLIE & SAXON

Page 2: Questions for interview with Julie Maitland


 1). What is your job role and how long have you been you in this career? 2). What are your initial thoughts to social media and what type of attitude do you have towards it?  3). Considering you work in a college, how often are you faced with issues that have arisen due to social media? E.g. Cyber bullying. 4). Do you think that the large amount of students who use social media sites is an issue for the college? If so explain whyWhat do you mean by this? 5). In what ways do you think social media sites can be dangerous? Explain your answer.  

Page 3: Questions for interview with Julie Maitland


6). How can social media sites become addictive or overpower specific aspects to teenagers lives? E.g. over taking their focus from their studies.  7). Why do you think social media is so addictive for teenagers? 8). What do you think social media offers to teenagers that is so addictive for them? 9). Do you believe the issues regarding social media will continue to get worse or do you think they can be battled? If so how?  10). Do you think it is only teenagers who are trapped in the addiction of social media or do you believe it is now targeting other age groups? If so who? 11). How do you think social media has managed to attracted these different age groups?