Sociologia della salute Federico Monaco PhD www.federicomonaco.com #socialnursery quinto incontro

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Sociologia della saluteFederico Monaco PhD


#socialnurseryquinto incontro

Quinto incontro

Frankenstein e oltre...

Salute: dalla performance alla produzione


TRAPIANTI DI RENE NEL MONDO (2009)Lucy Diane Horvat1,2, Salimah Z Shariff1,2 and Amit X Garg1,2 for the Donor Nephrectomy Outcomes Research (DONOR) Network Global trends in the rates of living kidney donation, Kidney International (2009) 75, 1088–1098; doi:10.1038/ki.2009.20; published online 18 February 2009



"I can observe my own body cut open, without suffering!... I see myself all the way down to my entrails; a new mirror stage.

"I can see to the heart of my lover; his splendid design "I can observe my own body cut open, without suffering!... I see myself all the way down to my entrails; a new mirror stage. "I can see to the heart of my lover; his splendid design has nothing to do with sickly sentimentalities"- Darling, I love your spleen; I love your liver; I adore your pancreas, and the line of your femur excites me."

(Orlan from Carnal Art Manifesto)http://www.orlan.eu/

S T E L A R Chttp://stelarc.org/?catID=20247

'As Stelarc observes, his research follows the assumption that `To be human is to be augmented, extended and enhanced by technology', actively and critically attempting to explore the potential of unexpected kinds of performative interaction in situations where `you have the choice' to define the performance situation, and where `because you are aware of what's going on, this loop of consciousness creates the possibility of response and interaction'

.NICHOLAS ZURBRUGG "Virilio, Stelarc and Terminal Technoculture" Theory, Culture and Society 1999 (SAGE, London), Vol. 16: 177-199.

...MISSING BODIES...“We know more about the physical body—how it begins, how it responds to illness, even how it decomposes—than ever before.

Yet not all bodies are created equal, some bodies clearly count more than others, and some bodies are not recognized at all. In Missing Bodies, Monica J. Casper and Lisa Jean Moore explore the surveillance, manipulations, erasures,

and visibility of the body in the twenty-first century. The authors examine bodies, both actual and symbolic, in a variety of arenas: pornography, fashion,

sports, medicine, photography, cinema, sex work, labor, migration, medical tourism, and war. This new politics of visibility can lead to the overexposure of some bodies—Lance Armstrong, Jessica Lynch—and to the near invisibility of others—dead Iraqi civilians, illegal immigrants, the victims of HIV/AIDS and

"natural" disasters.”Monica J. Casper and Lisa Jean Moore. 2009. Missing Bodies: The Politics of Visibility. New York: NYU Press.









Braun, B. and Whatmore, S.J. (eds.) (2010) Political matter: technoscience, democracy and public life. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.

case study



Shannon Vyff

Vyff's approaches in promoting transhumanism and cryonics were given exposure when her essay 'Confessions of a Proselytizing Immortalist' was

published in 2006 as part of the book: The Scientific Conquest of Death. Vyff has also been interviewed by the media on subjects pertaining both to her

approaches in promoting cryonics to the public at large (especially to children), and her own motivations for becoming a cryonicist.

Vyff published her first novel, 21st Century Kids, in 2007. A science fiction adventure novel for children, the book has been noted for having the capacity to

convince young people to 'look further into cryonics.'

Leggi una intervista:

CRYONICS“Although cryonics patients must be legally dead before cryonics procedures to reduce or eliminate ischemic damage and ice formation can be applied, cryonicists do not believe that cryonics patients are dead in an ultimate sense. Nearly all the cells of the body are alive for quite some time after the heart stops — including neurons. A standby team can be used to minimize the time between pronouncement of death and cooling, cardiopulmonary support, etc. Cryonicists believe that the anatomical basis of mind can survive much longer than six minutes after stoppage of the heart in the absence of cooling — despite the inability of current medicine to revive patients without neurological damage after more than six minutes of cardiac arrest.”

(See Quantifying Ischemic Damage for Cryonics Rescue for more details.)


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