Lauren Allard Unit 44: 1 Hour Radio Show Report Unit 44: 1 Hour Radio Show Report This report will be evaluating my radio show research; I have created a one hour radio show, and will be creating as survey for people of different ages, gender and ethnicity to review. The point of this research is to find out if different types of modern rock and radio can still connect and grab the attention of younger viewers. My one hour radio show was to entertain young people and people of different social groups. The Rock Show would last for one hour and would be based around different rock genres, I didn’t want the shows main genre to be rock, because there are many other genres connected to rock like Punk and Metal. The show would be focusing around Bring Me The Horizon’s new album ‘That’s The Spirit’ to promote both the band and their new album. The 1 hour show would be based like an issued magazine (mainly focusing around one thing. The show would not only include that one band but a few others as well, it was set out this way so that the audience wouldn’t lose interest. The playlist was very soft and calm compared to how it would have originally have been set out, it originally set out to play a lot of metal music by bands like Asking Alexandria and Motionless In White. But as the college’s music library didn’t have metal music I had to go for other options. And look at the music that the college had provided and also music that I had already bought. I had found band like Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco and Paramore available for our modern rock hour show. To make the playlist long enough to last the entire hour, I had to include the entire ‘That’s The Spirit’ album into the mix, with short breaks, gossip, interviews and different singles from different bands in between. The show would include little to no adverts in between songs, but instead the two main presenters talking about upcoming

Radio Show Report

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Lauren AllardUnit 44: 1 Hour Radio Show Report

Unit 44: 1 Hour Radio Show Report

This report will be evaluating my radio show research; I have created a one hour radio show, and will be creating as survey for people of different ages, gender and ethnicity to review. The point of this research is to find out if different types of modern rock and radio can still connect and grab the attention of younger viewers. My one hour radio show was to entertain young people and people of different social groups. The Rock Show would last for one hour and would be based around different rock genres, I didn’t want the shows main genre to be rock, because there are many other genres connected to rock like Punk and Metal. The show would be focusing around Bring Me The Horizon’s new album ‘That’s The Spirit’ to promote both the band and their new album. The 1 hour show would be based like an issued magazine (mainly focusing around one thing. The show would not only include that one band but a few others as well, it was set out this way so that the audience wouldn’t lose interest. The playlist was very soft and calm compared to how it would have originally have been set out, it originally set out to play a lot of metal music by bands like Asking Alexandria and Motionless In White. But as the college’s music library didn’t have metal music I had to go for other options. And look at the music that the college had provided and also music that I had already bought. I had found band like Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco and Paramore available for our modern rock hour show. To make the playlist long enough to last the entire hour, I had to include the entire ‘That’s The Spirit’ album into the mix, with short breaks, gossip, interviews and different singles from different bands in between.

The show would include little to no adverts in between songs, but instead the two main presenters talking about upcoming concert s and festivals, and also different bands. And interviews with a few fans.

Before the show was recorded I listened to a hour of a Kerrang radio show, Kerrang is the radio show that I was hoping the Rock Show to be similar to, since both shows are aiming at a similar target audience and are broadcasting similar music. I listened to an hour of one of their shows and focused on the presenter’s skills, and also the playlist layout. This helped a lot when it came to setting up and organizing the playlist for the rock show.

The radio show’s playlist was well organized on the software, and was set out so that there was roughly around 2-3 songs, then a break with a few words from the presenters then back again to the songs, with an interview ready for towards the end of the show.


After the show had been recorded I had to create a survey on survey monkey that would be sent around to the class along with a link to sound-cloud so it was available for them to listen to. I emailed everyone in the class a link to sound cloud and a link to the Survey, I also

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Lauren AllardUnit 44: 1 Hour Radio Show Report

sent some other people outside of the class the same links so that they could also give some feedback. I created a presentation describing the format, genre of the show and the target audience for the show. It contained everything that would be featured in the show, the type of music, what bands would mainly be played so that everyone got a good idea of the kind of bands that would be featured.

I got 11 responses to my survey after it being played to the class.

The data that I collected from the feedback, some of the data that I collected was Quantitative, in the screenshots of the collected data, it tells me what percentage of people said what. (E.g. 73% of the people who replied to my survey were in the age group 16-18). But some of the data that I collected could also pass as Qualitative, some of my questions had an ‘Other’ option to select, when a member of the audience selected other they would have to tell me in words what their other option is. (E.g. when I asked “What is your ethnicity?” I had an option for ‘Other’ this meant that they had to type in their option. I got two responses that told me that two members of the audience were “British/Bangladeshi” both members of the audience had the same ethnicity).

The main important questions came first, asking the audience their age, gender and ethnicity. These types of questions were included so that I know which type of people enjoyed and didn’t enjoy my show. It also helps when it comes to setting the right target audience. The main responses came from people who were inbetween the ages of 16 and 18, setting the target audience to around teenagers and young adults.

I have chosen to ask the audience what genre of music they normally listen to, I wanted to see if the show would still be suitable for them despite their normal music taste. A lot of

people selected rock as their favourite music genre, which is great for this radio show which means that a lot of people should be interested in listening to it.

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Lauren AllardUnit 44: 1 Hour Radio Show Report

I did want to know whether the audience would remain interested in the radio show, based on how much they listen to the radio in general. Around 35% said that they often listen to the radio when another 35% never listen to the radio and prefer other methods of listening to their favourite music.

I asked the audience to after they listened to the 10 minute edit or the full

1 hour version of the radio show, if they could rate the entire show from 1-10, one being horrible and ten being amazing. All of the responses were higher than five. 10% voted 6, 35% voted 7 another 35% voted 8 and around 18% voted 9.

I wanted to know if the audience liked the chosen music genre for the radio show. From looking at the results 0% said no. 18% said ‘a little’ and 82% said

‘yes’, showing that the music for this radio show worked perfectly and the audience enjoyed it, despite some of the people that repsonded prefered a different type of genre of music.

The final quesiton being the most important, was asking if they could rate the radio show on Aesethic Quality. Meaning the sound, length of the show, music and presentation style. This rating the overall show out of ten.

9% said 4 Another 9% said 6 45% said 8 18% said 9 And finally another 18% said 10.

The responses were overall possitive replies, the radio show got some good reviews. Especially when it came to rating the entire show out of ten.

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Lauren AllardUnit 44: 1 Hour Radio Show Report


The show when recording went well but, when listening back there was a few things that could have been improved, especially during editing. I noticed during the recording and also when I was editing the show that during the show there was moments when we couldn’t keep on topic, and we sometimes ran out of things to say, so before editing there was some moments when everything was very quiet and awkward. Some of the awkward moments were included in the edit which now looking back I could have edited out. If I was to record the show again I would have come up with a better script that would avoid the quiet moments and also the akward moments. If I could re do the edit again I would have made sure to edit parts when you could here the volume controls being changed in the studio, there was times in the edit where before the song began you could still hear the volume controls being changed. I would have made sure that during the recording stage to speak a lot more clearly into the microphone, because there was some moments when it sounded like I was speaking way too close to the mic.

I felt like the presentation went well, but I do feel like it could have been improved. I could have not looked at the screen showing the presentation as many times as I did. And also after my presentation I didn’t play my radio edit but instead sent the link to everyone in the class for them to listen to in their own time then fill out my survey. Looking back I could have played the edit which would have made everything a lot easier, and more organised and with that I could have started and finished my report quicker.

My radio edit, consisted of two different versions. One that had a ten minute edit, and another had the entire 1 hour show. In the edit there was moments when the dialogue wasn’t that clear, or loud enough. And there was moments when you could hear the volume controls being changed. If I was to re do the radio edit those are the things that I would have changed.

But my favourite part about the radio edit that I wouldn’t change would be the ending, where all of the guests came back to end the show as well. And it had Blink 182- Rock Show, playing in the background, and the volume increased when the presenters were finished talking and the music was clear. It was a good ending especially with the song in the background singing the words “Rock Show” when the show ended.