Re-energeize Your Career By Being An Intrapreneur Hey friends, we move on to our 3 rd part of Intrapreneurs Week Series and today we show how intrapreneurship can boost your career. Here are some reasons being an intrapreneur can be a better career move: Intrapreneurs Believe in Themselves and in Others A good intrapreneur is master at motivating people, creating innovative change and being incredibly honest with themselves and others. Intrapreneurs approach work like an entrepreneur, but engage their internal team members and resources to uncover opportunities and wwww.digitalerra.com

Re-energeize your career by being an intrapreneur

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Re-energeize Your Career By Being An Intrapreneur

Hey friends, we move on to our 3rd part of Intrapreneurs Week Series and today we show how intrapreneurship can boost your career.

Here are some reasons being an intrapreneur can be a better career move:

Intrapreneurs Believe in Themselves and in Others

A good intrapreneur is master at motivating people, creating innovative change and being incredibly honest with themselves and others.

Intrapreneurs approach work like an entrepreneur, but engage their internal team members and resources to uncover opportunities and solve problems across their own organization. In fact, the best intrapreneurs are passionate about driving innovation in areas beyond their primary job responsibility. It’s


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clear that employers benefit greatly from the spirit of initiative that intrapreneurs bring to an organization.

Intrepreneurs also benefit from their unique approach to working life. It can be said that these employees tend to enjoy greater feelings of satisfaction with their work: according to a recent survey conducted by the University of Phoenix, 61% of people who say they are satisfied with their job also note that their employer provides them with opportunities to exercise their entrepreneurial skills. The figure drops to 33% for those who report being dissatisfied with their job.

They Spot Trends Before They are Trends

Intrapreneurs have a keen sense for trends, for identifying those small or sometimes big signals that others would ignore. While others dismiss single incidents of breakthroughs and discoveries that will culminate in major disruptions, they keep a track of these incidents and start paying attention to them early.

They Get Things Accomplished

There is something undefinable about intrapreneurs. They are determined and adaptable in their pursuit to get things done. These traits – also called charisma, persistence can be cultivated, no matter how alluring and mysterious they seem from a distance.

Intrapreneurs have an enviable skillset

Intrapreneurs have an aptitude for creative problem solving, but this is not the only skill that sets them apart in an organization. Pitching, budgeting, marketing, coding or design is just some of the skills you can add to your portfolio.


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Often an idea will require collaboration across departments, especially if an element is outside your area of expertise. Proposing an innovative business idea might also require you to lead a team. Whether it’s a success or not, you will have learned invaluable lessons and skill sets along the way, while also making yourself stand out.

Intrapreneurs are organizational superstars

By being the innovator, the problem solver and the thought leader, you set yourself apart. Intrapreneurial companies outperform non-intrapreneurial companies in vital areas like profitability, market share and sales growth. This is the reason why companies are actively embracing the intrapreneurs within their organization. Showcasing your abilities in this way demonstrates how valuable you are to your employer.


Being an intrapreneur can help you exercise your entrepreneurial spirit, increase job satisfaction, break into new leadership roles, and potentially earn more money. They see where the company needs to go before anyone else and that’s what makes them stand out from the rest in their professional career.
