Real numbers Nyrice jones 839

Real Numbers

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Page 1: Real Numbers

Real numbers Nyrice jones 839

Page 2: Real Numbers

What are rational numbers

A. natural numbers B. whole numbers C. even and odd numbers D. Integers E. Repeating decimals F. Terminating G. Perfect squares and their roots

Page 3: Real Numbers

Natural numbers

A. Another name for natural numbers is counting numbers

B. Natural numbers go from 1 to positive infinity

C. {1,2,3,4,5………}

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Whole numbers A. “whole in your pocket” B. Starts with a zero and goes

to positive infinity C. {1,2,3,4,5........}

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Even numbers A.Even numbers end in

0,2,4,6, or 8 B.Think of the “2x”tableC.Only look at the last digit

of the numbers

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Odd numbers A. Odd numbers end in 1,3,5,7 or 9B. {1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17…}C. Only look at the last digit of the number

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A. Integers are positive numbers and their opposites [negatives],plus zero

B. Positive [+] numbers are to the right of zero C. Negative numbers are o the left of zero D. Zero is neither positive nor negative. It is a neutral


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Repeating decimals

A. Repeating decimals are decimals that keep on going but must have a pattern

B. Usually repeating decimals have a bar over the number or …at the end of the number

C. 1/9,2/3,.3333….

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Terminating Decimals

0 Terminating decimals are decimals that come to an end and stop

0 ½, ¾, 7, .9876, 3.0

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Perfect Squares and their roots

0 Perfect Squares have an exponent of two0 They are called perfect squares because their answers

actually create a square0 ( Perfect square roots are square roots where one

number times itself will give you the answer inside the “radicand”

Page 11: Real Numbers

Irrational numbers

0 Irrational numbers are number that keep on going WITHOUT a pattern.

0 Any decimal that keeps on going in a calculator and has no pattern is irrational.

0 Any square root that is not perfect is irrational.0 Pi is irrational because it is 22/;7 or 3.1415926535…

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Imperfcet square roots

0 No number multiplied by itself will ever give you the number located inside the “radicand”

0 If you do the square root of a number in a calculator and you get along decimal that has no pattern, it’s imperfect

Page 13: Real Numbers

Real numbers

0 Real numbers are all number in this powerpoint presentation.

0 They are rational and irrational numbers.