Promote Respect Parent Edition Reams Road Elementary

Reams promote respect parent edition

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Parent Edition

Reams Road Elementary

Objectives: I Can...

● Identify our school’s expectations

● Identify what a respectful school climate looks


● Understand bullying and how to effectively

respond / report

● Explain a parent’s role in a respectful school


Our Expectations

Chesterfield County Public Schools Core


● Honesty

● Accountability

● Responsibility




I am a Reams Ram!

I will respect others.

I will always be responsible.

I will make good choices.

I will show self-control.

I will make it a great day because, I am a Reams Ram!

Respectful School Climate Expectations:

● Respect for self

● Respect for property

● Respect for student/adult relationships

● Respect for peers

Respect for Self

What does this look like?

● Self-Advocacy (speak up)

● Self-Worth (believe in yourself)

● Appropriate dress (older students)

How do we hold students accountable?

● Encourage appropriate assertiveness

● Encourage positive word choices

Respect for Property

What does this look like?

● Clean building

● Taking care of and returning borrowed items

● Leaving items in hallway alone

● Taking pride in our school

How do we hold students accountable?

● Make students responsible for cleaning up their areas

● “Tray Duty” for cleaning up lunch tables

● Encourage students to ask for permission to use something

● Bring in recess equipment

Respect for Student/Adult Relationships

What does this look like?

● Respectful words

● Following classroom rules and

expectations (Body Basics)

● Active listening

How do we hold students accountable?

● Consistently enforce school & classroom expectations (ex:no profanity,

hats off, etc...)

● Recognize respectful behavior in students

Respect for Peers

What does this look like?

● Speaking kindly/using manners

● Acceptance

● Listening to each other

How do we hold students accountable?

● Recognize positive behaviors

● Consistently address disrespectful behaviors

● All unkind, disrespectful behaviors (whether “bullying or not)

diminish the school climate and are addressed

● Report and document bullying behaviors

What is Bullying? - CCPS Definition -

Any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to

harm, intimidate,or humiliate the victim; involves a real or

perceived power imbalance between the aggressor(s) and

victim; and is repeated over time or causes severe

emotional trauma.

What Bullying IsWhat differentiates “bullying” from unkind behaviors?

● Unwanted, aggressive behavior with intent to harm

● A real or perceived imbalance of power between

the student(s) doing the bullying and the student(s)

being bullied

● Behavior that is repeated, or has the potential to be

repeated, over time

What Bullying Is Not

● A conflict between peers of equal power

● Teasing or horseplay with NO intent to harm

● An isolated, individual aggressive action

● A “normal” part of growing up

As a school, we strive to promote respect in many ways

and will address all disrespectful behaviors - whether

they are classified as “bullying” or not.

Types of Bullying

● Verbal - Saying or writing mean things

● Social - Hurting one’s reputation or


● Physical - Hurting a person’s body or


● Cyber - Use of email, social network, cell

phones, texting, etc.


● Aggressor(s) - those who initiate or

continue/encourage the bullying behavior

● Target(s)- those being bullied

● Bystander(s) - those who watch and are aware,

but do not participate (positively or negatively)

● Upstander(s) - those who intervene/follow

reporting procedures with the intention of

stopping the behaviors

Signs That A Child May Be Bullying


● Gets into physical or verbal fights

● Associates with others who bully

● Is increasingly aggressive

● Views violence as acceptable

● Seems to dominate or manipulate others

● Has unexplained extra money or new belongings

● Seems particularly competitive or concerned about


● Does not feel accountable for actions-blames others

Common Myths About Students who


● They are loners with few social skills

● They are insecure and have low self-


● They just want attention

● They are just “being children” or “just being


Common Signs of a Student Who is Being


● Avoidance of school or certain classes/areas

● Anxiety

● Physical complaints

● Feeling helpless, low self esteem

● Changes in eating/sleeping habits

● Drastic changes in academics

● Increased self-destructive choices

● Sudden loss of friends or increased isolation

Why Students Don’t Ask For Help

● Try handling the situation on their own

● Fear of being considered weak or a tattletale

● Fear of backlash or retaliation

● Embarrassment

● Fear of isolation or rejection

● Not wanting to get involved (bystanders)

● No safe, reliable reporting system

How We Respond to Bullying Behavior




Do You Suspect Bullying?

Contact a teacher, counselor or

administrator if bullying behavior is

suspected on school property or

between students.

What is our school’s

safe, reliable reporting system?

Reams students will:

★ Tell an adult as soon as possible.○ Can write a note or tell an adult.

★ Adult shares it with administrator/counselor.

★ Incident is investigated and student may be

asked to write/dictate about the incident.

★ All reporters remain protected.

How To Support Your Child

If a target of bullying - provide reassurance,

encourage appropriate self-advocacy, ensure a

report is made (ignoring the situation is not

always recommended)

If a bystander- encourage reporting

If an upstander - validate decision to stand up;

verify report was made; promote discretion

What if your child is bullying others?

● Calmly intervene to stop the behavior

● Directly address the behavior and reinforce your


o “This behavior is unacceptable because ____.”

“We expect you to ____”

● Hold your child accountable for his/her decisions

and actions (Don’t debate, argue, or accept excuses)

● Increase monitoring and supervision

● Be a good role model

A Parent’s Role in a Respectful

School Climate

● Model and encourage respectful behaviors for your


● Notify a teacher, counselor or administrator of concerns

about bullying

● Be involved with your child and aware of his/her hobbies,

friends, electronic communications & interests

● Hold your child accountable for his/her decisions

● Acknowledge positive, respectful behaviors to nurture


A positive, respectful

school climate helps

build a positive,

respectful community

at Reams.


● http://safesupportivelearning.ed.gov/

● http://www.stopbullying.gov/

● http://www.pbis.org/

● http://www.vdh.state.va.us/ofhs/prevention/preventbullyingva/

● http://www.violencepreventionworks.org/public/index.page

● www.bullyfreeva.org

● www.samhsa.gov

● http://stopcyberbullying.org/

● http://www.pacer.org/bullying/

● http://www.casel.org/

● http://empowerment.unl.edu/