Recce shooting

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When planning, I deliberated various venues to shoot my video within. I wanted something slick, stylish and classy. I want to create an high-class appeal of my performers and their surroundings. I wanted my audience to crave to be involved. A venue where people would want to visit. When deliberating, I contemplated various factors such as what would look right and where I would feel comfortable (due to the LGBTQ nature and the drag queen content, I wanted a place where we would feel accepted).

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The Late Lounge Night Venue, I felt, would be perfect for my video. The reason for this was because it’s stylish, modern, fashionable and of high-class. I contacted the manager of this club/bar, explaining my concept, who stated, depending when I wanted to film, something could be sorted. I was grateful for this.

However, there were various cons also to this venue. For example, its build includes many windows, and therefore, I’d have to film during the evenings if I was wanting my sophisticated nightclub scenes, . This wouldn’t be convenient as my performers would be using public transport and we'd have to be careful how long we filmed for due to their travel arrangements. My performers also do not live near this venue and so it would be inconvenient to reach.

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During my research, when discussing possible venues with one of my performers, a worker at Propaganda nightclub in Nottingham, he asked their sister nightclub, Bambuu of theiravailability. Once the venue had got back to us, I was entitled the use Bambuu's premises if I so wished. This was extremely beneficial to me, however I still wanted to research variousother options.

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Propaganda, Nottingham was my final decision in the venue I desired to place my music video within. There were various reasons behind my decision for this. First of all, it being an LGBTQ venue, I felt my drag queen concept would only be right here. It would be a place where I would feel comfortable filming as this wouldn't be anything unusual or out of the norm for them. Aside from this, my drag performers worked here, keeping my project all in one place. They would know the venue and people and so this would not only help me out in the planning process, it would also help out with the aesthetics of my video; they would know what would and wouldn't work. I am eternally grateful for all at Propaganda as without their help, my music video concept wouldn't be where it is today.

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My use of Propaganda

As the concept for my music video are drag queens are within a nightclub. I will use thevenue to film my video. Here, I will use the facilities to create a high-quality product,using all elements of the nightclub such as the bar, the dance-floor, the seating area. I willfilm on a Sunday, going until I have finished my filming.

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What permissions are required and how do you intend to get them?

It goes without saying I would need permission from the nightclub to film in their premises. To do this, a few months ago, I informally messaged the manager of the club, who stated itWould depend when I would want to film. However, during my final stages of planning, I thenE-mailed the venue again, of which, I did not receive a reply. Despite this, one of my Performers spoke to his manager informally and I was granted access.

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